- Author:
Tomasz Lenkiewicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
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Europa posiada wyraźne odmienności kulturowo-cywilizacyjne, określane na przestrzeni dziejów jako cywilizacja łacińska, chrześcijańska, europejska oraz zachodnia. Przełom ideowy w rozwoju tej cywilizacji spowodowała przede wszystkim rewolucja francuska (1789–1799), przewartościowując w istotnym zakresie wcześniejsze wartości i idee społeczności europejskich. Niemniej obecny charakter cywilizacji zachodniej – ujawniający kryzys dotyczący szczególnie warstwy aksjologicznej – ukształtowany został w długim procesie dziejowym, pod wpływem idei, które uznawano za najbardziej nośne w poszczególnych epokach historycznych.
- Author:
Katarzyna Stefańska
- Institution:
Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Hasidic tradition in Jakob Frank’s activity – possible, impossible
The article is a try compare two movements: Frankism and Hasidism, and to proof their common origin. It is necessary to relate the issue to Sabbataism and Jewish mysticism. The genesis of both movements is associated with Sabbataj Cwi activity and his apostasy from Judaic tradition. The article outlines the most important issues, that are the basis for futher reaserch.
- Author:
Paolo Rigo
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Literary Themes in the Children’s Books of Paolo Di Paolo
The article, organised in the form of a discussion, aims to analyse the themes and motifs of Paolo Di Paolo’s works that are addressed to young audiences. The author has recently published a large number of volumes directed just at younger readers. When beholding the titles that constitute the author’s bibliography, the reader is struck by Di Paolo’s predisposition to transform literary classics: as much in Giacomo il signor bambino as in the edition of the Divina Commedia, the author’s goal is to try to reach his new readers. Therefore, Di Paolo proves to be a prolific author of the genre; in fact, in his bibliography, volumes of fairy tales with a classic slant, such as La mucca volante, are listed as well.
- Author:
Patrycja Spytek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Cultural image of hospitality in Russian phraseology
In language we find traces of prehistory, folk wisdom, which was passed down from generation to generation in oral form. To better understand the legacy of a given nation, one should delve into its phraseology. In Russian we will find a lot of phraseological relationships and sayings, which prove the evolution of language and culture. Of these, an interesting group are those dedicated to culinary traditions. This group of phraseology perfectly illustrates the lives of simple people. They describe the way of eating meals and the home hierarchy.
- Author:
Adriana Joanna Mickiewicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Artykuł omawia relację między pluralizmem społecznym a tradycją (lub raczej wielością tradycji) na gruncie filozofii hermeneutycznej Odo Marquarda. Autorka przedstawia koncepcję niemieckiego filozofa jako propozycję łączącą elementy myśli postmodernistycznej oraz hermeneutyki. Zarysowuje przesłanki epistemologiczne (zwłaszcza sceptycyzm), które doprowadziły autora do przekonania o konieczności budowania własnego światopoglądu w odniesieniu do tradycji. Jednocześnie artykuł pokazuje sposób, w jaki Marquard godzi afirmację tradycji z afirmacją różnorodności i złożoności świata społecznego, w którym Inny - kształtujący samego siebie w oparciu o inną tradycję - nie tylko nie stanowi zagrożenia dla tego co „własne”, ale wręcz pozwala lepiej zrozumieć „swojskość” oraz zyskać dystans konieczny dla krytycznego myślenia o własnej tradycji.
- Author:
Miguel Martín-Sánchez
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Extremadura
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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During the last 200 years, the school and the educational system in Spain have experienced an explosion of ideas, approaches, trends, models and pedagogical currents which proclaim themselves as alternative or innovative. In this article, we are going to compare the alternative models and practices with the traditional educational model. We are going to start with a conceptualization of traditional pedagogy and the alternative models which have been presented in Spain in recent years. The conclusions of the study are going to show the relevance of the alternative educational practices; a limited relevance, which is more retro than neo; a recovery of the pedagogical memory and an updating more than an innovation.
- Author:
Magdalena Sulima
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Bialystok University of Technology
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Nowadays the issue of regional education is a very contemporary and necessary problem, seen as a future factor in cultural heritage, which can be treated as a contribution to preserving the continuity of traditional values. A look at how heritage can be protected using local perspectives in a globalized world through educational activities is also postulated by UNESCO’s global doctrines. In order to include this idea within the school education system, a certain transformation of the pedagogical reality must take place, which is a long-term process. That is why such projects are often carried out through non-formal education. Using the example of the project ‘Journey through Wooden Podlasie’, this study addresses the problem of protecting the cultural landscape and intangible heritage of Podlasie through education from an early age. Analysis of material collected, as well as the author’s own observations from the various projects carried out in the form of regional education, confirm the theory that there is a great need to implement programs of active heritage protection from scratch. Drawing inspiration from the past can be of great practical importance for future generations, and can serve to encourage children to be active participants in their environment.
- Author:
Sebastian Paczos
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
- License:
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
The role of references to history in the ideological declarations of selected Polish political parties after 1989
This paper investigates political parties’ attitude towards the past. It explores ideological inspirations and more or less consciously ‘borrowed’ by parties founded in Poland after 1989 from political groups operating in the interwar and the Communist periods.
- Author:
Anna Chudzińska-Parkosadze
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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The problem of Georgian identity at the threshold of XXI century
At the beginning of XXI century, the issue of the identity occurs as one of the most crucial problems of the contemporary science. In the light of the recent tendency of interdisciplinary and holistic attempt towards inquiring phenomenon, identity found itself in the centre of the interest of many science disciplines such as politic science, social science, philosophy, linguistics, literature studies, cultural anthropology, and so on. Nowadays we live in the world of permanent changes of the global character that concern also the identity, as a collective phenomenon, and an individualistic one. The transformation of the identity is particularly promptly accomplishing in the new democratic countries, such as Georgia. This is a very interesting phenomenon showing the transformation from the soviet model of the national reality to the European one. The situation in Georgia is being especially curious because of the fact that the Georgians are changing their identity from the post soviet citizens to the potential Georgian-European citizens. What’s more, this change does not mean the ignorance of the Georgian tradition. It turns out, that while the Georgians are willing to adapt the politic and economic European model, they are not so open to accept the European cultural patterns.
- Author:
Vincent Chesney
- Institution:
Marywood University
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Philosophical traditions impact on social policy: Comparing Poland and the United States
Healthcare policies for people with developmental disabilities (PWDD) in both the United States of America and the Republic of Poland have evolved from socially conservative to liberal philosophies. One area that illustrates this process is the rise and fall of institutionalization. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, American families with PWDD were encouraged to relinquish the identified family member to state-run institutions, as early as diagnoses were made, in order to reduce burdens on the family and society. The charity model as understood in Judeo-Christian tradition in which sacrifice was emphasized and Greco-Roman tradition which advocated for more intelligent men to rule over others for the greater good of all will be explored. Industrialization, World War II (WWII) and the American Civil Rights Movement of the 20th Century all prompted new policies toward care for PWDD. Since the Civil Rights Movement, census numbers at state-run institutions for PWDD have been declining regularly. This movement finds validation in the liberalism of modern American philosophers. Poland has followed a similar path in a general, yet truncated way. As a Soviet satellite following WWII, Poland was compelled to adopt Soviet Union traditions toward PWDD. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, Poland established policies enshrined in American and European law, such as person-centered care for PWDD. Both countries have dedicated national funds for supporting PWDD, such as America’s Medicaid and Poland’s National Disability Fund. As Poland and the United States continue to integrate services into more inclusive societies, national healthcare initiatives remain viable based on comparative studies. Quality of life indicators are offered in support of this deinstitutionalized, person-centered model.
- Author:
Lamia Askar Guliyeva
- Institution:
Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article submitted for review is written on an important topic. New publications on UNESCO’s overall mission as a promoter of science, education, culture, and art have recently been published in the Azerbaijani media. The author of this article has chosen one of the least explored and understood aspects – to align folk music with UNESCO’s guidelines. Notably, the author, a cultural critic by profession, has thoroughly researched the topical literature on folk music. Her chosen subject has found clear and concrete expression in the theoretical study of national musical creativity and specific forms. For instance, the article highlights ashug music, the concept of mugham, and the art of khanende. Additionally, this work stands out for its absence of unnecessary content regarding UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage. Instead, it focuses solely on the traditions of Azerbaijani musical art. The role and significance of cultural foundations have been developed with a programme that includes music festivals and events dedicated to Oriental music. However, first and foremost, the significance of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s role in promoting culture among the public was acknowledged, and a specific discussion was held regarding musical arts.