Dynamika zmian mentalności młodzieży w Kirgistanie we współczesnych realiach politycznych
- Institution: Kirgisko-Rosyjski Uniwersytet Słowiański im. Pierwszego Prezydenta Rosji B.N. Jelcyna w Biszkeku, Kirgistan
- Institution: Kirgisko-Rosyjski Uniwersytet Słowiański im. Pierwszego Prezydenta Rosji B.N. Jelcyna w Biszkeku, Kirgistan
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 120-126
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2013.01.07
- PDF: kie/94/kie9407.pdf
Dynamics of Changes in the Mentality of Adolescents in Kyrgyzstan in Contemporary Political Realities
The article describes the issues related to the socio-political mentality of young citizens of Kyrgyzstan, factors that drive change, and the role of education in the ongoing processes. Described as an illustration of the state and the process was used empirical material collected during research conducted in Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University.