- Author:
Paweł Wowra
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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Factors confirming China’s power status
Nowadays it is no surprise to anyone that PRC is put on an equal footing with the USA. Current geopolitical situation is changing in inordinately dynamic way. The situation from a few years ago seems to be very different from what we have now. In a new, multipolar world China plays an increasing role. It has become the second world’s economy after USA. There are many reasons that contributed to the current situation and it is not possible to address all of them in one thesis. Nonetheless, the important thing is to understand the reasons why China is becoming a geopolitical power.
The aim of this work is to analyze the strong and ceaselessly increasing China’s position at the national level. Firstly, the changes that occurred in China over the past 70 years were analyzed. Analysis of the historical context helps to understand the dynamics of China’s growth as well as immense potential of this country. The next part of the work addresses the events that took place in 21st century with particular focus on 2008 crisis as well as its policy and economic implications that are noticeable in the present day. This part of the work also includes the assessment of China’s dynamic development. In this work there is also a description of China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative. Financial institutions associated with initiative as well as the opportunities for Europe connected with huge funds were described.
The work is based on the latest literature on the topic, online articles and statistics retrieved from People’s Republic of China’s official statistics website available in Chinese.
The work shows that China plays an essential role in the new balance of power. Due to dynamic changes in the global balance of power China can become a leading superpower in the nearest future.
- Author:
Zuzanna Pierzchała
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The economic aspect of the superpower status of the People’s Republic of China, including its transformation process
The article: The economic aspect of the superpower status of the People’s Republic of China, including its transformation process focuses on the key events in Chinese economic modern history that led it to become superpower in its region and worldwide. The world order prevailing for several centuries was based on the domination of the European civilization. Nowadays, we have the opportunity to observe the birth of a new order based on the dominance of Asian civilization, in which China has a leadership position. That superpower has the greatest impact in the Asia-Pacific region. This is due to the unique features of Chinese civilization, as well as the success of the economic transformation that has been going on for almost 40 years, which can set an example for developing countries. The Chinese way to economic success is unique on a global scale. In addition to centrally planned and free market systems, there are also so-called hybrids that combine features from both systems. In the case of the People’s Republic of China, this system is defined as a socialist market economy. Under this system, state ownership still dominates, but state-owned enterprises have relative independence in operational planning. There are also companies with mixed capital and entirely based on foreign capital and the private sector is playing an increasing role. It is worth paying attention to how China created its own system, because the way it did is completely different than in the West.
- Author:
Krzysztof Jaworski
- Institution:
Instytut Bezpieczeństwa i Rozwoju Międzynarodowego
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Nuclear powers are losing wars too! Clash in the cognitive domain – Russian nuclear blackmail vs. Ukraine’s chances of victory
The clash conducted in the cognitive domain is aimed at influencing the will, determination, coherence of decision-making centers and threat assessment, at the level of individuals, groups and entire societies. Freedom of speech and multicentricity, make democratic societies more vulnerable to influence in the cognitive domain. Strategic signaling of nuclear readiness plays a special role among the leverage tools used by the Russian Federation. The interests of Western states have been and continue to be violated by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, the potential of Western states exceeds Russian potential many times over in a number of areas. Russia can count on a favorable resolution of the conflict for itself due to a calculation that takes into account the effective disruption of Western unity and determination to support a belligerent Ukraine, an element of which is the aforementioned threat of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons.