- Author:
Verónica Marín-Díaz
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- Institution:
University of Cordoba
- Year of publication:
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The arrival of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has brought about intense methodological restructuring in the participating countries. These changes, along with the development of ICT, are reshaping the Higher Education system. The emergence of advanced technological tools like the Moodle platform has altered the teaching-learning process at every educational cycle. This paper springs from the work undertaken as part of the ongoing project for Educational Excellence in collaboration with three Andalusia universities: Seville, Cadiz and Huelva. The study was entitled Tele-education Platforms for Virtual Instruction. Since work at the University of Huelva has taken into consideration the students at some point, and the University of Córdoba lacks research on this area, we decided to examine the role of the student at the University of Cordoba as side-work to the original project. To this purpose, we designed an instrument to determine the students’ rate of use, level of satisfaction and level of knowledge of the Moodle platform. Thus, with this paper we would like to emphasize the relevance of students as key elements in the education system, as recipients of the teaching process.
- Author:
Biljana Vitošević
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University of Kosovska Mitrovica
- Author:
Anita Janković
- Institution:
University of Kosovska Mitrovica
- Author:
Zdravko Vitošević
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- Institution:
University of Kosovska Mitrovica
- Year of publication:
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This paper is based on piloting of blended learning as a transformative learning process in order to keep pace with technological innovation. Our redesign of the course was the intention of the use of blended learning as a tool for high-quality, meaningful and longer lasting knowledge, improvements in learning outcomes and greater engagement of students in learning. We chose Moodle platform as a highly sophisticated learning management system with many modules and its possibilities of application in the learning context to develop the online component as a supplement to classroom lessons. After conducting an analysis of the course and a questionnaire, we concluded that students use all the segments of the online component and they become more engaged, their assignments end on time and at the end they would express their satisfaction with the course redesign. Using the T-test for large independent samples there is statistically significantly better performance in the final test (p<0.01) for students who have used Moodle compared to students from the previous generation attending traditional classes, while in the theoretical part of the exam there are higher grades instead of middle, but without statistical significance (p>0.05), which leads us to the view that blended learning helps, above all, average students to upgrade and advance their knowledge. Considering that many of our student are athletes, blended learning is a good choice for them as they are professionally engaged in sports and they can follow the course and complete their assignments in addition to sports commitments. This piloting will serve as a parameter for future use of blended learning to be more adapted to the needs and objectives of students and eliminate any disadvantages.
- Author:
Дмитро Єфімов
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- Institution:
Горлівський інститут іноземних мов Державного вищого навчального закладу «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет»
- Year of publication:
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Organization of Educational Process for Students from Uncontrolled Territories of Donbass by Distance Learning Means
The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the educational process for the learners from the non-controlled territories of Donbas with the purpose to facilitate the process of their work results quality improvement and the creation and application of open electronic systems to support scientific and educational theoretical, methodological and practical bases. It is emphasized that remote technologies today are an effective system of training and online support in order to achieve the highest marks of the level of specialists in educational fields and industries. The vast majority of scientists and educators talk about the benefits of distance learning, which requires much less time and energy to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, is also much more mobile and comfortable than other existing forms of learning and education. The use of distance education in Ukraine today allows to teach without interruption from the main activity, to teach people with special educational needs, to have access to modern educational resources of the world through the use of mobile electronic communications, to provide educational services in remote corners of our country. The work of the Donbas-Ukraine educational center in the Donetsk region is outlined, where several effective methods of teaching with the use of computer and telecommunication technologies are used in higher education institutions. In developing a model of self-educational activities in the process of distance learning, the principles are identified, which in the educational process reflect the main points of objective laws, which express the needs of their functioning. The stages of self-educational activity related to the assimilation of educational information in the conditions of distance learning are revealed. It is known that the self-educational activities of students include technological and personal components, which are due to didactic and psychological aspects of this activity. The national experience in the introduction of the academic plans into the Moodle distance learning program for the development of information and research competence of teaching staff is highlighted. There has been demonstrated the mechanism of eliminating the problems of distance school with the purpose to enable the students from the occupied territories to receive high- -quality knowledge according to the current national educational programs. The development and dissemination of the positive experience in teaching the pupils from temporarily occupied territories distantly and the system of admission to universities are covered. The Moodle distance system key functions and subjects which can be put to use by pedagogical staff of the core schools are revealed.
- Author:
Olena Shcherbakova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University
- Author:
Svitlana Nikiforchuk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The article reveals the problem of the simultaneous development of methods of the use of information and communication technologies application in the teaching process of an educational institution. In the current conditions of education, in the conditions of war, the educational model can exist only in combination with the use of modern technologies for teaching English. The education system needs to modernize teaching methods by means of innovative tools of information and communication technologies and to carry out such training of teachers at the state level, as well as to rely on the self-education of active teachers-practitioners. Instead of simply restricting students to linear displays, such as reading text from a book, media products create this process by involving various elements to make it more dynamic and interesting. The authors analyzed the advantages and peculiarities of the technology which are actively used in the presentation of information. When introducing and updating lexical or grammatical material, it is effective to use presentations that contain not only certain information, grammatical material, but also slides with illustrations, pictures, and small text tasks. The authors also gave information about some wide spread digital platforms for teaching and learning that are convenient as for teachers so for students. Moodle is an integration platform for teaching a foreign language: it is quite stable, scalable, and modularity and support for open integration protocols have been a priority for developers from the very beginning. Puzzle English is an online platform (website and mobile applications) for self-study of a foreign language. Kahoot is a free educational platform that can be used to conduct interactive classes and test students’/pupils’ knowledge through online testing. It is suitable for studying any academic discipline in any education institution. Canva was created as a graphic resource, but now it is actively used by teachers.