Problema gіdroenergetichnogo osvoєnnja Dnіpra v pracjakh doslіdnikіv Ukraїnskogo naukovogo іnstitutu u Varshavі (1930 – 1939 rr.)
- Institution: ДВНЗ „Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди” (Україна)
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 157-172
- DOI Address:
- PDF: pomi/02/pomi201610.pdf
The problem Dnieper hydropower development in the works of researchers Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Warsaw (1930 – 1939 years).
In 1930 Ukrainian scientist in exile established The Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Warsaw. The staff of the Institute carefully monitored the processes of the industrialization and collectivization in the USSR. Famous Ukrainian scientists Shovheniv I. and Ivanys V. in their works published four texts related to the problem of the hydro construction on the river Dnieper. They emphasized the magnitude and complexity of these works, marked the creation of the major producer of the electricity and the waterways through the rapids. Simultaneously, researchers pointed to a number of disadvantages: problems with fisheries, lack of anti-malarial operations, poor navigable infrastructure of the Dnieper and more. Shovheniv I. was not agreed with the exclusive appropriation the Dnieprostroi’s achievements by the Soviet authorities. He showed specific examples of such important hydro technique works in various countries, described the evolution of the river regulating operations in the Russian Empire and the Ukrainian state.