- Author:
Janusz Mariański
- Institution:
emerytowany pracownik Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
W poszukiwaniu socjologicznych podstaw pedagogiki religii autor artykułu zwraca uwagę tylko na wybrane kwestie, jak teorie socjologii religii (część teoretyczna) i socjalizację religijną oraz nauczanie religii w szkole (część empiryczna). Takie pojęcia jak religia, religijny, religijność stanowią przedmiot rozważań zarówno socjologii, jak i pedagogiki religii. Socjologiczne teorie religii, socjologiczne teorie przemian religijności we współczesnym świecie mogą być przydatne w budowaniu pedagogicznych koncepcji religii i religijności, właściwych dla pedagogiki religii. Empiryczna socjologia religii - poprzez swoje badania - uwrażliwia wszystkie podmioty edukacyjne na nowe zjawiska religijne i kościelne, zmieniające się ustawicznie w nowych uwarunkowaniach społeczno-kulturowych. Współpraca między pedagogiką i socjologią religii jest możliwa i potrzebna, ale powinna być niesłychanie ostrożna. Każda dyscyplina naukowa ma swoją odrębność teoretyczną i metodologiczną. Socjologizacja pedagogiki religii byłaby czymś niewskazanym, a socjologiczna pedagogika religii - czymś absurdalnym.
- Author:
Štefan Kseňák
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University in Košice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Law is a social construction. It focuses on the regulation of social relations. The interpretation of legal rules is constantly adapting to the social context. On the other side, the law code strongly influences society’s development, determining the future social context. The Constitution, within the understanding of basic law in any country, is one of the basic legal determinants of the future social context of any country. The Constitution affects the form and the content of the future accepted legal determiners and their interpretation. The regulation of social relations by the legal code is about the human effort to achieve insurance in this uncertain world. This effort might bring the result respecting that humanity has not invented anything more effective yet. Any state and transnational community create own superparadigm - the identical worldview of the society. Regarding the changes of the social context, with no respect to its reason, there comes logically a change of social superparadigm. The Constitution responds to it as well as there are the activities of the courts, having the rights of constitutionality defenders.
- Author:
Alicja Gałązka
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Drama is an art form, a practical activity, and an intellectual discipline highly accessible to young people. In education, it is a mode of learning that challenges students to make meaning of their world. Th rough students’ active identification with imagined roles and situations in drama, they can learn to explore issues, events and relationships. In drama students draw on their knowledge and experience of the real world. Drama has the capacity to move and change both participants and audiences and to affirm and challenge values, cultures and identities Drama can develop students’ artistic and creative skills and humanize learning by providing lifelike learning contexts in a classroom setting that values active participation in a non-threatening, supportive environment. Drama empowers students to understand and influence their world through exploring roles and situations and develops students’ non-verbal and verbal , individual and group communication skills. It develops students’ intellectual, social, physical, emotional and moral domains through learning that engages their thoughts, feelings, bodies and actions. In the paper I will demonstrate process drama and how it may be used as a creative medium of teaching English as a foreign language.