The Cross-Culture Challenges in Marketing Relationship Creation . Understanding Chinese Guanxi, Renqing, Lian, Mianzi, Xinyong, and Xinren from the Direct Experiences of Polish Managers (Beyond Hofstede’s Approach)
- Institution: Institute of Organization and Management in Industry – ORGMASZ in Warsaw
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 30-63
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/98/kie9802.pdf
Close relationships with all members of the market environment are now widely accepted by academics and practitioners as an excellent way of creating a sustainable, competitive advantage. However, views on exactly which activities constitute the essence of market relationships may differ significantly in various cultural contexts. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of Chinese culture on market relationship creation, focusing on specific guanxi networks with closely related indigenous cultural aspects, such as renqing, lian, mianzi, xinren and xinyong, in order to reveal their implications for the functioning of foreign companies in China. An emic approach was predominantly implemented in this analysis, in addition to a polemic on the commonly used assessment methods of culture impact that is based on Western evaluation and bipolar culture dimensions. The information presented is based on research carried out on thirty-eight cases of Polish companies in China that used a semi-structured interview technique with individual managers directly responsible for operations in this market. It is reinforced with a broad literature overview and many years of the author’s direct observations. In addition, some practical recommendations and further research are suggested.