- Author:
Володимир Карий
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- Institution:
West Ukrainian National University
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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Legal education as an integral part of the functional responsibilities of specialists of the free legal aid system – practical aspects of implementation
The article describes the administrative structure of the units of the free legal aid system in Ukraine, which perform the function of legal education. The tasks, responsibilities and powers of legal education units at each of the institutional levels of the free legal aid system are considered and analyzed in detail, as well as the territorial division of jurisdiction of such units. The author analyzed the relationship, the degree of subordination and general coordination of actions between units of different levels of the structure. The publication also identifies and substantiates an important normatively enshrined and actually implemented priority given to legal education activities in the system of free legal aid in Ukraine. The publication describes the experience of legal education activities by other structural units of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, as well as statistics on the awareness of residents of the country about the right to receive free legal aid as part of the formation of legal awareness. The concept of legal education campaigns conducted by the system of free legal aid with the separation of their basic features and methods of implementation is considered in detail.
- Author:
Дмитро Фролов
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- Institution:
КЗ «Запорізький обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти» Запорізької обласної ради
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Development of STEM Education of Natural Disciplines in the Conditions of Distance Education
The article provides a practical overview of the use of STEM-learning technology, which aims to establish interdisciplinary links that contribute to the formation of students’ holistic, systematic worldview, modern personal attitudes to the issues. Such lessons or classes can be conducted by combining the subjects of several subjects or the formation of integrated courses or separate special courses for students during distance education. In the conditions of distance education, the use of dynamic web-services in the professional activity of a teacher acquires practical significance, with the help of which it becomes possible to work with students some curriculum materials with the involvement of STEM-technologies. Own experience and experience of teachers of the Zaporizhzha region in the implementation of the study of real natural processes that can be carried out in distance learning, was analyzed. In this way, teachers found out and used several interesting dynamic web-resources that are fully or partially publicly available and do not require additional financial costs (registration or subscription) when conducting lessons on the basis of STEM. Thus, the available teaching aids can be used in classroom (face-toface) work, when the teacher uses a projector to demonstrate to the whole class activities on the resource, or in individual or group work, using smartphones as teaching aids. The experience of practical use of sites was carried out in KZ “ZOIPPO” ZOR in teaching the discipline of information and communication technologies, where teachers read web pages and train to compose tasks for students to use them in their daily teaching practice. Due to such tasks, in the study of the world economy and the national economy, students develop an awareness of global interdependence and personal responsibility. Such activities immediately implement several cross-cutting levels of the curriculum: a holistic scientific view of the world, an adequate understanding of the peculiarities of the modern world; understanding of the unity and harmony between the natural environment, the development of material production and the level of growth of social standards of the population in conditions of sustainable development. Of course, involvement in distance learning format is not able to fully replace the face-to-face format. But to reinforce theoretical material, it can be a good alternative for understanding natural phenomena or processes in the study of physics, astronomy, geography, geology, biology and ecology, chemistry, etc.