Ewentualna nowelizacja konstytucyjnych regulacji Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji – niezbędna, wskazana czy niepotrzebna?
- Institution: Wyższa Szkoła Prawa i Administracji Rzeszowska Szkoła Wyższa
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3338-9836
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 97-108
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2024.05.07
- PDF: ppk/81/ppk8107.pdf
Possible Amendment of the Constitutional Regulations of the National Broadcasting Council – Necessary, Advisable or Unnecessary?
The author answers the question posed in the title of the paper on the basis of the analysis of doctrinal views and constitutional practice. He strongly advocates maintaining the constitutionalisation of the National Broadcasting Council, although he claims that the constitutional regulations shall be amended. He indicates which changes are necessary and which are advisable. The conclusion is that the two issues require necessary changes: first, the Council’s competencies related to the personal composition of the managing bodies of the public media and second, the appointment, dismissal and term of office of the members of the Council. The indicated changes include: the place of the Council in the structure of the Constitution; introduction of the duty to control abuses of freedom of speech, clarification that both obtaining and dissemination of information are under supervision, and control of broadcasting activity not only of public media but of all authorised entities.