- Author:
Тарас Сергійчук
- Institution:
ДУ «Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України» [Instytut Historii Świata Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy]
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The beginning of the Second World War on the pages of the Ukrainian emigration weekly “Ňđčçóá”
The article presents the preconditions, causes, and outbreak of the Second World War through the eyes of correspondents of the Ukrainian emigration weekly “Тризуб” [Tryzub], which was published in Paris by the State Centre of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (the UPR Government in exile) in 1925–1940 and reflected its position, albeit unofficially. The article recreates a retrospective of the events leading up to the outbreak of the new world war from the perspective of the part of the emigration that recognised the UPR as the only legitimate Ukrainian statehood and shows their vision of how the war would affect Ukraine and the prospects for restoring its independence and potential role on the international stage during these tumultuous events.
- Author:
Тарас Сергiйчук
- Institution:
ДУ «Інститут всесвiтньої iсторiї НАН України» [Instytut Historii Świata Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy]
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The military-political thought of the UPR part of Ukrainian emigration based on the V. Salsky’s publications in the magazine “Tryzub”
This article attempts to analyze the military-political views and concepts of one of the key figures of the UPR emigration and the war minister of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in exile, General Volodymyr Salskyi. The source for the analysis is Salsky’s publications on military and political topics on the pages of the émigré magazine Tryzub, which was published with the support of the State Center of the UPR in exile in Paris. The article provides an overview of Salsky’s views on military strategy, the geopolitical position of Ukraine, and the future paths of the armed struggle for independence.
- Author:
Ілля Пявчук (Illia Piavchuk)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Національний університет «Острозька академія» (The National University of Ostroh Academy)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Periodicals of the Ziegelmasch displaced persons camp in Godenau as sources on the history of Ukrainian emigration in postwar Germany
The article analyses the sources of the „Information Sheet” and „Information newssheet” of the Ziegelmasch camp in Godenau with the purpose of covering the history of Ukrainian emigration and technical information of the source. The study showed that the „Information Sheet” of the Ziegelmasch camp was a typical periodical of the DP era, which was intended to inform campers about events in the world and in Ukraine as a whole. The source allows us to learn about the structure of the Ziegelmasch camp, events in it, the establishment of the camp in Alfeld and its relocation to Godenau. The reason for the creation of the „Information Sheet” was the elections in the Ziegelmasch camp in early 1947, which were held in response to the disregard for the previous elections due to violations of the electoral process. Although the main task of the „Information Sheet” was to provide information about the elections in the camp, the majority of the information relates not so much to the process as to the discussions about the elections among various members of the camp community. Based on a study of all currently known surviving copies of the „Information Sheet” and the „Information newssheet”, it can be concluded that the Ziegelmasch camp in Godenau, despite its small size compared to other camps in the British occupation zone, had a significant level of cultural life, which confirms the functioning of the” Information newssheet” as a permanent information resource of the camp, as well as the „Information Sheet” published at the time of the elections.