Kompetencje do odbioru filmów dokumentalnych. Na przykładzie analizy narracji studentów pedagogiki
- Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 176-191
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2015.03.09
- PDF: kie/109/kie10909.pdf
This paper highlights the main issues concerned with competences necessary for the documentary film reception. The main purpose of this article is to investigate pedagogy students’ (specialization: social-cultural animation) understanding of documentary films on the basis of their narration and to define the basic competences in film understanding. According to the thesis, competences for proper film reception require general knowledge which enables individuals to make choices, understanding conventions, contexts and interdependences. Research focuses on the reception of Polish documentary films created before the political changes in 1989. The analysis of results and final conclusions are based on Umberto Eco’s and Francesco Casetti’s theoretical concept of the text assumptions. The study has confirmed assumptions presented above and justified the following conclusion: documentary film is a text based on the specific competence of the spectator but also contributes to the formation of certain competence. The film text makes the spectator capable of actualizing the various meaning-contents and the role of the spectator is to update his knowledge while receiving documentary film. The textual cooperation gives the spectator an essential role in the process of creating meaning.