- Author:
Jacek J. Błeszyński
- Institution:
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The article attempts to analyse the issue of students with autism spectrum disorders who attend two types of educational institutions – integrated classes in mainstream state school and special education institutions with separate classes for students with autism. Popularity and availability more often than effectiveness affect the choice of an educational institution. Parents’ decisions may also stem from lack of awareness of the scope of educational activities conducted in each institution. One of the measures of educational success is the evaluation of the quality of life in certain spheres of students’ lives.
- Author:
Валерий В. Коновалов
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Независимый исследователь
- Year of publication:
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St. Dimitry of Rostov and the «crisis» of the parish school in the end XVII century
This article is about problems of national Russian and partly Ukrainian education system in end XVI – beginin XVIII centuries and about how people try to solve this problems. Partly touches such role persons like Dimitry of Rostov and Petr Mogila. Including some interesting details about some educationreligious and cultural aspects of this time. In addition, it is about some selfidentification problems and some orthodox-catholic traditions vacillation, and how this problems are influenced to this nations history at all.
- Author:
Jan Wnęk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thinking have proud traditions. Italian education and its school system aroused and still arouse much interest among Polish educational historians, and numerous books and articles continue to be published on these subjects. these works provide the knowledge of the development of the Italian school system and Italian education across all historical periods; however, humanistic education issues and the meaning of Italy’s pedagogical thinking for the development of new educational concepts are discussed most frequently. Polish educational historians study Saint John Bosco’s and Maria Montessori’s views on education, providing critical analysis of education reforms introduced during Benito Mussolini’s rule. Polish academic works and popular science works published in the last two centuries, which are an interesting source of knowledge for Polish readers, give a compelling account of the Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thinking of the past. there is no doubt that Poles’ knowledge about the development of Italian educational ideals was significantly broadened by numerous historical and pedagogical publications. It should be noted that the most prominent Polish historians of education who speak Italian and know Italy’s archival sources and its rich academic literature had written about Italy’s education. As a result, their works have an important cognitive value, and they show that Poles not only had admired Italian education, but they also had been able to critically assess foreign pedagogical ideals. Additionally, the publications show that, in some historical periods, interest in the Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thought was great (notably, during the Renaissance), while in some centuries (such as the 19th century), it was scant.
- Author:
Celina Czech-Włodarczyk
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian education system – an attempt to reconcile to the past, the current situation and planned activities
This article is devoted to theoretical considerations on the education of Canadian Indigenous Peoples. In the past, this education was provided in state boarding schools by priests and nuns, mainly for First Nations children aged 4– –16, who were sent there forcibly, taken by force from their parents. There were many cases of abuse in schools such as: physical, mental and sexual violence, experienced by approximately 150 000 children. Some of them never returned to family homes. These schools destroyed the psyche of many young people and influenced their later lives. It was not until 2005 that the Canadian government officially apologized to survivors and their families for the harm suffered by several generations of Indigenous Peoples during 120 years of compulsory education, conversion and integration into white colonizing society. Currently, the Canadian government willing to compensate for past harm, is working at federal and provincial levels to improve access of Indigenous people to the education system at all levels.
- Author:
Piotr Kulik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kancelaria Adwokacka w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Education of Inmates in Polish Prisons and Remand Centre
The aim of the article is an attempt to analyze the education system of prisoners in Poland. This work is based on the available literature. The author has attempted to answer the following questions: What were the most important assumptions and legal conditions of education of inmates in Polish penitentiary units? What is the structure and organisation of the education system in penitentiary isolation? The methodology used to create the publication was to conduct a critical analysis of legal acts and other documents available on the Internet. In the course of the literature analysis, the author points out that the legislation on education in penitentiary isolation has changed over the last hundred years, but it has always been aimed at giving inmates a chance to re-enter the labour market and prevent a return to crime.
- Author:
Janusz Stanek
- Institution:
Academy of Physical Education Katowice Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The paper contains a report on the empirical inquiry which reveals how teachers and future teachers regard the educational transformations in Poland resulting from the implemented reform and what implications this may have in the field of education. In the context of attitudes towards the implementation of reforms in the education system, the author has raised a basic question of fundamental importance, whether teachers' professional preparation and degree of reflection, their attitude towards the reality of the situation and the motivation they show allow them to safely observe the course of events in the contemporary educational process. The author presents such issues and he outlines a fundamental question: how do teachers perceive their own professional role and can they identify at all the tasks they should fulfill within the changing social, political and economic reality? The text also contains a reference to a peculiar educational myth, according to which the educational reforms were somehow forced on Poland by the European Union. The author presents the attitude towards the education reforms being introduced, as observed from the perspective of the professional environment, which fundamentally polarises teaching circles. He concludes that - still for some time - the emotions accompanying these transformations will be the greater, the more changes are noted by teachers in the current state of educational materials.