- Author:
Karol Konaszewski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Białystok
- Author:
Urszula Namiotko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Białystok
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The authors are discussing the shaping of the national identity of Polish-Lithuanian frontier denizens, regarding the historical events of the 20th century. In the first part of the article, they present a brief historical sketch of Polish-Lithuanian relations, putting significant emphasis on the moment of the Sejny uprising beginning, that is August 22nd, 1919. Reclamation of independence after World War I put both countries in a challenging position of building own nationality image. Defining own territorial affiliation of the Sejny region spawned an exceptionally harsh conflict between Poles and Lithuanians, leading to the uprising. The results of these events echo in Polish-Lithuanian relations in the Sejny region to this day. The second part of the article is devoted to the presentation of the multidimensional and constantly created identity concept by Jerzy Nikitorowicz, as an introduction to considering the shaping process of identity among youth of the cultural borderland. The authors point to the fact how important it is to find a platform of dialogue for both parties. They explain selected activities regarding intercultural education, accomplished in local environments by the “Borderland of arts, cultures and nations” center animators in Sejny.
- Author:
Dominika Muszyńska-Jeleszyńska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The ‘Bottom-up’ Process – The Idea of Planning Development and Space Design Based on a Social Participation
Bottom-up is an idea of inclusion of city inhabitants into planning and projecting processes. The basis of this approach is a real participation, engagement, cooperation and common decision-making by various actors of projecting process. A key role in the process is played by a local society perceived as a subject and the most important recipient of the outcome. The bottom-up process is based on the professional facilitation of content based on recognized legal and ethical assumptions. The main aim of the article is to present ideas and the most important assumptions of the bottom-up process in the context of socializing the planning and development processes. The article consists an analysis of the roles of particular participants of the press. Also, it includes a presentation of Dutch experiences in co-realizing planning processes with inhabitants. The article was created as a result of the author’s experiences gained through the participation in the project entitled “PWP – nowatorskie narzędzie kształtowania przestrzeni publicznej”.
- Author:
Piotr Mosiek
- Institution:
Secondary School Sierakowo, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Polish contemporary school, being subject to reform, now faces a difficult task of preparing students for their functioning in a dynamically changing reality. Apart from the tasks in the field of education and care, it also seems crucial to perform a pro-employment function. The introduced article takes the sociopedagogical stand, in which strong emphasis is put on social support for students (pro-social activity of the institution) and treating altruism as a crucial pedagogical task.