- Author:
Andrzej Kaleta
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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E-learning as a Diffusion of Innovation in the Rural Areas of the European Union
Early observations show that the introduction of e-learning to the rural areas of the EU has brought fewer advantages than had initially been expected. Results of international research – interpreted by means of the sociological theory of diffusion – indicate that economic profitability does not have much influence on the pace of disseminating that innovation since rural inhabitants – both those following e-learning courses as well as those who have not yet done so – largely feel that that type of education has a variety of advantages including the lowering of its costs. It seems that its social profitability has a crucial influence on the poor dissemination of this new form of teaching and learning. E-learning has not yet found its niche in the value systems or educational experiences of Europe’s rural populations, since – rather like other forms of education – it does not automatically improve the capability of coping with current day-to-day problems. A better adaptation to the needs of rural inhabitants through the perception of various types of deficits hindering the usage of this type of education is intended by the so-called innovative e-learning, implementing new and generally innovative solutions to the pedagogical, technological and organisational fields which overcome existing limitations through a greater flexibility of ways of potential participants accessing e-learning proposals as well as greater adaptation to individual needs.
- Author:
Kazimierz Wenta
- Institution:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna TWP in Szczecin
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Issues concerning the e-university teacher in the context of e-learning as an implemented from-method of education are solved on the basis of literature and quality environmental research. Theoretical analysis covers a range of media pedagogy and academic pedeutology and quality research the students of postgraduate and extra-mural studies participated in. Developed research material revealed that there are two perspectives ahead of academic e-teacher: 1) intensive preparation for e-learning implementation, especially in extra-mural and postgraduate studies; 2) satisfying students’ various educational needs with the use of traditional and multimedia forms-methods for their preparation for LLL. We should also predict that the robot of a university teacher assistant in the future will become competition in the higher education market.
- Author:
Krystian Tuczyński
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article concerns theoretical considerations on psychological concepts of learning in the context of e-learning. The author begins the theoretical analysis by reviewing the literature, including behavioural, cognitive and humanistic theories. Based on a detailed analysis, cognitivism is indicated as a theory that has particular application in e-learning, especially due to the continuity of the teaching process and adapting the content to the student’s level. An example of a cognitive model is D. Kolb’s model, which can be effectively used in e-learning because it includes closed cognitiveexperimental processes. The basic argument for adopting cognitive theories as dominant in e-learning is their ability to maintain the continuity of the educational process, which can be effectively implemented via e-learning platforms. A key element connecting cognitive theories with e-learning is the Multiple Coding Theory, which suggests that the transfer of knowledge becomes more effective when it takes place through different channels, enabling reception through several senses.
- Author:
Victor P. Lane
- Institution:
St Georges Medical School University of London
- Author:
James Snaith
- Institution:
London South Bank University London, UK
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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New distance learning technologies are not necessarily better for learning than old methods. Consequently, choice of learning method should be related to course content and students' needs. In this context, a hybrid distance learning model is imperative. This paper is based on the authors' personal and practical teaching experience with distance learning over 30 years, i.e. since 1972. The authors use their knowledge of distance learning and distance learning technologies - combined with their considerable experience of education in different types of higher education institutions - to analyse and reflect on the current vogue of distance learning and elearning. Using an argumentative research approach, the authors draw upon data collected from their personal experiences of distance learning in the UK. In addition, the paper surveys current literature and distance learning activities outside the UK, in particular in the USA.
- Author:
Erika Mechlova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Dana Kricfalusi
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Jana Kapounova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava Czech Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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In the paper we want to summarise results of our research and pedagogical efforts in an integration of Information and Communication Technology in Education at the University of Ostrava.
- Author:
Josef Malach
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The evolution of theoretical learning concepts brings new stimuli to lifelong learning practice. One of the new theoretical bases appropriate for adult education is an experiential learning theory which analyses and evaluates educational projects and study materials for distance learning as well as e-learning educational programmes from the standpoint of potential learning effectiveness. At the same time, it can be a gnoseological theoretical basis of designing educational programmes for adults, either on a theoretical basis of distance learning, e-learning, or on the basis of their purposeful integration, which is becoming more and more frequent in andragogy. The study gives general tenets of andragogy, presents the main characteristics of experiential learning along with its two major developmental variants – Kolb’s cycle and Jarvis´ revised model of the processes of learning. It defines the basic features of distance learning and e-learning, and formulates general stimuli how to apply experiential learning within these relatively integral educational technologies. In conclusion, it brings about information on practical use of theoretical approaches to teaching pedagogical subjects within educational programmes at universities.
- Author:
Jana Kapounová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Kateřina Kostolányová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Jiří Pavlíček
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The topic Theoretical Concepts, Sources and Technical Background of E-learning is discussed in a project of the Czech Science Foundation. A research team from three Czech universities (University of Ostrava, Charles University in Prague and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen) is working on the project. Its aim is to summarise theoretical concepts, to analyse sources of content, to assess methodological background and to search for technical solutions how to transfer some titles of current courseware into electronic version and to evaluate the efficiency of procedure. The methodology of transformation can help authors of study materials (not only e-learning), they may benefit from old instructional programmes.
- Author:
Kateřina Kostolányová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article is focused on the issue of whole-life education from the point of view of one of its distance learning forms: e-learning. One of the core problems of this field is self-study and its arrangement; specifically study materials and a correct organization of learning.
- Author:
Velimir Dedić
- Institution:
European Center for Peace and Development, Serbia
- Author:
Suzana Marković
- Institution:
Business School of Professional Studies, Serbia
- Author:
Valentin Kuleto
- Institution:
Information Technology School - ITS, Serbia
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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User interface becomes the major channel to convey information in e-learning context: a well-designed and friendly interface is thus the key element in helping users to get the best results quickly. This paper investigates the importance of a certain choice offered: if several graphical user interface designs are offered to distance learning students of known learning styles, should we find any preferences? To find that, a procedure for determining association between learning styles and GUI was devised. A total of 51 participants were tested to find out if there was any correlation between students’ learning styles and their GUI preferences. We have found that the fact of having any preference towards a GUI is associated with AC score of Kolb’s model.
- Author:
Wioletta Kwiatkowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Nicholaus Copernicus University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The text presents the empirical study aimed at understanding teachers’ opinions on designing and implementing a remote teaching - learning process. Research shows that the leading e-learning courses definitely focus on the acquisition of knowledge by students. It is recommended that teachers take action in developing their own strategies in remote teaching. The results of the research may be an important part in the discussion on online teaching that constantly takes place in the environment of teachers dealing with the media.
- Author:
Krystian Tuczyński
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów
- Author:
Tomasz Warchoł
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
In the article, the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) is highlighted in the context of intercultural education and the ways are identified in which modern technologies can support the development of intercultural competencies. The authors analyze the theoretical foundations of intercultural education and the practical aspects of using ICT in the process of intercultural learning. By integrating ICT with intercultural education, it becomes possible to promote both the understanding of cultural diversity and collaboration skills in a globalized world. On the basis of the presented foundations of intercultural education, it is pointed out that ICT enables global access to information concerning different cultures, fostering understanding and tolerance towards intercultural differences. In their discourse, the authors focus on the possibilities of creating interactive educational environments using ICT, which stimulates active participation in the cultures of other communities. The article demonstrates that the use of ICT allows for the personalization of the teaching process, adapting it to the individual needs of students and supporting the development of their intercultural competencies. Additionally, the significance of virtual reality (VR) and distance learning in the context of intercultural education is analyzed, emphasizing their role in stimulating intercultural situations and global cultural exchange.
- Author:
Zuzana Palková
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Slovak Agricultural University, Slovak Republic
- Author:
Tatiana Beláková
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic
- Author:
Gabriel Švejda
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Rapid technological development has taken place in the last years. Computers and other IT resources have become our everyday companions and they have found their use in the field of education as well. Besides other advantages, they make education more interesting and up-to-date. They allow easy update of the enormous amount of information that can be accessed directly. More importantly, IT has an important place in communication between teachers and students.
- Author:
Anna Falkowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
E-learning is a form of education that requires self-discipline, using modern information and communication technologies. Online teaching allows you to explore the world from an interdisciplinary perspective. It also shows the essence of cooperation both within peer tutoring and a team of educators within self-education. The article presents the results of qualitative research. Documents presenting the quality and effectiveness of training conducted under the Enter Lesson Project, as well as the usability of equipment purchased by the Ministry of National Education under the “Laboratories of the Future” Program were analyzed. The aim of the article was to demonstrate the need to multiply digital competences and conduct media education adapted to the needs of the modern generation.