Możliwość powierzenia obywatelom samodzielnego sprawowania wymiaru sprawiedliwości, uwagi na tle artykułu 182 Konstytucji
- Institution: Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 69-82
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/81/ppk8105.pdf
The Possibility of Entrusting Citizens with the Independent Administration of Justice, Comments in the Context of Article 182 of the Constitution
The wording of Art. 182 of the Constitution is not uniformly interpreted. Such a state of affairs means that on its basis some doctrine builds the possibility of independent exercise of the judiciary by entities other than professional judges, while others claim the opposite. The text contains an analysis of Art. 182 of the Constitution, the purpose of which was to answer the question about the permissible forms of participation of citizens in the exercise of justice. The construction of Art. 182 means that it should be considered an incomplete regulation that gives room for the creation of projects, such as the one concerning magistrates. Its shape introduces uncertainty as to the dimension that this participation may take. However, the analysis allows us to conclude that we can only talk about the participation, and not about the independence of adjudication by entities other than professional judges.