Nauczanie języków skandynawskich w dobie pandemii – (konieczne) zmiany w programie nauczania, ich pozytywne i negatywne aspekty
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 169-183
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/133/kie13309.pdf
Teaching of Scandinavian languages in the time of pandemic – (necessary) changes in the syllabus, positive and negative aspects
The outburst of COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 for the first time in the history of 21st century led to a sudden cease in the functioning of the modern world. An initial disbelieve, common fear and the feeling of uncertainty had to pass as decisions had to be made fast and actions taken into place without hesitation. The world of academia suddenly had to face the challenge of reorganising the well-known approaches and teaching methods. This article is an attempt to describe the necessary changes that were introduced in the syllabus and teaching approach for Scandinavian languages at the Institute of Applied Linguistic at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw in the time of pandemic. The positive and negative aspects of the introduced changes are presented with reference to the specifics of “small languages” didactics that is among others working with highly motivated students. The authors present the results of the survey research that aimed at checking and levelling students’ motivation and involvement while working online; evaluating the Swedish courses in the time of pandemic with reference to the introduced changes.