- Author:
Anna Zasuń
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Jan Długosz in Częstochowa (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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The aim of the article is to present the psychological roots of fundamentalism, which can be found in each type of the phenomenon, and also an attempt to show fundamentalism, as the configuration of certain personality traits. As the basis for such an interpretation of fundamentalism, serve the psychological approach, which relate to the personality, cognitive style, refer to the prejudices, as well as to the concept of authoritarian personality and its constitutive characteristics. Article raised the question of so–called “fundamentalist personality” on the basis of diversity of manifestations of this phenomenon and its correlation with the concepts of authoritarianism and dogmatism. Author also addresses psychological category of attitude, which is the starting point in the discussion of the phenomena, such as fundamentalism or nationalism. In the background of considerations is an attempt to organize knowledge on fundamentalism, taking into account the historical roots of the phenomenon, and also, as a complementary reflection, a legitimacy of identifying fundamentalism with terrorism.
- Author:
Marek Chlebuś
- Institution:
Komitet Prognoz PAN
- Year of publication:
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Just numbers. Notes about the Nature of a Digital World
Only digits really exist in the digital world as only matter exists in a material world. In the first one, all physical things are pure abstraction, similarly as all numbers in the second one. Digits are the only substance of the digital worlds. This hi-tech Pythagoreanism leads to a very serious consequences, not only for philosophy, but also for practice. Various concepts and rules, evident here, in the digital world may not work at all, or work improperly, and guide us to absurds when used mindlessly.
- Author:
Karolina Kaszlińska
- Institution:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa we Włocławku
- Year of publication:
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This article refers to the research and analysis by Professor Borowicz, dedicated to how primary socialization influences educational opportunities for students at the first threshold of selection. The author transfers the mechanism of the selection process presented by Borowicz into the field of early childhood education and describes the relationship between primary socialization and school achievement of young pupils. The author analyzes three groups of factors influencing the fate of a child’s school performance: psychological, social and pedagogical. The author uses the categories of pupils’ personality to connect these factors. She recognizes influences of family and primary socialization as key determinants of school achievement. She proves that the concepts of professor Borowicz are still current and exist in contemporary scientific discourse.
- Author:
Katarzyna Markiewicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland
- Author:
Bożydar L.J. Kaczmarek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland
- Author:
Lidiya Oryshchyn-Buzhdyhan
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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The study assessed whether students who contracted COVID-19 and did not fall ill differed in coping strategies. The study comprised 111 participants, including 55.9% who were infected and 44.1% who were not. It consisted of online (49.5%) and blended mode learners (50.5%) aged 19 to 31. We used the Brief COPE Inventory to assess ways of coping with stress. Among online students, 65.5% fell ill, while less than half of blended mode learners got sick. Students who contracted COVID-19 were more likely to use maladaptive coping strategies, and respondents who did not become ill were more likely to use adaptive strategies.
- Author:
Izabela Symonowicz-Jabłońska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
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The figure of a witch as a symbolic harm in the patriarchal world. Anthropological and educational contexts
The aim of the article is to present the image of a woman – marked with the figure of a witch – oriented at changing stereotypical thinking about her. A look from a perspective not contaminated by the common view of the world will indicate its subjectivity, self-realization, and the right to self-determination, which is the basic pedagogical category. The figure of the witch is ambiguous – it reflects the rebelliousness that gives strength to deal with the pressures of society not to succumb to ways of controlling women that have undermined patriarchal standards. At that time she was called a demonic, wicked, magical woman, but on the other hand, a divine, innocent victim, a real healer. For they were „wise herbalists, soothsayers and sexually enlightened beings who had not been crippled by Christian piety and prohibitions” (K.J. Sollée, 2021, p. 89). Thus, they have become an icon of an independent woman, subordinate only to herself, with a strong personality desired in today’s world.
- Author:
Małgorzata Rękosiewicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Author:
Ewa Choina, Magdalena Chojnacka, Maria Hoffman, Maria Izbaner, Karolina Izydorczyk, Katarzyna Kluczyk, Julia Kulessa, Nicola Łazarów, Dominika Rusnak, Mercedes Sakrajda, Małgorzata Walkowiak, Mikołaj Wieczór, Dominika Żelichowska
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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Psychological determinants of homeschooling
The aim of the study was to analyze the psychological determinants of starting homeschooling by parents towards their school-age children. We analyzed the dependence of this decision on personality traits according to the Big Five, anxiety as a trait, hope trait and factors such as political and religious views or parents’ own school experiences. A comparative analysis has been made with parents whose children attend public primary schools. We used Hope for Success Questionnaire (Łaguna, Trzebiński & Zięba, 2005), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Wrześniewski, Sosnowski, Jaworowska & Fecenec, 2011), IPIP-BFM-20 Questionnaire (Topolewska, Skimina, Strus, Cieciuch & Rowiński, 2014), questions about homeschooling and demographics. Stronger hope for success, ability to find solutions, willpower, emotional stability and intellect, lower anxiety and conscientiousness were observed in parents undertaking homeschooling compared to parents of school children. A qualitative analysis was also conducted on the declaration of reasons for undertaking homeschooling. The article ends with recommendations for further empirical research.
- Author:
Інна Гресько (Inna Hresko)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса (Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University)
- Year of publication:
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Self-concept as a factor of forming the person`s health attitude: empirical research
The article highlights the results of an empirical research of the Self-concept as a factor of forming the health attitude of the individual. The theoretical foundations of the concept of responsible health attitude as a position of the individual, which determines the reactions and volitional actions of a person to health factors to optimally combine his personal capabilities and the environment to achieve general well-being. The paper also mentions three levels of person`s health attitude, namely: individual level, health attitude at the group level and at the level of society. Thus, the highlighted research is aimed at exploration the individual`s health attitude, which includes the assessment of the subject`s own health, his/her actions aimed at health, and so on. In addition, the theoretical part of the article contains an overview of the phenomenon of Self-concept of personality, which is a set of all person ideas about themselves, its two poles – positive (harmonious) and negative (non-harmonious) Self-concept. It is emphasized that such a sum of all ideas of a person affects his functioning in all spheres of life, which, as a consequence, determine the quality of his/her life, establish habits and patterns of thinking, including about health and lifestyle. The results of the empirical research of the Self-concept of personality as a factor in shaping the health attitude of the individual are presented in this article. The research was conducted on the basis of several higher education institutions in Vinnytsia among student youth. The sample of the research was 226 of higher education applicants. For this purpose, psychodiagnostic techniques were used: «Individual typological questionnaire by L. Sobchik (ITQ)»; «Self-concept clarity» by J. Campbell (SCC); «Test-questionnaire of self-attitude» by V. Stolin, S. Panteleev»; questionnaires «Health Attitude Index» by S. Deriabo, V. Yasvin and «Attitude to health» (author R. Berezovskaya). The results of the formative experiment with the main group of applicants showed that with help of a specially designed program for the development of a positive Self-concept of personality, it is possible promote the formation of a responsible health attitude. While the results of the ascertaining experiment of the 1st and 2nd order with the control group of applicants were without significant changes. In particular, the training program helped to harmonize the personality of applicants, increase their self-esteem and increase the level of clarity of self-concept, which, in turn, affected their attitude to themselves, their health, increased responsibility not only for their psychological well-being, but also for somatic health, which depends on a person`s lifestyle.
- Author:
Оксана Кузіна
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Педагогічний інститут Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка
- Year of publication:
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Inquisitiv as a Stage of Cognitive Activity of Children of Preschool Age
The article considers the essence of the concept of «curiosity » of preschool children. The theoretical and methodological substantiation of the researched problem is determined. The analysis of the works of scientists allowed to emphasize the need to cover this issue. Emphasis is placed on the process of cognition, which has several stages and it begins with the innate curiosity of the child. Under the guidance of an adult, whether in a preschool or with parents at home, curiosity is formed, which later grows into cognitive interest. The formation and improvement of cognitive interest, which generates cognitive activity, which is the culmination of the development and formation of the personality of a preschool child, is highlighted. It was found that curiosity is a source of cognitive interest of the preschooler, as well as the processes underlying the cognitive activity of older preschool children. The structure of the child’s curiosity development is clarified, which is formed on the basis of elementary curiosity and with further guidance develops on the basis of children’s natural cognitive needs. The process of cognition is full of emotions caused by the process of intellectual work and the perspective that arises in the course of cognition. Signs of preschooler’s curiosity are expressed, which are expressed in cognitive issues, desire to find solutions to problems, to gain new knowledge, inner openness to people, phenomena, the world, sincere desire to meet cognitive needs and gain new experiences or impressions. The conditions of successful development of curiosity in preschool children are characterized: creation of cognitive environment (fullness of zones, centers), encouragement of manifestations of independence in solving problems, in various activities, providing information that determines children’s social experience, holistic view of the environment, a variety of ways of activity and is actualized as cognitive activity. The connection between curiosity and its importance, which will be needed in the further school stage of life, is considered, because it is the basis on which the process of formation and development of independent cognitive activity of a senior preschooler is built. It is proved that successful mastering of experience, effective development of personality occurs only in active activity, in purposeful efforts to obtain the planned result. Much depends on the human environment: understanding, stimulation, support, communication are important in the formation of personality and education of curiosity. Further ways of research of a problem of development of cognitive activity are defined: comparison of all components, stages in their similarities and differences.
- Author:
Paulina Wardawy-Dudziak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
- Author:
Irena Pilch
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
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The study aimed to investigate associations between psychopathic traits (disinhibition, boldness, and meanness) and indicators of relationship quality (satisfaction, commitment, feelings toward the partner, closeness, and relationship costs) using a variable-centred and a person-centred approach. A total of 1,292 participants completed measures assessing psychopathic traits and relationship quality. Correlation analysis indicated that boldness was positively, while disinhibition and meanness were negatively correlated with relationship quality. Subsequently, cluster analysis was conducted to identify groups of participants with different combinations of psychopathic traits. Three clusters were extracted: “disinhibited”, “callous”, and “brave-resistant”. The last cluster had an elevated level of boldness and was relatively “positive” regarding relationship quality. The results seem congruent with the presumption of a different role of boldness, compared to meanness and disinhibition, in the domain of close relationships.
- Author:
Hikmet Yazici
- E-mail:
hikmetyazici@yandex. com
- Institution:
Karadeniz Technical University
- Year of publication:
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Anxiety sensitivity (AS) has been defined as the fear of symptoms of anxiety. AS is connected with psychological and demographic variables. The author of this study sought to examine the relationships among academic staffs’ gender, age and AS with a sample of 355 practicing academic staff (female=133, male=222). Results showed that female academic staff have greater AS than their male colleagues. Results also revealed statistically significant relationships between age, moving away from social activities and AS. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
- Author:
Beata Łubianka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
- Author:
Sara Filipiak
- Institution:
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
- Year of publication:
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This paper presents an analysis of the personality traits and value preferences of Polish early adolescent students. Participants were 775 adolescents between 12-14 years (53% girls; Mage= 13.01; SD= 0.81), who completed two surveys: Picture-Based Personality Survey for Children and PictureBased Value Survey for Children. Fourteen-year-old adolescents preferred more Power values and less Tradition and Conformity values than 12- and 13-year-olds. They were also less open to experience and conscientious than their younger counterparts. 14-year-old girls had a stronger preference for Power and Achievement values and a weaker preference for Conformity values than 12-year-old girls. 14-year-old boys preferred more Traditional values than 12-year-old boys. Both 14-year-old girls and boys were less conscientious than the younger adolescents. A regression analysis with an interaction effect indicated that each age group had different relationships between gender and personality traits and their interactions with the particular value categories. The results are discussed in the context of possible practical rearing influence aimed at supporting young] preferred values and personality development in the context of education.
- Author:
Maciej Marmola
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Author:
Agata Olszanecka-Marmola
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Author:
Klaudia Jagoda
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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The article analyzes how personality determines the civic activity of young voters in Poland. To check this, empirical research combining Big Five traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, intellect) and, unlike other studies, four types of civic activity (social commitment, political participation, electoral participation, individual political activity) was conducted. The OLS regression analysis revealed a significant effect of extraversion on most manifestations of civic activity. Those who score higher on this trait were more likely to involve in individual political activity, social commitment, and political participation. Moreover, intellect was associated with individual political activity, while emotional stability had no significant impact on civic activity. The study also discovered some dependencies with the other Big Five traits. Agreeableness positively influenced social commitment and electoral participation, while conscientiousness increased political participation.
- Author:
Grażyna Łój
- Institution:
WSP Częstochowa Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Everybody may observe the influence of the psyche on the body, and the influence of the body on the psyche, in common every-day life. This mutual influence has been used by medicine for many ages and in many cultures. Research into the influence of psychosocial factors on one's health shows that the neurohormonal and immunological systems play a very important role. Stress is considered to be the main pathogenic factor of psychosomatic diseases. However, we find differences in reactions of distinct people to the same stressor. This fact has become an inspiration to develop the salutogenetic model. The psyche is a very important factor in the functioning of an old person and it is best expressed by personality (... an individual shapes throughout his ar her entire life) shaped throughout a person's whole life. The goal of my research is to show the influence a senior's personality has on their health problems. I used two methods in the research. To study the personality of old people I used the NEOFFI questionnaire of Costa and McCrae. In order to inquire about the health problems of old people I used a questionnaire form I had prepared myself. It consists of twenty questions about the health of respondents. The research covered 100 people, 60 women and 40 men, between the age of 60 and 95 that is, at the old age. As we can see in the research, personality has a very important influence on health problems of elderly people. However, diseases affecting those people are inevitable. Early diagnosis and proper treatment as well as help provided not only by specialized medical personnel but also by closest relatives or friends are very important.
- Author:
Jiří Mudrák
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Masaryk University in Brno
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
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In our article we present an overview of current research on giftedness, achievement and factors influencing their development. Determinants of high achievement such as abilities, social factors, deliberate practice, personality and others are discussed, ways of better support of its successful development are sought and its possible changeability is pointed out.
- Author:
Sanchi Pawankumar Agarwal
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Amity University, Panvel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Author:
Gautam Gawali
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Amity University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Author:
Deepti Puranik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
NMIMS- Deemed-to-be-University, Mumbai, India
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
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Suggestibility is one of the personality traits. The ability to accept signals from oneself, another person, or any type of media without feeling obligated to do so, including messages concerning physiological feelings, is referred to as suggestibility. It varies from compliance in that it requires the internalisation of a message rather than just a behavioural change. The study aims to validate the Multidimensional Iowa suggestibility Scale (MISS) developed by Dr Roman Kotov on Indian youth for future use and application. The study’s hypothesis is that the scale will be highly reliable and valid for the Indian population. The original scale established by Dr Roman Kotov consisted of 95 items to be responded to by choosing the appropriate option from five given, which was given to an Indian sample of 510 individuals. The scale includes five suggestibility subscales and two companion scales. To check the validity, inter-scale correlation and reliability was performed. The results have been positive, with high correlations among the subscales, which suggests further future use. MISS, consisting of five subscales of suggestibility and a Short Suggestibility Scale, has been validated and can be used on the Indian population.
- Author:
Arezou Asghari
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University Putra Malaysia
- Author:
Rusnani Abdul Kadir
- Institution:
University Putra Malaysia
- Author:
Habibah Elias
- Institution:
University Putra Malaysia
- Author:
Maznah Baba
- Institution:
University Putra Malaysia
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
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The presented study is aimed to investigate the mediating effect of problem-focused strategy on the relationship between personality traits and state anxiety. Three hundred and seventy five Iranian high school students were selected using the random cluster sampling method. The instruments used were the personality inventory NEO-FFI-3, the coping inventory and the state anxiety scale. Results of the structural model showed that problem-focused partially mediated the paths between E and SA, and N and SA. The findings suggest personality traits and coping strategy selections as significant predictors of state anxiety.
- Author:
Po-Chi Kao
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Chang Gung University, Taiwan
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This study attempts to explore the relationships between personality traits, loneliness, and university students’ EFL (English as a foreign language) achievement. A sample consisting of 137 freshman students from two universities participated in this study. Statistical results showed that conscientiousness was positively related to EFL achievement, while neuroticism was negatively related to EFL achievement. Statistical results also revealed that students who achieved poorer EFL results tended to consider themselves to be lonelier. In addition, loneliness was also found to have significant negative relationships with three personality traits including extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Taken together, this study would help to contribute to the understanding of personality, loneliness, and EFL achievement in university students.
- Author:
Irena Pilch
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The aim of the study was to examine the relationships between the level of spouses’ Machiavellianism and tendency to use constructive and unconstructive problem-solving strategies in marital conflicts. The study involved 100 married couples. The participants completed Mach IV and the Problem-Solving Strategies Inventory in two versions: self-report and estimation of partner behaviours. Two exploratory path analyses were performed. The analysis of data coming from selfreports proved that Machiavellianism was positively associated with the tendency to use destructive strategies (Escalation and Withdrawal), and negatively with the use of constructive strategies (Loyalty and Dialogue). Higher Machiavellianism of women was related to less frequent use of Dialogue strategy by their husbands. The data obtained through estimations of partner behaviour showed that a higher level of Machiavellianism among husbands was related to their wives’ more frequent use of Escalation and Withdrawal, as well as to their less frequent use of Loyalty and Dialogue. The results support the assumption that Machiavellianism may be treated as a factor which makes constructive solving of matrimonial conflicts more difficult.
- Author:
Karolina Skop
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
- Author:
Monika Frania
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This quantitative research examines the utilisation patterns of GPT chat platforms within the adolescent demographic of secondary school students, exploring the potential associations between such usage and their vocational interests, gender, and personality traits. The study involved 75 students from a technologically advanced high school, where tablets and iPads are innovatively implemented, largely replacing traditional teaching aids in every subject. A diagnostic survey and two psychological tests – NEO Five-Factor Inventory NEO-FFI by P.T. Costa and R.R. McCrae – Polish adaptation and Multidimensional Preference Questionnaire WKP were used. The research indicated a correlation between gender and interests and declared level of knowledge about AI tools: in the study group, boys declared a higher level of knowledge and interests. Moreover, there is no significant correlation between personality and the use of ChatGPT. Individuals with managerial and organisational interests reported higher interest in ChatGPT. Conversely, individuals with practical and aesthetic interests stated that ChatGPT restricts creativity.