Działalność tarnowskiej delegacji Książęco-Biskupiego Komitetu Pomocy w latach 1915–1917
- Institution: doktorant historii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
- Year of publication: 2016
- Pages: 233-254
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/21/ksm201613.pdf
Activity Tarnowskiej Delegation Książęco-Episcopal Assistance Committee in 1915–1917
Tarnowska delegation Książęco-episcopal Assistance Committee was officially was established on 19 August 1915 r. It was a transformation of Tarnowski Rescue Committee. This organization functioned during the First World War. Its patron was bishop of Tarnów Leon Wałęga. As part of its structure three sections: building, the orphan and food shortages were created. They were based on subsidies and donations, also from abroad. It moved to assist the most affected by the war diocese – orphans and the homeless, especially in rural areas. Delegation activity fell at the most difficult times. There was no shortage of clergy and lay people involved in helping the most needy. Institutional support was organized professionally. Thanks to the work Tarnowskiej Delegation K.B.K. many lives were saved.