Dopuszczalność stosowania tortur jako metody walki z terroryzmem w świetle standardów wynikających z Konstytucji RP, prawa międzynarodowego i europejskiego
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 67-86
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/24/ppk2404.pdf
The admissibility of use of torture as a method of struggling against terrorism in the light of Constitutional, International and European law standards
Regulations of Constitutional, international and European law provide that torturing of human being if fully prohibited. There is no any reason that could justify such an act. The author of the article analyzes a problem if it is possible to legalize torture of a terrorist to achieve information which are necessary to avoid a threat caused by this offender. In this situation – torture is the only way to get knowledge about a prepared act of terror. The author claims that provisions of Polish Constitution generally prohibit the use of torture However, the Constitution permits to establish legal exceptions to this restriction. The 31th article of the Constitution provides that each Constitutional right or freedom may be limited by a statute when it is necessary in a democratic state for the protection of its security or public order. The author also finds, that International Agreements binding upon Poland absolutely prohibit to use torture against terrorists. Treaties don’t include any provisions that would legalize any exceptions to this rule. The Republic of Poland is supposed to respect international law binding upon it. Summing up, organs of authority of the Republic cannot be authorized to use torture against any offender in any situation. Especially the Parliament mustn’t establish any law act that allows to torture a human being because it leads to a violation of binding international treaties.