Regionalne obserwatorium kultury w województwie podlaskim – uwarunkowania i planowane kierunki rozwoju
- Institution: Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Institution: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 222-246
- DOI Address:
- PDF: kie/95/kie9511.pdf
Regional Cultural Observatory in the Podlaskie Voivodeship – Conditions and Development Trends
At the beginning of the XXI century, there are significant changes in relations of work and leisure time. The development of creative economy is also recognized along with emergence of a new social stratification and changes in developmental factors. Increasingly important in the socio-economic transformation is cultural sector as well as promotion of culture and creative industries development including their linkages with dependent sectors such as tourism, architecture and industrial design. The aim of this article is to refer these processes and phenomena to the conditions of Podlaskie Voivodship and to discuss the main reasons of Regional Observatory of Culture establishment. Article indicates the need for and potential benefits of knowledge management on culture at the regional level by conducting theoretical and methodological work within the observatory. Essay based on an analysis of existing data and own research results highlights the main features of the region, information needs of cultural and art institutions, culture observatory possible models, potential activity areas of the regional observatory and the arising benefits from its activities.