- Author:
Tunde Abioro
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife (Nigeria)
- Author:
Omolara Akinyemi
- Institution:
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife (Nigeria)
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Modern governments in modern states in third world countries are overwhelmed with social circumstances that have forced citizens to resort to self-help. Also, prevalent unclear demographic and globalization issues are sometimes neutral lines of justification for either transit or destination posture of the West African states. Concisely, poverty issues have continuously permeated the West Africa region’s fabric, and the challenges seem protracting. It has implications for mobility, (women) trafficking, and human security, among others. The quantitative approach adopted profiled index while evaluating and descriptive methods explained the content. Among other findings, lack of national data and proper immigration service is obvious. Thus, adequate data for national planning is recommended. Further, ongoing regional and national initiatives for possible integration and collaboration to address challenges are advocated.
- Author:
Maria Banaś
- Institution:
Politechnika Śląska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Identity in the age of globalisation (a report on Manford Kuhn’s Twenty Statements Test taken by the students from Poland and Zimbabwe)
The global reality, and in particular the extensive network of economic, political and also strategic interdependencies, especially over the past several years, has led to a significant conversion of the educational model. As a result of the real changes taking place, whole social categories can be observed, whose life, work and also study are completely uprooted from a specific place and the concept of “we” goes beyond the borders of the local community. This raises the question of the factors that shape the “self” in the changing global world of the 21st century. The aim of this article is to compare the categories within which young people from Poland and Zimbabwe define themselves and to identify the dominant elements of a description of the “self” concept. The research tool is the Twenty Statements Test designed by the symbolic interactionist Manford Kuhn. McPartland’s (1959) codification key is used to interpret the test results.
- Author:
Tomasz Leszniewski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Education and mobility. The role of education in the migration process as exemplified by the study of Poles living in Scotland
The paper is an attempt to answer the question about relation between education and mobility in condition of changing society. For this purpose was used survey research conducted amid post-accession migrants form Poland actually living in Scotland. The research was conducted in two stages, and participated in this 627 respondents living in varied part of Scotland. The first step was to conduct face-to-face interviews (258 respondents), while in the second stage was used CAWI method (Computer Assisted Web Interviews) (369 respondents). Collected empirical data has permitted to establish relation between degree level of education and migration motive of respondents. We can assume that factor explaining of that relation is cultural capital of man, which is collected during education process, in an institutionalized and embodied form. A ready-to-mobility attitude is a resource transmitted in socialization process. The longer individual attends to institutionalized form of education, the more often they manifested migration motivation focused on post-material values – willingness to meet a new challenge in live or assembling a new live experience connected to personal development.
- Author:
Anna Szafrańska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Mobility of young adults from Central and Eastern European countries – a Polish-Czech-Slovak-Ukrainian comparative study
The young generation is treated as the future of society. This generation’s size, skills and knowledge, as well as economic activity, socio-cultural involvement, marital intentions and family (procreation) plans determine the quality of society. Thus, an important issue is the outflow of young people who decide to migrate abroad. It is therefore important to recognize both the current experiences and the life plans of the young generation in this field. In post-communist countries, the fall of the communist system had a major impact on the increase in mobility. Political, sociocultural and economic changes have contributed to the emergence of new migration-related phenomena and the so-called fluid migration, characterized by free movement of labour, massiveness, diversity and plasticity. The surveyed youth from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have experiences related to functioning within open borders, unlike the youth from Ukraine, where the borders are closed. Wioletta Danilewicz notices the existence of the so-called migration culture, i.e. the acceptance (by the participants of migration processes) that these are phenomena constituting an inherent element of their lives, despite their awareness of the unfavourable co-occurring elements. The research results presented in the text indicate that the surveyed young adults do not fully follow this trend.
- Author:
Рышард Стефанский
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Университет Яна Кохановского в Кельце, Польша
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Turanism as a Cultural-Civilizational Model of Social Organization
The article presents a brief description of Turanism as one of the basic cultural-civilizational models that are substrates of modern systems of social organization. The cultural-civilizational model is understood axiologically as a system of values and principles of human community organization. The author presents and briefly substantiates the key values and principles on which Turanism is based: mobility, teleologism, chieftaincy, cult of power, hero ethos, brotherhood in arms, subordination to the leader, violence, expansionism, utilitarianism of extensive type, voluntarism and legal nihilism. The author presents examples and arguments in favor of the thesis that Turanism is not a historical relic, but an actively functioning model of social organization in the modern world. In particular, wherever there is an authoritarian structure of society with the use of physical violence, the cult of a strong leader, the dominance of masculinism, frequent violation of the rule of law and preference of extensive economy to intensive one, we can speak of a turanistic mode of cultural-civilizational organization. Where in everyday life preferences for forceful problem solving are preserved, preference is given to activities that risk life and health, male culture dominates over female culture, impulsiveness and voluntarism dominate over moderation and prudence, we can see the preservation of the turanistic axiological system.