- Author:
Maria Ewa Szatlach
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Together with the acceleration of globalization processes, power in international relations has moved from the political and military space to the economic one. Today, true power means ability and capacity to integrate with the global economy. Therefore, economic diplomacy, which is not a new phenomenon, became one of the most important elements of foreign policy of all countries. The aim of the article is to present the importance of economic diplomacy in foreign policy in the era of globalization with a particular emphasis on the economic activity of China.
- Author:
Назар Мартинюк (Nazar Martyniuk)
- E-mail:
nazar.martyniuk@ oa.edu.ua
- Institution:
Національний університет «Острозька академія» (The National University of Ostroh Academy)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Economic Diplomacy of the Ukrainian World Congress as a Factor of Support for Ukraine (1991–2021)
In the scientific article, the author attempts to highlight the peculiarities of the forms and mechanisms of economic diplomacy of the Ukrainian World Congress (the UWC) as a factor of economic support for Ukraine in 1991–2021. A number of general and special scientific research methods were used to study this problem. Reports and materials of Congresses (conventions), annual reports and materials of collections of annual reports, the official website of the UWC, etc. were analysed. The author emphasizes that issues of economic development of Ukraine have been a priority for the UWC since its declaration of independence and in the future. At the same time, the ways of economic support of Ukraine as the main coordinating superstructure of Ukrainian communities in the world were different. Establishing cooperation for economic support of Ukraine is outlined in the Memorandum between the UWC and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that was signed in 2020. Based on a study of the activities of the World Council of Ukrainian Cooperatives and the Economic Prosperity and Investment Committee (EPIC), the article shows how the UWC, as a coordinator of actions of Ukrainians abroad, together with Ukrainian communities in the world, has contributed to the recovery of the credit cooperative movement in Ukraine and works to increase Ukrainian investment attractiveness among foreign audiences. A separate and important form of support for Ukraine’s economic growth for the UWC is the development of interaction between the diaspora and migrants and Ukraine. For this purpose, the organization conducts thematic events to raise awareness about Ukraine, actively cooperates with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), other public organizations. It was concluded that the economic diplomacy of the UWC to support Ukraine is systematic and productive. It was noted that the UWC can play the role of a “bridge” for establishing cooperation between Ukraine and the foreign community, in particular in the direction of attracting investments.