- Author:
Adela Kożyczkowska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Tadeusz Lewowicki’s pedagogical project of multiculturalism in the context of questions about Conditio Humana
The presented article is the continuation of my research on Tadeusz Lewowicki’s pedagogical thought. Earlier, I focused on recognizing the concept of a human being and how it exists in T. Lewowicki’s scientific work as a pedagogical reflection. In this text, I make an attempt to embed pedagogical thoughts on a human being in the context of Tadeusz Lewowicki’s reflections on multiculturalism. My aim is to retry to recognize a human being (in the political project of multiculturalism) through questions about Conditio Humana. The context is provided by Hanna Arendt’s selected reflections on human condition as something closely (un)related to a human being and politics. The text is composed of three parts: the first introduces the issue of multiculturalism which is always a creation of a human being and politics; the second part concerns the influence of politics on “human life” (I have already used some motifs earlier, but without recalling them it is impossible to write about “human life” which in Lewowicki’s pedagogy is the condition for the emergence of a human being); the third, and the final part of the article is devoted to the need to ask questions about Conditio Humana as a pedagogical imperative of Professor Lewowicki’s project of multiculturalism.
- Author:
Alicja J. Szerląg
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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New citizenship and patriotism at the cultural frontier: a cross-cultural context
The cultural diversification of states deconstructs the model of a homogenous national community, yet it requires the maintenance of the stability of democratic institutions in a situation where culturally different citizens are increasingly resistant to forced assimilation and subjugation. A multicultural state must actively protect the cultural identities of its citizens. Some dilemmas arise in the understanding of citizenship and patriotism, for which state multiculturalism and interculturalism at the level of an individual citizen become contextual references. Therefore, the subject of this article is the different types of new citizenship and patriotism, with model approaches to them. The author exposes multiculturalism, revealing the new citizenship and intercultural connotations of patriotism. She looks at these categories from a cultural borderland perspective. With reference to the pillars of coexistence identified on the basis of empirical research in this borderland, the author conceptualizes intercultural citizenship and patriotism. She also points to their multidimensional nature with an intercultural connotation. The author sees them as integrating factors of a culturally diverse society. Their national-cultural, identity, and community provenance gives an intercultural character to the integration process. Integration conceived in this way fosters the evolution of the nation-state into a heterogeneous national community operating within its borders.
- Author:
Hanna Rugała
- Institution:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Game as a tool for developing intercultural competence on the example of the Culture Crossover Project
In today’s world of rapid socio-cultural changes, which also include increased migration movements and the formation of culturally diverse societies, there is a need to implement methods and tools of educational work for the formation of attitudes of tolerance in multicultural communities. One of the effective educational tools used in intercultural education can be game. One of the most valuable types of games in this area are those that allow learning about cultures and the cultural differences resulting from them, referring not only to observable behaviour, but also to the hierarchy of values that form the core of the identity of a given social group – national, ethnic or religious one. The article is devoted to the presentation of an educational game created as part of the international Culture Crossover project. The theoretical and methodological assumptions of the game refer to Milton Benett’s DMIS and Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. The educational goal is to increase cultural awareness and develop empathy towards culturally different people by taking into account various elements of intercultural learning – from information about a particular culture, through knowledge of cultural norms and the ability to adopt local perspectives to critical understanding of the worldviews of other cultures.
- Author:
Patrycja Młynek
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Author:
Fabian Andruszkiewicz
- Institution:
Opole University, Faculty of Social Sciences
- Author:
Danuta Kulik-Grzybek
- Institution:
Czestochowa University of Technology, Foreign Language Center
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Global cultural exchange is a well-known, boundless phenomenon. Therefore, it is fundamental for countries to promote mutual understanding and tolerance of cultural diversity, to prevent stigmatization and social hermetization from migrant backgrounds, and to foster social inclusion, thus fulfilling the assumptions of sustainable development. Polish society is considered to be relatively homogenous in terms of culture, however, the increasing influx of immigrants, especially from Eastern Europe, poses a new challenge for its national schooling system and multicultural education. That is why the aim of the article was to verify the state of preparation of Polish schools for multicultural education, mutual attitudes of the participants of the educational process, and the relationships between them, as well as to indicate dependency between parents, students, and teachers. The article presents the results of quantitative research carried out in a group of early childhood education teachers from border regions. The results of the conducted research showed the state of intercultural education in Polish schools before the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine. The study is barely the attempt of monitoring the condition of intercultural education, especially in the current “new multicultural reality” in Polish schools.
- Author:
Marzenna Magda-Adamowicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The atmosphere of dialogue in classes I–III of the culturally diverse borderland
The Polish school is constantly changing, which is associated with rapid economic and political changes. We observe very intense population movements taking the form of mass migrations. For these reasons, in the paper, we present the essence of the borderland and its typology, the formation of the intercultural identity of a person from the borderland. It is on the border of cultures that children going to school exchange information, learn about other customs, values, learn respect and tolerance. It depends to a large extent on the teacher/educator, who should build a good atmosphere of cooperation between the educational team of the multicultural borderland. The subject of interpretive research was the ways of defining the work of teachers in grades I–III of the multicultural borderland, indicating the tasks carried out at that time, the meanings given to them by teachers of grades I–III in the Lubuskie Province using non-standardised interviews. The research showed a positive picture of the situation. The respondents’ statements indicated a great need to introduce intercultural education to the school reality.
- Author:
Agnieszka Golińska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet SWPS
- Author:
Anna Posmykiewicz
- Institution:
Lund University, Sweden
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Acculturation strategies among international students of English-speaking management programs in Poland
The primary objective of this study was to identify the acculturation strategies employed by international students enrolled in English-speaking management programs in Poland. The study employed two research models: the Tridimensional Acculturation Model developed by Ferguson et al. (2012) and the Relative Acculturation Extended Model (RAEM) proposed by Navas et al. (2005). Both models conceptualize acculturation as a multifaceted and context-dependent process. International students pursuing full-time management study programs exemplify a group susceptible to remote acculturation conditions (Ferguson and Bornstein, 2012). The study was based on in-depth interviews with 19 individuals and was carried out with the use of the Cultural Identity Mapping technique (Ferguson, 2018). Three acculturation strategies employed by students have been identified: separation (an orientation towards the culture of origin while rejecting elements of other cultures), integration (a simultaneous orientation towards two cultures), and multicultural strategy (an orientation towards more than two cultures). The identification of the third strategy contributes to ongoing discussions regarding the limitations of twodimensional acculturation models which fail to encapsulate the increasing complexity and diversity of individuals’ acculturation experiences (e.g., Sam & Ward, 2021; Rudmin, 2006). Finally, remote acculturation turned out to play an important role in the processes associated with the acquisition of the third culture.
- Author:
Beata Cieśleńska
- Institution:
Akademia Mazowiecka w Płocku
- Author:
Jolanta Szempruch
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Tolerance in the opinion of pedagogy students – building openness and acceptance in the educational environment
Tolerance is the foundation of a society based on mutual respect and understanding. It is of vital importance in the communication of people and the search for intercultural dialogue. The importance of the category of tolerance becomes crucial in education, as it reflects the values that should guide it. The article shows the results of a study of understanding the concept of tolerance and the behavior of students of pedagogy, who now, in the course of rapid social, political, economic and educational changes, meet people of a different religion, culture, nationality. The opinions are presented of the respondents on the importance of tolerance in academia, especially in the training of future teachers and the development of their professional attitudes, taking into account the role of education as a process that provides an opportunity to change inappropriate beliefs and behavior. Some recommendations are formulated for education in the spirit of tolerance, which should be permanently included in the tasks of modern pedagogy and school. It is emphasized that in every educational activity, being guided by the idea of tolerance enables systematic interaction and communication and creates an opportunity to systematically open up to other people and their views.