Bieda jest kobietą - dyskursywne obrazy kobiet doświadczających ubóstwa
- Institution: Politechnika Warszawska
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 265-277
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/109/kie10916.pdf
Researchers underline, that one of the characteristics of poverty, especially nowadays, is its different perception by men and women. This observation is result of changes in research approach to poverty, which focus now on differences between groups, not on poverty en block. As research shows, women are not only more at risk of entering the sphere of poverty, but also carry a heavier burden and larger responsibility for coping with it (living in poverty and exiting poverty). Such a situation is related to social definitions and images of proper/desired social practices that are attributed to women experiencing poverty. In this article, basing mostly on materials and analyses from the project “Discourses of poverty and social exclusion”, I intend to show how the role of women living in poverty is discoursively constructed, what is their image in society, what are the social expectations. I am focusing on the discourse created by the social actors who are responsible for supporting women in coping with poverty (representatives of social welfare centres and NGOs). Social actors opinions are important, because their image of women living in poverty is a base, to create programs and offerts.