- Author:
Małgorzata Bortliczek
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Artykuł Bogaty język, zaniedbany język - refleksje o kulturze języka dotyczy wybranych zjawisk językowych. W centrum uwagi znajdują się leksykalne i ortograficzne oraz składniowe i interpunkcyjne zaniedbania dostrzegane w komunikatach tworzonych przez instytucje państwowe. Materiał analityczny pochodzi m.in. ze sprawozdania Rady Języka Polskiego za lata 2010-2011, które dotyczy oficjalnej komunikacji instytucji państwowych z Polakami. Celem opisu jest wskazanie przyczyn wybranych błędów oraz prezentacja zasad regulujących pisownię prawidłową, a także przedstawienie skorygowanych wersji omawianych przykładów. Wnioski płynące z analizy oficjalnych dokumentów pod kątem przestrzegania kultury języka przekładają się na refleksję dotyczącą odpowiedzialności za kondycję języka polskiego, który jest ważnym składnikiem tożsamości narodowej.
- Author:
Світлана Шабат-Савка (Svitlana Shabat-Savka)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича (Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University)
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Interrogative speech as a component of folk song discourse: linguo-cultural aspect
The linguo-cultural approach in the poly-paradigmatic scope of modern linguistics determines the appearance of scientific studies on multilevel language units as ethnomarked resources that express national culture and mentality in the folk literary texts, folklore, parables. In this aspect, Ukrainian folk songs stand out due to the high poeticism, expressiveness, imagery and lyricism created by syntactic constructions. This article, in particular, analyzes interrogative constructions as meaningful components of folk song discourse that affect mental spheres of the language personality and mark the national-linguistic worldview of the Ukrainian speaker. Drawing upon the research material the author defined communicative-intentional content of interrogative statements, characterized the models-realization of query intentions, which, as evidenced by the created source data, verbalize, on the one hand, multidirectional interrogative components (pronouns and adverbs) that embody explanatory intentions aimed at cognitive process-search, and on the other hand, interrogative particles that actualize emotional and evaluative semantics (doubts, assumptions, surprise, reproach, laughter, resentment, etc.) in the folk song discourse. By using the relevant linguistic methodology, it became possible to present the addresser-addressee continuum of song communication (mother – son, father – daughter, husband – wife, brother – sister, etc.), which emphasizes the important role of interrogative constructions in dialogic speech, in creating naturalness and dynamics of the song, as well as in the expression of primary and secondary interrogative functions. A detailed study of various genres of songs (Christmas carols, spring songs, bathing songs, baptismal songs, lullabies, family-household songs, social-household songs, etc.) enabled us to determine the functional potential of interrogative constructions aimed at expressiveness, emotionality and evaluation. It is also focused on the major and minor key of the song, highlighting deep sensuality and poeticism of man as a representative of Ukrainian culture and linguo-mentality.
- Author:
Аліна Пестушко (Alina Pestushko)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Відокремлений структурний підрозділ «Херсонський політехнічний фаховий коледж Державного університету «Одеська політехніка» (Separate Structural Subdivision Kherson Polytechnic Professional College of Odessa Polytechnic State University)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Typological characteristics of logical segmentation of sentences of ukrainian and english languages
The proposed article is devoted to the comparative study of the means of expression of the logical segmentation in English and Ukrainian. The topic of the article is determined by the fact that the study of functional perspective of a sentence is now the most important stage in the formation of communicative and functional grammar of any language. The article analyzes the general theoretic foundations of the notion of “segmentation”. The main features of sentence segmentation in linguistics are characterized. In the course of the work main stages of scientific thought in the field of comparative linguistics are reflected, such concepts as “segmentation”, “logical segmentation” are studied, and principles of the logical segmentation of sentences in the languages under consideration are analysed. A systematic analysis of the available data on the problem of segmentation is performed. The means of segmentation expression in the languages are identified and analyzed. It has been revealed that the complex of the main differences in the segmentation of sentences in Ukrainian and English languages. The complex analysis of pedagogical, psychological and linguistic knowledge of the research problem has been established. The mechanism of segmentation, which is one of the special mechanisms providing all aspects of communication, has been revealed. Real links in a sentence are analysed and described. The knowledge on the peculiarities of segmentation of the English-language text has been identified, summarized and systematized. A comparative-typological description of the two languages on the problem has been carried out. Based on these theories, the main problems of sentence segmentation in English are highlighted. Based on the comparison with the English language, the syntactic, grammatical and lexical ways of separating the topic and the rheme are highlighted and described in detail in a comparative perspective. In the course of the study, the universal mechanisms of sentence segmentation in English and Ukrainian are revealed, as well as the areas that are selective in either English or Ukrainian. The article considers the phenomenon of segmentation in different aspects: the history of the development of structures as expressive units of literary language, the types of segmentation are analyzed.