Stan wyjątkowy w Republice Włoskiej w czasie pandemii Covid-19 – aspekty konstytucyjne
- Institution: Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 125-136
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/68/ppk6810.pdf
State of Emergency in the Italian Republic During the Covid-19 Pandemic – Constitutional Aspects
The Covid-19 pandemic forced European Union member states to introduce modern European standards regarding human rights and the rule of law in an unprecedented crisis. In 2020 Italy was the first affected country in Europe. Italian authorities, forced to take new and more stringent measures to contain the virus’s expansion, have introduced a state of emergency that may last until 2022. From a constitutional law perspective, the coronavirus emphasizes the need to consider the Italian “emergency constitution”. The ongoing health crisis gives rise to some reflections on the lack of an articulated crisis framework in the Italian constitution and whether existing tools are adequate to face of contemporary threats. This article discusses the Italian Constitution and other laws in the country relating to the state of emergency during the Covid-19 pandemic.