- Author:
Krystyna Gomółka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Politechnika Gdańska, Poland
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The European Union supported Kazakhstan in carrying out political, economic and social reform twice. For the first time EU did so within the framework of the TACIS program in the years 1991–2006 when Kazakhstan has received $ 166 million mainly for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, transport, environmental protection, administrative reform and health care and education. Again, the European Union has granted funds to Kazakhstan in the framework of the Strategy for Central Asia in 2007–2013. The main burden of support has been designed to prepare for institutional reforms for good governance and human rights protection. There were implemented 17 projects within four sectors: legal services and the judiciary; human rights, economic policy and development, strengthening civil society. In assessing the changes in some regions of the country reported good practices in the field of dialogue between local authorities and non-governmental organizations, increase the efficiency of public services and the transparency of budgetary expenditure. It was emphasized, however, that the authorities of Kazakhstan do not show understanding for the concept of good governance and democratization processes.
- Author:
Тетяна Гуркова
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Комунальний заклад «Запорізький обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти» Запорізької обласної ради
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Modern Teaching Materials in Natural Cycle Lessons in Primary School
An important function of education is to teach primary school students the skills and abilities to apply knowledge in life situations, preparing them for the challenges that await outside of school. In connection with the strategy, teachers acquire the mastery of innovative forms, methods, techniques and teaching in primary school. There is no traditional urgency of this problem, at the present stage it is undeniable relevance and novelty. The article is devoted to the analysis, systematization and generalization of the problem of introduction of modern teaching aids in the lessons of the natural cycle in primary school from the point of view of practice. The focus is on the formation of research and development skills in primary school students in project activities; acquaintance with scientific articles during modeling Ability to analyze, specify and systematize information by compiling Logical Reference Schemes. The priority is given to the use of computers in modern lessons, software as an urgent and necessary requirement of the time. During the educational process, students learn to master knowledge, evaluate their own progress, put forward hypotheses, prove them, simplify, listen and hear the opinions of others. The creative, exploratory approach of primary school teachers to the choice of modern teaching aids should become an organic part of students’ learning. Methodical instructions, the algorithm of the conducted classes, types of activity are concretized by examples on which the author emphasizes practicality of the outlined means. The author provides recommendations for improving the educational process according to the current legal framework of primary school. The practical material is promising for its use by primary school teachers in the face of changes in education, provides a solid basis for the author’s search, gaining their own experience, evaluation of activities in the context of educational innovations.