- Author:
Kazimierz Pierzchała
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości w Warszawie, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The object of the article are aspects of penitentiary system of Russian Federation based on two pints of view: Polish and Russian. The aim is to highlight the essence, the content and range but also conditioning and tendencies for changes in the context of international ambitions and role of Russia but also widely knowing term like security of nation I case of penitentiary system of such country. Popularised and worked out in 2006 by European Prison Rules (Recommendations Rec (2006)2) the idea of normalisation, meaning minimalization some effects of imprisonment, will have a long way to find appropriate using in Russian penitentiary practice, which is directed mostly on giving a penalty for somebody. It is such seen both by the society and the government. The most accurate opinion is management policy of Federal Prison Service became as it were the model of country in which monopoly to rule belong to weight structures. In all, there is no humanisation of current justice, because the cult of prison is constantly observed and judicial reform transpired strongly illusory. The lack of control for penitentiary system by the social organisation is the effect of many omissions. In the source literature is appeared many opinions that in Russia the prison culture permeated to the every spheres of life.
- Author:
Paulina Klemm
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
One of the most controversial aspects regarding resocialization is a doubt whether imprisonment, which entails isolation, enables efficient educational activity. To be able to prognostically look at the process of work with prisoners, one should, first of all, give a closer look to the very definition of resocialization. The simplest way is to comprehend it as a discipline regarding disfunctions, defects and inability to adapt to the society. It leads toward a conviction that using the provisions of law in force we are able to influence or even change an individual’s standpoint. Many researchers focusing on the definition notices that the number of views is equal to the number of papers. A critique touches mainly pedagogues whose works are the most numerous. They are criticized for that without the familiarity of basic legal provisions it is impossible to solve all dilemmas concerning so broad topic which is the change of man’s personality.
- Author:
Marta Jaroszewska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Olsztyn Detention Center
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Corruption in a broad, general sense is perceived as an important social problem that occurs in all spheres of human activity. This phenomenon develops according to the dynamics of changes in a given society. What remains unchanged over the years is that the purpose of corruption is material goods and personal benefits. The subject of this article is the phenomenon of corruption occurring in penitentiary units in the context of their security. When considering the issue of corruption, particular attention should be paid to the judicial authorities and places where perpetrators of crimes, including persons convicted for bribery, are serving sentences, i.e. prisons or detention centers.