Семіотико-композиційні аспекти формування творів станкового живопису Китаю: загальнотеоретичний аналіз
- Institution: Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0783-6786
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 177-193
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ksm20220110
- PDF: ksm/33/ksm3310.pdf
Semiotico-compositive aspects of the formation of Chinese equipment painting works: general theoretical analysis
The scientific article is devoted to the complex analysis of semiotic-compositional aspects of formation of works of easel painting of China. It established that taking into account the holistic and fundamental changes that took place in the spiritual life of society in the late XX –early XXI century and due to the transformations taking place in the fine arts of China, it is obvious that profound changes have affected the methodology of philosophical knowledge and the foundations of artistic creativity. In art, the practice of artistic creativity and the accompanying philosophical reflection always go hand in hand, fully determining each other. In turn, attention to some specific aspects of the formation of the compositional construction of a work of art is not only able to promote practice, but can deepen the degree of penetration into all aspects of the topic under consideration. Emphasis is placed on the fact that extrapolating such a method to the study of the phenomena of compositional construction, we can afford to trace the relationship between individual artistic styles and their relationship to the goals and objectives of composition. This allows us to distinguish two aspects of the study: the attitude to the composition, its goals, objectives, methods and techniques in the context of the analyzed individual artistic styles; attitude to the composition, its goals, objectives, methods and techniques, as a communicative model of “open” type, in which the message changes as codes change, and the use of certain codes is dictated by ideology, features of historical development, translational movement of semiosis.