- Author:
Janina Urban
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The present article tackles the topic of the status of young people in the multicultural environment. The status of the young people from the indigenous minority determined by them is compared with the evaluation of the minority status by the young people from the majority living in the same environment. This topic is considered relevant for the quality of “intercultural milieu” and the identity of the society living in the particular environment.
The objective of the article is to show the changes of the minority status by comparing the opinions in that matter recorded in the years before joining the EU and those expressed in 2010. We consider consequences of the changes in “intercultural approaches” in the particular environment within the integration processes in the EU.
The way of presenting the topic is based on the theory of „groups of mutual reference”. The results of the study presented in the article refer to the dimensions of valued resources and opportunities, and in particular opinions of young people considering their availability for the minority, which illustrates the position of group members and their status and prestige.
Further, there is a comparison of opinions of young people from minority and majority groups concerning access to resources and opportunities for the indigenous minority group. This shows positioning of the minority, and at the same time establishes the position of majority in the particular environment. The opinions comprise a lot of information about relationships and ways of communication in the society, that is “interculturalism”: “«Status» is a relative position of an individual and thus it depends on the fact who the others are” (Sowa, 1962, p. 59).
- Author:
Ewa Godlewska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Artykuł stanowi próbę wskazania i zbadania czynników, które zdaniem autorki miały zasadniczy wpływ na współczesną sytuację mniejszości słoweńskiej w Karyntii. Wśród nich znalazły się m.in. spory terytorialne o Karyntię, sytuacja geopolityczna Austrii po II wojnie światowej oraz dwustronne relacje ze Słowenią. Szczególny nacisk położony został na ostatni z wymienionych czynników. Podstawowym pytaniem badawczym pozostaje kwestia, czy takie relacje można zaliczyć do podstawowych czynników sprawczych. Artykuł stanowi również próbę weryfikacji tezy, według której geografia i historia państwa należą do głównych czynników określających jego politykę. Analiza dotyczy w głównej mierze Karyntii – jednego z dziewięciu austriackich landów, który bezpośrednio graniczy ze Słowenią (obok Styrii). Jest to terytorium, w którym mniejszość słoweńska pozostaje najbardziej aktywna. Nie bez znaczenia jest również liczebność mniejszości oraz fakt, że Karyntia uchodzi za tradycyjny obszar jej zamieszkiwania.
- Author:
Artem Kokosh
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The phenomenon of the Ukrainian national minority is well known in Bavaria. Despite the noticeable presence in Landtag, local universities, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, diplomatic offices and other institutions, they are not the most populous minority in the region. Moreover, in the early 2000s there was the Ukrainian school, Technical- Husbandry Institute and University which had the legal acts to offer education to not only Ukrainians but also to people of other nationalities. What opportunities are available to Ukrainians in Bavaria to benefit from favourable conditions and how is the local authority handling the matter of the Ukrainian institutions? The main objective of the research is to identify the main periods of Ukrainian presence in scientific and educational institutions in Bavaria, as well as research their status in the region. Moreover, the support of these institutions to Ukrainian refugees in 2022 will be studied. Examining the Ukrainian refugee situation in Europe, the article will also evaluate the utility of these institutions. As a final point, the study presents the capacity of these institutions to affect the integration of students into society nowadays.