Kultura off-roadu w perspektywie funkcjonowania hybrydalnego
- Institution: Akademia Łomżyńska, Polska
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0047-077X
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 215-224
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/kie.2024.02.11
- PDF: kie/144/kie14411.pdf
Off-road culture in the perspective of hybrid functioning
Life in the modern world has shifted to some extent in the functioning of individuals in many areas. This paper focuses mainly on such spheres as communication, tracking and sharing information, and sport-related cultures, which take on a new meaning in the hybrid reality. These fields combine to create and enable a new type of human interaction. Reporting, commenting, or posting information on sports achievements is not a novelty, but currently this state of affairs is significantly gaining in importance and expanding to tracking information about the private life and functioning of people practicing various sports disciplines. Cultures that have developed around various physical activities are much more able to expand and promote a particular sport by publishing information in the digital space. It is particularly important in relation to disciplines that are not popular or are extreme or high-budget sports. Thanks to the presence of these activities in the virtual space, it is possible to promote, disseminate them, and gain a larger group of enthusiasts.