- Author:
Karol Bieniek
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie politycznej drogi proislamskiej Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju (tur. Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP), rządzącej Turcją od 2002 roku. Dyskurs tego stronnictwa sprowadza szereg procesów politycznych, społecznych i gospodarczych do konfrontacji „starej” Turcji z „nową”. Ta ostatnia z kolei stanowi immanentną cechę tożsamości ideowej AKP, która w okresie minionych piętnastu lat uległa istotnym przemianom. Zagadnienia te zostaną omówione w toku wywodu.
- Author:
Katarzyna Majdzik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The discourse of space - the space of discourse. the image of the city in Druga Venecija (The other Venice: secrets of the city) by Predrag Matvejević
the author of this article reconstructs the image of Venice depicted in the novel-essay Druga Venecija (The Other Venice: Secrets of the City) by Predrag Matvejević. the novel is characterised by multilingualism (loanwords from the Italian language and its dialects) and contributions from other arts (numerous illustrations, maps, photo reprints, etc.). the discursive mechanisms shaping the impression of space and the world that is represented, as well as the nonlinguistic (visual) ways of its reproduction, are analysed in the article. the narration of the novel is deprived of plot, as it is essayistic and dehistoricised. The book incorporates different genres, combining elements of the essay, travelogue novels, encyclopaediae, and portolan charts. It is characterised by minimalism and restrained language, which are distinguishing features of Matvejević’s work. the poetics of minimalism is reflected in the fragmentation of the plot, the selectivity of themes, and the simplicity of style. the writer concentrates on presenting the details, exploring unknown areas that are overlooked in other literary descriptions of Venice. the originality of Matvejević’s creative method is based on tracking down abandoned, non-obvious, and devastated places; the book, therefore, describes the passages of the city, referring random information and fragments of other stories and legends. enumeration is the most frequent figure of speech used by the writer to describe phenomena in a synchronous and non-hierarchical way. the starting point for the considerations made in this article are the philosophical concepts of the relationship of semiotic systems and different types of art (both applied and fine) to the category of spatiality (Derrida, Rewers, eco, taine).
- Author:
Ewa Kozik
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Anti-refugee attitudes of social media participants and the goals of intercultural education
The purpose of this article is to present anti-refugee attitudes observed on the Internet which show the influence of virtual space on the formation of opinions on refugees. The data collected during the ethnographic research in the period 2015–2019 concern attitudes, behaviors and narratives negating the reception of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as the grassroots criticism of Internet users against sheltering refugees in the Polish territories. Social media were shown as a tool for expressing public opposition to the prospect of accepting refugees into Poland. Among the data, there were contents that comprised an indirect or direct negation of the goals of intercultural education. An analysis was conducted of the content posted on the Facebook platform on the website “No to the Islamization of Europe”, the functioning of which focuses on informing and commenting on the events related to the “migration crisis”. The research material includes the data from 2018 – a period when the attention of the creators of this medium focused on the potentially negative consequences of accepting refugees into Europe. The conclusions of the research justify and explain the need for the goals of cultural education, which is shown here as a way to counteract stereotypes.
- Author:
Violetta Kopińska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Author:
Urszula Lewartowicz
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Functions of the discursive construction of Others/Strangers in selected cabaret sketches
The aim of the study is to identify and describe the function of the discursive construction of Others/Strangers (hereinafter: O/S) in selected cabaret sketches. The data collection method was searching sources. The analytical material consisted of seven sketches from Polish cabarets, selected systematically using the following criteria: time of publication, popularity and topic. Critical Discourse Analysis in the approach of Ruth Wodak and Martin Reisigl was used for the analysis, looking for the application of discursive strategies (naming, adjudicating, arguing, perspectiveizing, strengthening and toning), which allowed for the reconstruction of the discourses used in the studied sketches and then determining the scope of the functions of discursive construction of O/S. The results of the analyses show that in the studied sketches, the discursive construction of O/S is carried out within the framework of the main perspectives: the discourse of representatives of the Other, the discriminatory discourse and the supporting discourse, and fulfills three main functions: ludic, critical-reflective and integrative. The scope of individual functions (especially the critical and reflective function) is varied – more or less unambiguous (from clearly stigmatizing discrimination, through balancing between breaking and strengthening stereotypes, to criticism of both discriminatory and supportive discourse).