Wsparcie rozwoju kompetencji społecznych imigrantów w procesie integracji ze społeczeństwem przyjmującym (na przykładzie badań zrealizowanych w ramach projektu Wsparcie Integracyjno-Edukacyjne Migrantów (WIEM) w ramach POWER 2014–2020)
- Institution: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Institution: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
- Year of publication: 2023
- Source: Show
- Pages: 150-161
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/22/em2210.pdf
Development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society (the case of research carried out as part of the project Integration and Educational Support for Migrants (WIEM) under POWER 2014–2020)
The aim of the article is to describe the model of development support of immigrants’ social competences in the process of integration with the host society. Referring to the aim of the article, the authors formulated the following research problems: What level of the analyzed social competences do the surveyed immigrants have? What educational and consulting activities should be offered to project participants, i.e. people with low basic skills, corresponding to a level not higher than PRK level 3? What validation actions should be taken towards project participants after the implementation of educational and consulting activities? The theoretical part of the article addresses the concept of social competence and describes its elements. The empirical part presents the methodology and results of the conducted research as well as the conclusions and recommendations. 170 immigrants from Ukraine participated in the study. Most of the respondents had basic social competences. In terms of self-motivation (motivation), it was 94% of the respondents, assertiveness – 81%, self-presentation – 71%, communication – building interpersonal relationships – 95%, stress management / conflict management– 96%, and in terms of functioning in a team (including multicultural one) – 10%.