Rejestr Sprawców Przestępstw na Tle Seksualnym jako wymiar realizacji konstytucyjnej zasady ochrony praw dziecka
- Institution: Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 253–263
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/81/ppk8118.pdf
The Register of Sexual Offense Perpetrators as a Dimension of the Implementation of the Constitutional Principle of Protection of Children’s Rights
Since 2016, there have been legal instruments for collecting and sharing data about people who have been convicted of selected statutory sexual offenses. The Register of Sexual Offenders is a form of preventive activity of the state in the context of counteracting sexual crime. The study in question is an attempt to determine the importance of the Register of Sexual Offenders as an expression of the state’s activity to create a safe sphere of children’s sexual freedom. Children, as entities requiring special protection, should have additional guarantees regarding their safety for proper development. The role of the state in this respect is an additional instrument of influence. The analysis was carried out solely on the basis of the constitutional principle of protection of children’s rights by the state.