Doświadczenia z okresu dzieciństwa i ich znaczenie w dorosłości – przyczynek do badań nauczycieli przedszkoli i szkół z polskim językiem nauczania na Zaolziu w Republice Czeskiej
- Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 101-118
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/16/em1607.pdf
Childhood experiences and their significance in adulthood – a supplement to the studies among teachers from kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in Zaolzie in the Czech Republic
The article comprises a presentation of quantitative and qualitative studies, conducted among teachers working in kindergartens and schools with Polish as the teaching language in the territory of Zaolzie in the Czech Republic. Teachers’ experiences are analysed from the perspective of both the constructivist vision of a child, present in pedagogy, and Maria Tyszkowa’s concept of structuration and restructuration of experience (considered to be a part of the constructivist current). The undertaken reflections and the research results enable the recognition of the significance of childhood experiences for the professional development of beginners in teaching careers. Those reflections and outcomes can also enhance the development of teachers’ awareness and responsibility for providing children and youth with experiences that will be of crucial importance in their later life young.