Dydaktyka zdalna w czasach pandemii COVID-19 – opinie studentów, wnioski, implikacje praktyczne. Raport z badań
- Institution: Politechnika Śląska
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5543-7010
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 117-133
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2021.03.06
- PDF: kie/133/kie13306.pdf
Remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic – students’ opinions, conclusions, practical implications. Research report
This article presents the results of own research carried out on a sample of 507 students of Polish universities who, due to the global pandemic situation, carried out their classes at their home university as part of education using remote education methods and techniques. The research was carried out at the turn of March and April 2021 to learn about the reflections of students who, as it can be assumed, have already got used to remote education. The objectives of the research were focused on learning about the methods of delivering lectures, practical, training, and laboratory classes at universities during the pandemic, as well as communication and technology tools that academic teachers used in the process of learning and communicating with students. The research was focused on identifying the level of students’ involvement and motivation in the education process during a pandemic, as well as on the diagnosis of factors that make it difficult for students to learn remotely. The aim of the research was also to find out about the competencies of students, which were developed during remote education, and additionally, the forms of learning preferred by students, enabling the achievement of the assumed didactic goals.