- Author:
mgr Jan Kujawski
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Unrealized PO–PiS coalition in a selected press publications
The article contains issues connected with unsuccessful attempt to form a government of the Civic Platform and Law and Justice after the parliamentary elections in 2005. The basis of the article content analysis includes selected texts related to coalition formation appearing in two daily press titles: “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Rzeczpospolita” in the period from September 1, 2005 to October 31, 2005. Considerations focused on identifying the most important topics constituting differences between the two parties. The aim of the article was to analyse the press discourse and, as a consequence, answer the question of how the main reasons for not creating the PO–PiS coalition were presented in the pages of two newspapers.
- Author:
Aleksandra Seklecka
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Methodologies for combining content analysis with discourse analysis. An example of a study on media discourse on surveillance and privacy
The article is methodological and focuses on the study preparation process. The analysis addresses the use of different approaches (induction, deduction) and methods of research (quantitative and qualitative content analysis, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis) to study privacy media discourse. The article aims to promote a multidisciplinary approach to research by demonstrating the possibilities of using different research approaches. The text also shows obstacles that may appear in this type of study. To illustrate the discussed subject, two studies referred to media discourse on privacy in selected Polish media and media discourse on Pegasus, which the author and the team conducted.
- Author:
Marzanna Pogorzelska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Opolski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Global South beyond cultural diversity. The discourse of exclusion in language textbooks
The aim of the article is to present the results of the analysis of the contents related to the Global South in language textbooks, which, due to the cultural aspects of teaching a foreign language, are of particular importance in intercultural education. The method of content analysis was used in the study, with inductive and deductive data coding in the Atlas.ti 7 program. The results show the ways of discursive exclusion of the Global South, characterized by one-sidedness and Eurocentrism noticeable in textbooks images of this world region. The collected data made it possible to distinguish such elements of the discourse of exclusion as victimization (linking the image of the Global South with various problems), exoticization (descriptions of the Global South in the context of traditional rituals or the richness of nature) and incapacitation (absence of representatives of the Global South in the texts or presenting them as passive beneficiaries of external aid). Despite the potential of shaping intercultural competences that language education brings, in the aspect of the Global South, it seems necessary to modify the content of textbooks in the direction of diversity, equal treatment of cultures, getting rid of the sense of superiority and ethnocentric attitudes.0