- Author:
Валерий В. Коновалов
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- Institution:
Независимый исследователь
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St. Dimitry of Rostov and the «crisis» of the parish school in the end XVII century
This article is about problems of national Russian and partly Ukrainian education system in end XVI – beginin XVIII centuries and about how people try to solve this problems. Partly touches such role persons like Dimitry of Rostov and Petr Mogila. Including some interesting details about some educationreligious and cultural aspects of this time. In addition, it is about some selfidentification problems and some orthodox-catholic traditions vacillation, and how this problems are influenced to this nations history at all.
- Author:
Ruslana Soichuk
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- Institution:
Rivne State University of Humanities, Ukraine
- Author:
Oksana Petrenko
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- Institution:
Rivne State University of Humanities, Ukraine
- Author:
Iryna Budz
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- Institution:
Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, Ukraine
- Author:
Hryhorii Pustovit
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ukraine
- Author:
Roman Pavelkiv
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Rivne State University of Humanities, Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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The article contains the empirical testing results of the effectiveness of the developed methodology of national self-assertion upbringing of students in extracurricular activity against a background of the Russian armed aggression. Senior teens and high school students participated in the experiment at various stages. We have received positive dynamics in national self-assertion upbringing in an extracurricular activity of students. The introduced results prove the pedagogical expediency and effectiveness of the proposed methodology. On the other hand, developed and implemented methodology as a set of content, methods, and forms that contribute to students’ national self-assertion upbringing is effective in the pedagogical conditions.
- Author:
Beata Mydłowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Social and Medical University in Warsaw, Poland
- Year of publication:
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The article aims to refer to issues related to the understanding of national identity, assuming that the basic reference point for the theoretical analysis is the model of universally recognised European values. Attempting to concretise the concept of national identity and identify determinants affecting its shaping, reference was made to the problem of identifying Poles with European values. Since the problem of national identity was often the object of interest of researchers, especially during the intensification of integration processes in Europe and the impact of such phenomena as globalisation, migration or development of mass culture with a cosmopolitan character, there were observed increased anxieties of various nations encouraging underlining their own “separateness”, and also greater identification with the national community. The author does not treat this phenomenon as disturbing because, according to the latest trends related to the understanding of European identity, it can crystallise as the sum of the identity of European national countries.
- Author:
Leonid Chupriy
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National-Patriotic Education and Leadership, State Institute of Family and Youth Policy
- Author:
Oksana Sira
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National-Patriotic Education and Leadership, State Institute of Family and Youth Policy
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-1069-2381
- Year of publication:
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Patriotic Education as a Factorin The Formation of National Identity in the Conditions of Russian Aggression
The article examines the features of patriotic education of Ukrainian youth in the context of the formation of national identity. It is noted that this process was significantly intensified in the context of Russian aggression, when the entire Ukrainian people united into one, defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, democratic values, human rights and freedoms. Today, Ukraine is an outpost of European civilization, protecting it from the expansion of the Russian Federation. It is noted that in the context of increasing current threats and challenges, national-patriotic education is an important security factor, as it is aimed at forming the national identity of young people, their willingness to defend their homeland. It is emphasized that patriotism is the basis for the formation of national identity. It is pointed out that, in essence, national identity is a multidimensional concept that can integrate cultural, ethnic, professional, regional, gender, or other types of identities, preserving each of them. It is noted that several identity groups coexist in Ukraine, each of which seeks to become national. The first group includes identities that have a strong national-patriotic character, focused on preserving the identity of Ukrainians, the development of national language, culture, customs and more. The second group is partly pro-European cosmopolitan identities, focused on democratic pan-European values, seeking integration with the European Union. The third group includes pro-Russian identities, which are disappearing in the face of the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, as Russia has completely discredited itself by destroying peaceful towns and villages, killing civilians. The last, fourth group consists of cosmopolitan identities that perceive themselves as citizens of the vanished USSR and do not accept the values of the three previous groups. It is noted that the idea of polyethnic, social, political harmony on the basis of the generally accepted goal – ensuring the spiritual and material well-being of the citizens of Ukraine should be the basis for the formation of national identity; The idea of patriotism, love for Ukraine as a defining value; national self-esteem and respect for representatives of other nations and national minorities. It is emphasized that in the conditions of Russian aggression there is an active formation of national identity, which is based primarily on supporting the culture and language of the titular Ukrainian ethnic group, education of patriotism and the formation of the Ukrainian political nation.
- Author:
Наталія Свинаренко (Nataliia Svynarenko)
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- Institution:
Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця (Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics)
- Year of publication:
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Detrimental impact of russification policy and its consequences for the ukrainian people
On the basis of the analysis of normative legal documents and modern scientific historical literature the peculiarities of the action of total Russification on the events of modern history of Ukraine are determined. At the time of the policy of Ukrainization, Russification attacks had somewhat weakened their activity, compared to the Valuev Circular and the Ems Decree. During the period of Soviet Ukraine, Russification developed quite strongly: this was facilitated by the full Russification of the army throughout the USSR, the educational policy of the Soviet Union, the peculiarities of personnel policy for the distribution of jobs to young professionals after graduating from secondary special and higher education.Beginning in 1970, the scientific world of all the then republics of the Union was also Russified - because all dissertation defenses were approved in Moscow, and abstracts were allowed to be published only in Russian. Meanwhile, the Russian language is becoming more and more popular. The Soviet policy of Russification in Ukraine can be called a weapon of slow action, which after decades of its planned action has achieved its actual result - a war in which completely innocent people die. The cult of the so-called “Soviet man” was formed throughout the existence of the USSR. This formation was especially successful on the territory of our Ukraine.Over time, this led to certain signs of erasure of the national self-identification of the Ukrainian people and the formation of a dual mentality. The policy of our pro-presidential parties fully confirms this. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union on the territory of our Ukraine, the majority of the population were Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians and slightly fewer Russian-speaking Ukrainians. But neither the highestranking politicians nor the vast majority of society considered this to be a significant problem. A significant number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians and, on the eve of Russian military aggression, the majority of Ukrainian citizens are overly tolerant of the Russian-speaking phenomenon in Ukraine. The existence of the so-called dual mentality in modern Ukraine – pro-Western (European) and Eastern (pro-Moscow) with the appropriate cultural characteristics. You need to take into account that.The fact that the nation is aging in Ukraine, and there were more pro-Moscow mentality since independence, so there were always enough representatives of pro-Russian parties in the Verkhovna Rada. The language laws approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during its entire existence are a direct confirmation of this fact. From the point of view of the civilization approach, the view of foreign researchers (historians, publicists, sociologists, political scientists) on the problem of Russification of the Ukrainian people within the Soviet Union and at the time of independence is important
- Author:
Iryna Syrko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University
- Year of publication:
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Ukrainian diary in diaspora: aspects of the linguistic norm
The article deals with the specific features of the diary discourse of M. Halaburda-Chyhryn as a linguistic personality functioning in emigration. It has been found out, that in her diary there are lexical “anglicisms” denoting notions, which are easier to perceive through the prism of English, though they have equivalents in Ukrainian. The author retains “authenticity” of the English prototypes,“naturalizes” the foreign language elements, uses word for word translated “anglicisms” etc. Calked borrowings from English are explained by the functional, ideological, psychological isolation of the Ukrainian language in Diaspora. The use of such words reflects the bilingual`s spontaneous speech. The author often resorts to transcriptional reproduction of words by the Russian phonetic prototype to focus on the negative evaluation of events. Their spelling reflects non-normative pronunciation. There are deviations from Ukrainian grammatical rules caused by interaction with the language of the country of settlement: use of one preposition instead of another, use of passive constructions etc. The frequency of pluperfect tense form is explained by the existence of perfect tenses in the dominant language. Lexical parallelism becomes noticeable when two objective realities are compared. The most illustrative are “russisms” and “polonisms”. Many of them have roots in English. Along with “anglicisms” we come across purisms which make diaspora members the defenders of their native language. There are also lexical archaisms: preservation of letter “e” in the words of foreign origin; use of soft “л”; transmission of diphthongs “au”, “ou” through “ав”, “ов” in accordance with the pronunciation; transmission of final “tr”, “dr” through “тер”, “дер”; preservation of prothetic “г” before vowels in foreign words; transmission of “θ” through the letter “т”in the words of Greek origin; use of letter “ґ” to refer to the phoneme [ґ] both in both Ukrainian and borrowed words. Сonclusions have been drawn, that the language of Ukrainian diaspora diary is a fact of the history of the Ukrainian literary language, a product of its development and a source of its renewal at the same time.
- Author:
Urszula Kozłowska
- Author:
Oxana Kozlova
- Year of publication:
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Who am I? Meanders of national identity on the example of the fate of an ethnic Pole Ivan Iosifovich Osinskiy on the example of the fate of an ethnic Pole Ivan Iosifovich Osinsk
Who am I? Meanders of National Identity on the Example of the Fate of an Ethnic Pole Ivan Iosifovich Osinsky. The article presents the profile of an ethnic Pole Ivan Iosifovich Osinskiy, professor at Buryatia State University. It presents the process of formation of his national identity, the influence of individual elements (family, local community, professional environment, among others) on its formation. Emphasising Osinski’s sense of national identification is based on the model of the triad of identity: inherited, acquired, presented.
- Author:
Maria Swiątkiewicz-Mośny
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- Institution:
Jagiellonian University
- Year of publication:
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The paper attempts to answer the question about the relation between the construction of national identity in contemporary world and children’s literature. Qualitative analysis of books for children was made. The main assumption is that stories we tell children create a specific cultural map of narration, thanks to which children create the feeling of identity, which is both individual and social. Contemporary literature for young children, contrary to older books, is devoid of national character.
- Author:
Stanislav Buka
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- Institution:
Baltic International Academy, Latvia
- Author:
Vladislav Volkov
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Baltic International Academy, Latvia
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of the article is to consider the problems of self-perception and perception of life chances of the Russian ethnic minority in the context of the national security of Latvia. The concept of the humanitarian aspects of national security in Latvia is based on the normative understanding of the Latvian nation, the goals and objectives of nation building. In the situation of complex ethnic composition, the leading political forces of the country associate the guarantee of national security with the formation of a single national identity, which implies a subordinate position of the identity of ethnic minorities in relation to the identity of Latvians. At the same time, Latvian legislation contains norms on guaranteeing the equality of people regardless of their ethnic origin. Thus, the subordination of the identity of ethnic minorities in relation to the identity of ethnic Latvians should not lead to the subordination of the life chances of the ethnic majority and ethnic minorities. At the same time, the materials of a sociological study show that Russian youth perceive fewer opportunities for their life chances than they see among ethnic Latvians, which indicates a significant degree of insecurity among this groups of society.
- Author:
Tatiana Kanasz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej
- Author:
Agata Chutnik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Badaczka niezależna
- Year of publication:
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The importance of civic identity for Belarusians and Lithuanians
The article captures the differences in the formation of civic attitudes among Belarusians and Lithuanians. The starting point is a brief analysis of the identity formation of both nations. Then, on the basis of a comparative analysis made using representative survey research from 2012-2022, a picture concerning the importance of selected issues of civic identity is presented. Above all, it is attachment and belonging to the state, which takes into account ethnic and civic components such as language, self-understanding through identification with the territory, nationality and citizenship, changes and differences in reference to historical heritage and approaches to European identity. We present data on respect for state institutions and the law, willingness to pay or avoid taxes as a form of support and attachment to statehood, as well as preferred form of government. We also refer to data related to sentiments towards the past and understanding Russia’s role, national pride and autostereotypical features, while juxtaposing these with the question of where Lithuanians and Belarusians see their future. Finally, we point out the importance of history, political influence and collective experiences as a basis for the formation of civic attitudes.
- Author:
Joanna Beczkowska
- Institution:
Ośrodek Spraw Azjatyckich, Uniwersytet Łódzki
- Year of publication:
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The Role of (Post)memory and Film in the South Korean National Narrative and its Impact on Relations with Japan
There seems to be a barrier in relations between Japan and South Korea that, despite shared interests and values, is an obstacle to building a lasting reconciliation. Political solutions that are supposed to be permanent and unchangeable (such as the agreement on comfort women) are being undermined. The idea of unresolved historical disputes and the lack of sufficient apologies has been ingrained in South Korea, which influences the perception of Japan as a dishonest partner. Subsequently, the brutality of authoritarian rule and the restriction of civil rights became associated with the legacy of the colonial period. Although political elites on both sides agree on the need to build future- oriented relationships, these efforts encounter internal resistance. Analysis of the role played by the collective memory of the colonial period allows us to notice antagonisms that lead to the reification of reality in which lasting reconciliation without solving historical disputes is impossible. Using the film, a post-memory with a strongly emotional tone is constructed, reinforcing anti-Japanese resentments. The analysis of the development of film narratives about the colonial period serves to capture changes in the national discourse and leads to conclusions regarding the impact not only on relations with Japan, but also on the connection between the anti-colonial discourse and the criticism of authoritarian power. The rhetorical vision presented in the films has been so deeply rooted in the national narrative that changing it seems extremely difficult - which is why it constantly threatens the building of lasting reconciliation with Japan.
- Author:
Зоряна Куньч
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- Institution:
Націона́льний університе́т «Льві́вська політе́хніка»
- Year of publication:
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Language learning as a factor in preserving the identity of Ukrainians in Poland
Language learning as a factor in preserving the identity of Ukrainians in Poland. One of the primary factors in fostering national identity is mastery of one’s native language, preservation of national memory, and nurturing of cultural traditions of one’s people. The Republic of Poland is a state that has one of the most significant Ukrainian minorities and has hospitably sheltered a vast mass of Ukrainian immigrants who left the Motherland due to Russian military aggression. The purpose of the article is to investigate the possibilities for preserving the identity of Ukrainians in 17 Poland through teaching children their native language. We have implemented the following tasks to achieve the goal: 1) We have determined the role of the national language in preserving identity. 2) We have clarified the historical and political prerequisites for a large Ukrainian community in Poland. 3) We have outlined the distinct types of educational opportunities for teaching children their native language in the Republic of Poland. 4) We have revealed the trends in the positioning of the Ukrainian language in Polish society. The article draws attention to different types of migration of Ukrainians. It reveals specific differences in intentions to nurture Ukrainian identity, satisfy one’s own national and cultural needs, and avoid assimilation. We have distinguished and characterized three types of educational institutions in the modern education school of the Republic of Poland where children are taught the Ukrainian language: Saturday schools or educational institutions under public organizations; Polish secondary schools, where Ukrainian is studied as a second foreign language; Educational institutions that conduct Ukrainian language training. We have revealed that the primary trend related to the positioning of the Ukrainian language in Polish society is the strengthening of its status in line with the educational policy of the European Union due to the increased interest of Poles in Ukraine, its language and culture.
- Author:
Janusz Mieczkowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Year of publication:
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Ukrainians at the Central Cemetery in Szczecin
The aim of the text is to reflect on the importance of burials and remembrance of the dead in preserving the national identity of Szczecin’s Ukrainians. The author believes that the cemetery is a place where social and political dependencies related to the ethnic sphere can be observed. The writer’s interests focus on the role of social memory and ethnic moblization.
- Author:
Tatiana Kanasz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej
- Author:
Agata Chutnik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
badaczka niezależna
- Year of publication:
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National Identity of Belarusians and Lithuanians: A Comparative Sociological Study
The article is a comparative analysis of the national identity of Belarusians and Lithuanians. The authors present in turn the complex processes of the formation of national identity of two groups, show their specificities in the historical, cultural and social dimensions, point to the differences and similarities, which emerge on the basis of the review of Belarusian, Lithuanian and international social research, conducted in 2010–2022. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Lithuania and Belarus took different paths, which influenced the formation of a more consistent model of national identity for Lithuanians and complex and ambivalent one for Belarusians.
- Author:
Romuald Rydz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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- License:
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the CreativeCommons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
The role of anthems in the process of forming Central European national identities based on the book by Csaba G. Kiss
Csaba G. Kiss, using comparative analysis, has not only attempted to uncover the corpus of dominant motifs in national songs, but has also indicated how their selection was influenced by historical events and the traditions of individual communities. Particularly noteworthy are the sections of the work where the links between the songs produced in different national communities are presented, both in terms of their forms and content. On the other hand, what can draw exceptional admiration is the enormous erudition of the author of The Anthems of East-Central Europe, who in his investigations referred not only to the literature in the languages of the conference, but also made extensive use of Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Romanian and - understandably because of his origin – Hungarian studies. Minor errors of a factual nature are somewhat surprising, such as the attribution to Alexander I the paternity of Grand Duke Constantine, commander-in-chief of the Polish army and the actual governor of Congress Poland from 1815 to 1830. The book under review can be considered a highly successful example of the use of comparative analysis in research dedicated to the emergence of national identity in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Author:
Nartsiss Shukuralieva
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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This paper aims to analyze selected mechanisms accompanying the processes of national revival in the Central Asian republics after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The idea is to investigate the authorities’ actions, which legitimized themselves by appealing to national issues and controlling the processes of building national consciousness. The paper also covers the changes in the nationalist narrative in Kazakhstan in the context of the war in Ukraine, showing the tensions over national identities and loyalties. Some Kazakhs supported Russian aggression against Ukraine, to the great disappointment of national patriots, which has sparked a debate about how the “us” vs. “them” division should be understood in the face of war and a possible threat from Russia. Some participants in the debate question the reliability of equating national identity with loyalty to the state. In doing so, they challenge the government’s primordial narrative, in which nationality legitimizes or naturalizes the current configuration of political power.
- Author:
Oleksii Polegkyi
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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Despite the distance, Ukraine and Taiwan share parallels in the domain of geopolitical struggle and identity issues. Both are experiencing an ongoing process of national identity strengthening and redefinition. External factors, such as Russia’s 2014 occupation of Crimea and the subsequent 2022 invasion of Ukraine and China’s increasing pressure on Taiwan, have shaped both Ukrainian and Taiwanese identities and people’s attitudes. On the one hand, this paper explores the transformation of Ukrainian identity in the wake of Russian aggression, focusing on how the invasion has influenced the strengthening of civic attachment among Ukrainians. On the other hand, we explore the development of Taiwanese identity in the context of growing distinctions from mainland China, primarily focusing on Taiwan’s ongoing democratization process and developing a self-confident national identity distinct from the mainland. The rise of Taiwanese identity coincided with growing sympathy for Taiwan’s independence. Additionally, we consider the evolving nature of civic and national identities, emphasizing their fluidity and adaptability in response to political and social complexity.