Mobilność młodych dorosłych z krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – polsko-czesko-słowacko-ukraińskie studium porównawcze
- Institution: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 91-103
- DOI Address:
- PDF: em/24/em2406.pdf
Mobility of young adults from Central and Eastern European countries – a Polish-Czech-Slovak-Ukrainian comparative study
The young generation is treated as the future of society. This generation’s size, skills and knowledge, as well as economic activity, socio-cultural involvement, marital intentions and family (procreation) plans determine the quality of society. Thus, an important issue is the outflow of young people who decide to migrate abroad. It is therefore important to recognize both the current experiences and the life plans of the young generation in this field. In post-communist countries, the fall of the communist system had a major impact on the increase in mobility. Political, sociocultural and economic changes have contributed to the emergence of new migration-related phenomena and the so-called fluid migration, characterized by free movement of labour, massiveness, diversity and plasticity. The surveyed youth from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have experiences related to functioning within open borders, unlike the youth from Ukraine, where the borders are closed. Wioletta Danilewicz notices the existence of the so-called migration culture, i.e. the acceptance (by the participants of migration processes) that these are phenomena constituting an inherent element of their lives, despite their awareness of the unfavourable co-occurring elements. The research results presented in the text indicate that the surveyed young adults do not fully follow this trend.