- Author:
Małgorzata Lorencka
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University of Silesia in Katowice
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Even though the province has been a territorial division unit since the unification of Italy, despite the passing of over 150 years it has not been able to obtain a clear institutional identity. Its existence has been repeatedly questioned with attempts of abolition followed by reactivation. The economic crisis of 2008 brought again into question the legitimacy and efficiency of the functioning of the province. The latter was about to be abolished by means of an unsuccessful constitutional reform, which was rejected in the constitutional referendum of December 4, 2016. Nevertheless, in 2014 Parliament adopted the so-called Delrio Act, which did not eliminate the province, but transformed it into the so-called wide territorial unit (enti territoriali di area vasta) together with the newly created metropolitan cities. In Sicily, the provinces were abolished and free consortia were created in their place, while in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region inter-municipal territorial unions were formed. After the reforms carried out as a result of the economic crisis of 2008, the province became only one of many units of an intermediate level of the state structure and its actual significance was related to the policy of a particular region and assigned functions (regional rescaling). The weakening of the political position of the province is associated with its increasing dependence on the region, the elimination of the direct election of its organs, unpaid character of work in provincial bodies and the reduction of financial resources for existing competences.
- Author:
Michał Z. Dankowski
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- Institution:
Jagiellonian College – Toruń University
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Rodowód współczesnego administracyjnego podziału terytorialnego Hiszpanii. Sprawa municypiów i prowincji
Konstytucjonaliści hiszpańscy są zgodni, że współczesna organizacja terytorialna państwa wymaga pilnych reform. Mapa administracyjna państwa oparta na tradycyjnych jednostkach terytorialnych: municypiach i prowincjach nie wytrzymuje zderzenia ze współczesnymi wymaganiami „państwa autonomii”, jak zwykło nazywać się obecną Hiszpanię. O ile wspólnoty autonomiczne są podmiotami w miarę świeżymi, o tyle zarówno municypia, jak i prowincje sięgają swoimi korzeniami Średniowiecza, a nawet okresów wcześniejszych. Stąd próby forsowania nowych administracyjnych jednostek podziału terytorialnego, które nie zostały uwzględnione we współczesnej Konstytucji lub próby wskrzeszenia dawnych jednostek przystosowanych w większy lub mniejszy sposób do we współczesnym modelu państwa. Niniejszy artykuł przybliża rodowód poszczególnych jednostek terytorialnych, ukazując jak bardzo historia i tradycja wpływa na współczesny podział administracyjny państwa.
- Author:
Aleksandr Skiperskikh
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- Institution:
Bunin Yelets State University
- Year of publication:
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Essay About The Province (Notes About the Lack of Power in Modern Russia)
In this article, the author using sketches of Russian culture, tries to understand, how institutions of power can function in the Russian province, and how they can be perceived by the society. The power is distributed unevenly, and this has a full effect on its deficit in relation to provincial political discourse. The Russian example is not an exception. From the author’s point of view, modern practices may have significant cultural grounds, hiding in a special relation to the province, which traditionally accompanied political discourse. The author sees this attitude in various sketches from the texts of Aleksandr Pushkin, Andrey Platonov, Anton Chekhov, Ivan Bunin and other Russian classics. The author’s interpretation of the problem required an appeal to the theoretical works of political philosophers, such as Giorgio Agamben, Albert Camus, Niklas Luhmann, Michel Foucault and Max Scheler. The author believes that in the space of the Russian province there is an objective deficit of institutions of power, which speaks, on the one hand, of a certain disregard for the province, and, on the other hand, testifies to the strength of resistance to local initiatives and legal nihilism that has become part of the political philosophy of the Russian provincial. In turn, the provision of a person to himself, affects a fairly critical attitude toward the political power. A person is not more capable of trusting the authorities and seeking support from them. His being increasingly assumes an existential character. The policy of the federal government in modern Russia gives rise to serious gaps between the center and the province, which can forms affect the specific perception of power itself, and also affects the formation of anarchic attitudes.
- Author:
Владислав Очеретяний (Vladyslav Ocheretianyi)
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- Institution:
Університет Григорія Сковороди у Переяславі (Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav)
- Year of publication:
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The influence of the «Great War» on ukrainian grain production
Introduction. The article analyzes the state of agriculture in Ukraine during the war years 1914–1921, clarifies the factors of destructive impact on the main production and economic elements of agriculture and grain production. The aim of the article is to clarify the factors and scale of destructive impact of military disasters of 1914–1921 on the state of agriculture in Ukraine, in particular on agriculture and grain production as the main production and economic elements. Research tasks set by the authors are the following: to outline qualitative characteristics of the pre-war growth of commodity agricultural production of Ukrainian provinces as the basis of imperial exports; to study the main factors, trends and dominants of destructive influence on the pace of production, economic and socio-political processes during the «Great War» of 1914–1921 on the example of agriculture and grain production in Ukraine. Scientific novelty is determined by the involvement and elaboration of authoritative scientific sources, a critical and unbiased view of the problem. The authors use methodological principles of system analysis, statistical method and content analysis. It is noted that with the beginning of the Great War, positive processes observed in Ukrainian agriculture before the First World War were suspended, and then destructive phenomena began to develop more and more. The disorganization of market relations with the beginning of the war significantly affected economic interests of the peasantry, as evidenced by information and statistical indicators. The number of the rural population during the two years of the war significantly decreased, as did the number of able-bodied men on average per farm. Military and labor duties of Ukrainian peasants to serve the needs of the front, which involved unmobilized male rural population and even peasant women, also exacerbated negative effects of the outflow of labor from agriculture, which hit especially hard on small farms, which were actually ruined. The occupation of Ukraine resulted in a reduction in sown areas and, consequently, a reduction in the gross harvest of grain crops. At the same time, the front’s needs for food resources, including grain, were significant. Both imports and the production of agricultural machinery were also completely disorganized due to the withdrawal of labor, the forced transition of some factories to military rails, and the suspension or hindrance of the supply of metal and fuel. Depreciation of agricultural equipment, cessation of supplies of agricultural machinery, the ever-increasing number of seedless, tax-free and non-stock farms led to a decrease in the quality of land cultivation, which led to a decline in grain yields. Conclusions. It has been found that the «Great War» hit the agriculture of Ukraine very painfully with an unprecedented number of mobilized rural male population to the tsarist army, catastrophic shortage of labor, withdrawal of horses from farms – the main driving force of agriculture, depletion of rural labor. Socio-political and socio-economic cataclysms of the war years led to a decrease in the marketability of peasant farms, respectively, and to a reduction in the volume of marketable bread, and, as a consequence - led to a crisis in the grain market.