Edukacja w trosce o „efekt pogranicza” międzykulturowego (panorama tropów i profili humanistycznych w retrospekcji)
- Institution: Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 17-39
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/22/em2201.pdf
Education concerned with the intercultural “borderland effect” (a panorama of humanistic tropes and profiles in a retrospect)
The text comprises a normative concern for the educational “borderland effect”. Within the hermeneutical circle, there are: (1) M. Bakhtin’s semiotics of culture and the idea of “borderland effect” as a developmental mechanism increasing the polyphonic dynamics and value of the Other; (2) an analogy to the “decentration” mechanism according to J. Piaget and J. Habermas and the idea of dialogue inspired by H.–G. Gadamer; (3) M. Buber’s idea of two types of faith and difficulties of ecumenism; (4) H. Hesse’s idea of spiritual awakening and inner transformation; (5) the types of adaptation to the complexity of interactions and the vision of identity as “the third value”, following D. Mostwin’s analysis of the Polish emigration in the USA; (6) difficulties with the borderland effect in creating Polish schools in Latvia in D. Urlińska’s experiment; (7) F. Znaniecki’s concern to eliminate intercultural antagonisms; (8) normative strategies towards tradition, freedom and change, as diversified attitudes towards differences and the “borderland effect”; (9) the coupling of interests of the disabled in integrated schools as a borderland problem; (10) the concept of the “borderland order” as a mechanism of sustainability and oscillation in dual integration with shifting the local dominants; (11) B. Skarga’s cultural attitude open to irony, withdrawing cultural persuasiveness. The “borderland effect” brings change of the cultural “meta-pattern” for education. The analyses conducted by M. Mead and F. Znaniecki imply the intercultural education open to differences between the young, against the pressure of antagonisms of the world of adult people.