- Author:
Ľubomíra Valovičová
- Institution:
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
- Author:
Eva Sollárová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Inquiry-based education as a means of teaching has not been sufficiently studied in the context of empirical cognition in children of lower ages. The currently enhanced space for preschool science education creates possibilities to verify the applicability of physical experiment in the empirical cognition of preschool children and its effect on the development of their creative thinking. The developed Empirical Cognition Development Programme was implemented in kindergarten conditions and empirically verified in a quasi-experimental design on a sample of 102 children (2 experimental groups N = 71; 1 control group N = 31). To capture the level of creative thinking and its changes in children, the Torrance Figural Test of Creative Thinking (Torrance, 1974; Jurčová, 1984) was used. Results of comparative analyses showed a statistically and practically significant increase in the level of the creative thinking factors studied (fluency, flexibility, originality) in one of the experimental groups in comparison with the control group. The article discusses the results and implications for educational practice in the conditions of preschool education.
- Author:
Zofia Okraj
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Culture of Constructive Discussions. A Statement from Experimental Research
The article presents the results of experimental research on the culture of creative thinking that consists of its: characteristics, purposes, contents, principles, forms, methods of discussions, and didactic means used to activate students’ creative thinking. The research has also allowed to learn how important in the process of stimulation of students’ creative thinking are such conditions as: atmosphere of discussion, appearance of critical expressions destroying ideas (“idea killers”), and moderators’ personality traits. The main results of the described cycle of creative discussion are: stimulation of students’ creative thinking, teaching students the culture of creative discussion and strategy of “attacking” problems by generating many various and original ideas to solve problems, increasing students’ awareness of their own potential of creativity, and obtaining the ability of discussing and cooperating in teams / groups.
- Author:
Anzhelika Kurchatova
- Institution:
V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv
- Author:
Kateryna Shapochkа
- Institution:
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article considers the problems of creativity development of higher education students at a bachelor’s level in „Preschool Education” in professional training. Creativity is defined as an integrated quality of the future educator of preschool children in kindergarten, and the importance of creative thinking development during the assimilation of educational components of the professional direction is determined. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity and the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man. The essence of the concept of „pedagogical conditions” is revealed. The pedagogical conditions for the effective development of creative thinking of future educators of preschool children that improve the quality of professional training in higher education are considered. Three conditions of creative thinking development of higher education students of the preschool profile are substantiated. They are the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques for activating the creative potential of higher education students of „Preschool Education” speciality in the educational process of higher education institutions; ensuring the problematic nature of the educational process of future educators of preschool children; active practice-oriented activities of future educators of preschool children. Innovative pedagogical technologies and leading methods of work with future educators of preschool children are projects, quests, training sessions, and classes based on certain methods of the theory of inventive problems (MTIP). They allow teachers to guide students of higher education to self-improvement and self-realisation, creative activity, and future professionals to master their knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve specific educational problems in preschool, apply creative approaches, and develop communication and organisational skills. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity, the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man.
- Author:
Maciej Karwowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Academy of Special Education, Warsaw, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Based on research with a new instrument to measure creative potential – Test of Creative Imagination (TCI) eight separate studies are presented, where TCI and other measures were used. In study 1 TCI was used together with the well-known measure of creativity – Urban & Jellen Test of Creative Thinking Drawing Production. In study 2 validity of TCI was evaluated using Popek’s KANH (CANH) questionnaire – the Polish measure of creative attitude. In study 3 relations among creative imagination (TCI) and types of mind were assessed, in study 4 possible interrelations between TCI and measures of intuitiveness – rationality, and in studies 5 & 6 relations between creative imagination and personality and psychological needs, respectively. Study 7 was developed to show relations between TCI and hierarchy of values, and the last – 8 study to evaluate relations between TCI and academic and emotional intelligence. The results show some significant relations between the results obtained in TCI and the used tests and questionnaires and the results confirm the value of the new instrument.