- Author:
Stanisław Kosmynka
- Institution:
Universidad de Lodz, Polonia
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Importance of initiation rituals and tattoos in Central American “maras” and “pandillas”
The main purpose of the paper is to analyse the phenomenon of the identity of some criminal gangs in Central America (maras y pandillas). It shows mechanisms and symbolic aspects of their activities in this region, especially in Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras, exemplified by a group called la Mara Salvatrucha. The article presents the cultural and social background of these criminal communities involved in many illegal activities and the multidimensional problem of violence. The paper is focussed on the identity of the members of the criminal gangs analysed as the subcultures of violence and as a kind of contemporary urban tribes. It shows the most important symbolic aspects of their identity: rites of passage, the tattoo meanings, the importance of the image etc. The article refers to the factors of popularity of these criminal groups among many young, poor and marginalised people in Central America.
- Author:
Kinga Konieczny-Pizoń
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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In the article, I focus on the elements of school’s culture, which is present in the narrative of the child’s student, embedding my reflections in the psychocultural approach to education (J.S. Bruner) and the Goffman’s model of total institutions. The collision of the child’s world, created by the culture of the family environment with the culture of the school, brings with it many tensions and imperatives for the constant reconstruction of meanings so far (un) present in his biographical experience. The analysis and interpretation of the child’s narrative interview in a constructivist approach has allowed to gather knowledge about patterns of behavior, prohibitions, precepts, expectations and values that the school culture overtly or covertly imposes on the child, socializing him/her into the role of a student. The cultural aspects taken up in the child’s narrative show what elements of the school’s cultural world represent opportunities and threats for the development of his or her identity and personality towards a sense of causality and values.
- Author:
Agnieszka Bień
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Pojęcie władzy jest jednym z głównych problemów w myśli Michela Foucaulta. Filozof w sposób krytyczny analizuje współczesne mu dyskursy polityczne, religijne i światopoglądowe oraz historyczne uwarunkowania ich powstania, aby następnie podjąć się trudu zdefiniowania pojęcia władzy. Sam termin rozumiany jest przez niego holistycznie – obejmuje ono wszystkie aspekty życia indywidualnego, rodzinnego i społecznego jednostki, dyskursu społecznego, problemu wiedzy, wykluczenia oraz oddziaływania światopoglądowego, w tym religii. Celem artykułu jest opis elementów tożsamości władzy w myśli Michela Foucaulta oraz odpowiedź na pytanie, w jaki sposób jest ona konstruowana oraz jak wpływa na upodmiotowienie człowieka w społeczeństwie.
- Author:
Tomasz Peciakowski
- Institution:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
- Author:
Wojciech Gizicki
- Institution:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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Artykuł ukazuje współpracę transgraniczną między Polską i Ukrainą z perspektywy mikrospołecznej, podkreślającej wymiar tożsamościowy kontaktów społecznych i ich konsekwencje. W przeprowadzonych w grudniu 2019 r. badaniach wśród mieszkańców obszarów przygranicznych Polski i Ukrainy zwrócono uwagę na to, czy współpraca ta stała się wśród mieszkańców terenów przygranicznych ważną perspektywą postrzegania sąsiedzkich relacji, jak mocno wyrażana jest potrzeba jej rozwoju oraz jak postrzegane są jej efekty. W świadomości badanych dominuje perspektywa postrzegania transgranicznych relacji polsko-ukraińskich jako opartych na kontaktach ekonomicznych. Zakorzeniona jest też świadomość asymetrii regionalnych, co wpływa na różnice w postrzeganiu współpracy transgranicznej między mieszkańcami terenów przygranicznych. Mimo różnic badani zwracali uwagę na elementy kulturowe łączące oba narody oraz walory ułatwiające komunikację.
- Author:
Zuzanna Sielska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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National identity is an important aspect of shaping the nation. Macedonians create their identity, and thus their separateness from others, with the help of elements that bind the community together, such as - the state, religion, and language. As early as 1991, when the Republic of Macedonia gained independence, the country fought for its national independence. At that time, there were many conflicts related to Macedonian identity. The main goal of the article is to present crucial changes in the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia that occurred after 1991 and were related to signed international agreements as well as to two conflicts: Macedonian-Albanian and Macedonian-Greek
- Author:
Jerzy Nikitorowicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Identity dramas written into the cultural borderland. Educational implications
In addition to the positive borderline effect, which is often presented in the literature, this text presents the dilemmas and tragedies of the individual, family and community, taking place on the border of cultures, religions and ethnicities. The methodological basis is the concept of the interpretation of the borderland and multi-range identity, through which I read and describe the fate of Emilia Moszczańska Kosiur Niewęgłowska presented by Grzegorz Dżus in the book “Banderowka”, published in 2020. The narration of the book’s main character allowed for presenting the process of shaping the family, individual and social identity. In this process, in the face of experiencing suspicion, helplessness, fear and humiliation, such questions dominate as: Who am I? Who am I to be? How am I to be? The author draws attention to the problem of the narrator’s internal dialogue, points to its value in the educational and humanistic context. He emphasizes how difficult but important, in the process of shaping identity, is the mediation of three areas of identity and the liberating oneself from the stigma of alienation experienced from all sides.
- Author:
Adela Kożyczkowska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Neither a Pole nor a German – a Silesian – about recognizing one’s own ethnicity
The inspiration for the article is Zbigniew Rokita’s book “Kajś. A Tale of Upper Silesia”. It allowed the author to reflect on the issue of ethnic recognition of a human being as the basis for constructing an ethnic identity. The theoretical context consists of two theses: the first one (following Hannah Arendt) says that human beings always come to this world as new, as strangers, and to make their humanity more real, they need to act and speak; the second thesis (following Martin Heidegger) refers to the “truth of being” and proves that human habitation in the world is complicated. Attempts to understand the relationship between ethnic recognition and identity allowed the author to formulate the thesis that ethnicity is nothing else but knowledge about one’s family, community and the land inhabited by generations. The recognition of ethnicity itself can have three stages: 1) anecdotal identity; 2) attractive identity; 3) patched identity.
- Author:
Maria Banaś
- Institution:
Politechnika Śląska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Identity in the age of globalisation (a report on Manford Kuhn’s Twenty Statements Test taken by the students from Poland and Zimbabwe)
The global reality, and in particular the extensive network of economic, political and also strategic interdependencies, especially over the past several years, has led to a significant conversion of the educational model. As a result of the real changes taking place, whole social categories can be observed, whose life, work and also study are completely uprooted from a specific place and the concept of “we” goes beyond the borders of the local community. This raises the question of the factors that shape the “self” in the changing global world of the 21st century. The aim of this article is to compare the categories within which young people from Poland and Zimbabwe define themselves and to identify the dominant elements of a description of the “self” concept. The research tool is the Twenty Statements Test designed by the symbolic interactionist Manford Kuhn. McPartland’s (1959) codification key is used to interpret the test results.
- Author:
Joanna Cukras-Stelągowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Tackling biography. Building religious identity amidst the discontinuity of intergenerational transmission
The article explores the issues of searching for identity in the third post-war Polish Jew generation. Its purpose is to try to reconstruct the experience of becoming a religious Jew and choosing the Jewish path during adolescence faced with missing or incomplete transmission of intergenerational cultural heritage. The two biographies were investigated in terms of the educational paths of their narrators, primarily informal education, independent gaining of cultural (religious) knowledge, as well as the opportunities and limitations of formal Jewish education in Poland. The research was based on the biographical method, unstructured/in-depth interviews. The article consists of four main parts: 1. the application of the biographical method to own research; 2. the social context of the biography of the “unexpected generation”; 3. two biographical exemplifications; 4. the portrayal of the narrators’ struggles in building their own path in religious education. The exemplifications provided by the two biographies help identify the process of “becoming a religious Jew” in the “found generation”, illustrate individual biographical events and common biographical sequences. Furthermore, the article pinpoints the so-called biographical anchors, including prominent figures, religious authorities, minority organisations, and accessibility of religious education in Polish conditions – factors that contribute to the rise of the “cultural self”.
- Author:
Jerzy Nikitorowicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Inherited, acquired and individually shaped culture in selected creative biographies
The problem of identity forming is presented in the article on selected examples of creative biographies. The author points out how important in this process is the inherited culture, shaped in the family home and in the local environment. He also indicates how difficult the process of integration with the culture is when this culture is acquired in state educational institutions, conducting an internal dialogue to create an individual culture of being, achieving goals and values in positive freedom and civil disobedience. In the presented creative biographies, the author draws attention to the awareness of experiences and experiences in each of the cultures, to the ability and skill to resolve conflicts, negotiate, reconcile values, patterns, norms in the constant process of identity forming. The author draws attention to the development of a reflective identity project, conscious and responsible choices of content from each culture, the existential theme of the joy of living, being in harmony with oneself, which is particularly important in intercultural education.
- Author:
Beata Gumienny
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Creating an impaired identity of the Other in the educational environment (psychiatricization)
The aim of the article, based on a qualitative study, is to identify and interpret the meanings parents assign to messages conveyed by school personnel about the behavior of students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities coupled with autism. The main research objective is to present the mechanism of impairment of the identity of pupils in special education, known as psychiatricization. The phenomenon of psychiatricization occurs in situations where school staff abuse and misinterpret the behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities, looking for mental illness in the behaviours they present. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the misunderstood, behavioural-coded communication of pupils perceived as mentally ill by teachers who are convinced they should be diagnosed and treated with appropriate psychotropic drugs in order to subdue and quieten the awkward pupil. A consequence of the activities and discourse of school staff, i.e. psychiatricization, including stigmatization, harm, abuse of power-knowledge, is falsifying the identity of students, depriving them of opportunities and opportunities for optimal development and satisfying their special educational needs. The presented qualitative research is located in the constructivistinterpretative paradigm, and the mainstream of the scientific narrative is the critical theory.
- Author:
Tomasz Leszniewski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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A person’s individuality as the source of coping with uncertainty and risk. Reflection of Jan Szczepański’s individuality conception in connection with current mindfulness techniques
The paper attempts to answer the question: how could human individuality be a resource making it possible to cope with the experience of feeling uncertainty and risk? Jan Szczepański’s idea of individuality defines the structure and functions of that dimension of the human condition. It tries to explain the sense of man’s inner world and their reflexivity in struggling with the negative consequences due to the social organisation of collective life. An analytic view of individuality included in this concept allows for revealing the emergency nature of personal identity affected by dialogue between the inner world and the internalised outside world. The discussed concept might increase the attempt to synthesise it with the vision of mindfulness. The effect of it is a unique underlining role of loneliness in the individual process of human development and captures the moral character of individuality (hipo-egoic phenomena).
- Author:
Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz
- Institution:
Akademia WSB
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Community and individualism in constructing one’s own identity
The presented text falls within the perspective of narrative research, the development of which is a consequence of the linguistic breakthrough in social sciences. For this reason, the presented article begins with a brief description of the essence of this breakthrough. I consider narrativity and narration as a linguistic (and thus characteristic of a linguistic breakthrough) way of being in the world, a way of constructing the social world and a type of identity of a contemporary human. The subject of critical reflection in the presented text will be the story of the heroine of the Oscar-winning film by Paweł Pawlikowski, titled “Ida”. Considering this story as a case study, I will show the importance of community and individualism and the tensions between these categories of memory and oblivion in working on my own identity (i.e. the way to myself).
- Author:
Jolanta Suchodolska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Author:
Robert Mentel
- Institution:
doktorant Akademii WSB
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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On the problems of identity formation in adolescence – the borderlines of conceptualizing self-knowledge in the face of crisis
The issue of identity formation during adolescence requires consideration of multiple theoretical perspectives and socio-cultural contexts. Identity, being a dynamic process, is analyzed from the viewpoints of humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology. In this paper, an analysis of contemporary conditions of this process has been undertaken, with a particular focus on risk factors and development determinants. The authors of this text emphasize the significance of early experiences as an identity matrix influencing later mechanisms of integration during adolescence. Referring to E.H. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, identity crises are presented as natural phenomena that, under certain conditions, can lead to either integration or disintegration of personality. In this context, the difficulties faced by young people in the process of self-creation of the “Self” are highlighted, especially in the face of specific risk factors. Given that experiencing a crisis can be both an opportunity and a threat to development, depending on the support and resources of the individual, the need for prevention and education in counteracting risky behaviors and supporting healthy psychosocial development of youth is emphasized.
- Author:
Alina Szczurek-Boruta
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Identity and attitudes of academic youth – a Polish-Czech comparative study
The article is a report on comparative studies carried out in the PolishCzech borderland in 2022–2023 among pedagogy students of Polish and Czech universities. The research was placed in the objectivist paradigm and the survey method was applied. The study was aimed at determining the sense of identity of young people, at learning about values, attitudes towards other nations and types of intergroup interactions taking place in the borderland. In order to check whether there are statistically significant differences between the groups in the responses to individual questions, the Mann-Whitney U test was used. In the context of the obtained results, it can be concluded that academic youth from the Polish and Czech parts of the borderland attribute significant importance to belonging to one biological species inhabiting the earth (no statistically significant differences between groups). Polish youth are similar to their peers living in the Czech Republic. The similarities pertain to identification in the system: person – gender – nationality, to positive attitude towards other nations and to values. There are statistically significant differences between the two cohorts in their attitudes towards individual nations and in their assessment of the types of social interactions occurring in the borderland. The specificity and differences have their sources in the sociocultural, political and economic situation of the country in which the young live and in the educational system to which they have been subjected. The future is a never-ending project that is constantly changing. Borderland research is the analysis of contexts in which the construction of the vision and the use of the realities of the existing social space take place. Research on academic youth provides information not only about its condition and the image of contemporary borderland, but also about its desired shape.