Assets and sources of income of municipal councillors in Poland – analysis of asset declarations against the risk of corruption
- Institution: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 11-29
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/44/npw4402.pdf
Municipal councillors in Poland are required to submit annual asset declarations. It’s a part of the transparency of public life, declarations make it possible to determine whether a councillor’s assets are justified by his or her income and whether the income itself comes from legal and ethical sources. This article analyses 1,500 asset declarations submitted in 2024 to determine whether general conclusions can be drawn from publicly available declarations indicating corrupt situations or the risk of such situations. The subject of the analysis is whether the assets of municipal councillors in Poland are clearly higher than average, whether councillors derive income from sources that may indicate a conflict of interest or corruption, including political corruption, whether councillors have above-average financial liabilities, including with individuals? The asset declarations examined indicate the existence of risks of corrupt situations, but their analysis does not show them to be of wider scope. On its basis, it is not possible to advance the thesis that holding a mandate as a municipal councillor in Poland is associated with income that could be considered suspicious, nor with above-average assets.