- Author:
Mirosław Sobecki
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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The article concerns an important aspect of the sociocultural identity which is the self-identification of an individual as a member of the community. The author stress es the importance of the profile description of an individual’s sociocultural identity. He emphasizes the need of joint analysis of the four most important areas of macrocultural identification: euro_global, national, religious and regional. The text is concluded with a methodological proposal for the diagnosis of an individual’s sociocultural identification profile.
- Author:
Валерий В. Коновалов
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- Institution:
Независимый исследователь
- Year of publication:
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St. Dimitry of Rostov and the «crisis» of the parish school in the end XVII century
This article is about problems of national Russian and partly Ukrainian education system in end XVI – beginin XVIII centuries and about how people try to solve this problems. Partly touches such role persons like Dimitry of Rostov and Petr Mogila. Including some interesting details about some educationreligious and cultural aspects of this time. In addition, it is about some selfidentification problems and some orthodox-catholic traditions vacillation, and how this problems are influenced to this nations history at all.
- Author:
Олена Рогова [Olena Rohova]
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця [Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics]
- Year of publication:
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Discussive Aspects of the Issue of Legal Myth
The axiological aspects of legal myth and mythological perception of reality were analyzed and it was found that several interrelated properties of the studied myth can be identified, which allow to assert the thesis about its own and instrumental value. In particular, the intrinsic (ontological) value of legal myth is manifested in the formation of a certain sign system, which is a reflection of legal reality in the minds of man (or society). Mythological perception of reality, in our opinion, is authorial, selective, to some extent biased. Instead, the instrumental value of legal myth is observed in the processes of human cognition of the world and legal reality, in the process of identification and self-identification of man. In particular, the legal myth is not just a means of knowing and identifying the phenomena of legal reality, but serves as a reliable apologist for the value and moral choice of man and his behavior, such a sign system that has a certain „indulgence” for any human action (inaction). The instrumental value of the legal myth is not limited to the framework of the epistemological process, the tasks of observation and cognition, but has a powerful potential for influence and transformation of legal reality. Awareness of this potential of the legal myth opens a wide space for its application in order to root in the legal consciousness of man and, ultimately, society as a whole, the relevant legal (or anti-legal) values. The principles of interaction of the legal myth and the modern state are determined. Any legal myth seeks to spread, social support, wider recognition, in the most ambitious end – official recognition and legitimacy, which is impossible without a strong state function. The legitimation of the legal myth occurs through its spread in society, receiving social support and rooting first in the legal consciousness of individuals, and gradually – in the public legal consciousness. It can be argued that legal myths permeate all levels of legal reality of the modern state, from legal consciousness (man and society), and ending with the processes of lawmaking, law enforcement, interpretation.
- Author:
Олександра Матвійчук (Oleksandra Matviichuk)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University)
- Author:
Оксана Краєва (Oksana Kraieva)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Інститут психології імені Г.С. Костюка Національної академії (Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine)
- Year of publication:
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Approbation of the training program for the formation of personal identity of adolescents
The article presents the results of the empirically confirmed approbation of the training program for the formation of the personal identity of adolescents. A study of the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ identity and the factors that determine the success of the identity crisis is presented. The study reflects the implementation of two stages - ascertaining and forming. Reliable and valid psychodiagnostic methods are used: the method «Who am I?» of M. Kuhn and T. McPartland, methods of studying personal identity of L.B. Schneider, Spielberger- Hanin anxiety scale, the test of semantic life orientations of D.O. Leontiev. Novovolynsk high school № 4 named after T.G. Shevchenko was chosen as the experimental basis of the empirical study, with the participation of 30 respondents, aged 14-16. The first stage covers the data collection on the current state of personal identity of adolescents and the factors that are decisive in the process of its formation, among which are: low rates of «Communicative Self», «Material Self»; high scores according to two identity statuses (pseudo-positive, identity moratorium); low values on the subscales «Purpose in life», «Life process», «Life performance», «Locus of control Self», «Locus of control-life»; high level of anxiety. The areas in which the identity of the adolescent’s personality is best manifested have been identified - «Reflective Self», «Social Self». The formative stage represents the development of the training program «Know Yourself» in order to realize personal identity; comparative analysis of the results obtained during the ascertaining and formative research. As a result of verification of its relevance and effectiveness at the formative stage, a significant increase in the “Communicative Self” of adolescents; reducing the percentage of respondents with a pseudo-positive identity and a moratorium on identity; increase in the indicator of general meaningfulness; reduction of general anxiety. The effectiveness and efficiency of the training program are supported by the Student’s t-test, which presents the importance of indicators of the general level of anxiety and the general level of understanding. Perspective for further research is shown in a detailed study of indicators of personal identity crisis in adolescents in the form of empirical research, which aims to understand the success of adolescent identity and assess individual factors influencing the process of overcoming personal identity crisis.
- Author:
Тетяна Шершова (Tetiana Shershova)
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Poltava Literary Memorial Museum of Panas Mirnyi
- Year of publication:
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Problems of Building and Destruction of National Identity
The article analyzes different types of identity and finds that both regional, ethnic and national, belong to the territorial identity, and regional is more volatile and unstable iv contrast to ethnic, which, in addition to territoriality involves in its consideration of historical component – memories, memory of ancestors. The article also traces the influence of cultural memory on the formation of national identity. Studies of cultural memory are interdisciplinary in nature and are the subject of reflection in various scientific discourses (historical (F. Aries, J. Lefebvre, P. Nora, F. Fure), culturological (F. Yates, M. Foucault), sociological (M. Halbwax), philosophical (A. Bergson, E. Durkheim, A. Mole), psychological (W. Wordsworth, Z. Freud), etc.). Cultural memory is formed over the centuries and transmits cultural content in the form of texts, images, inscriptions, monuments, rituals, all indicators of tradition. It is a prerequisite for self-identification, as it connects knowledge about the past and present life situation of a particular social group. The issue of cultural memory is an important research issue. Songwriting transforms the cultural memory of Ukrainians and through the emotional component of the song (folklore) forms different types of identity. Mnemics of modus, decoded and incorporated into regional culture, are stable guardians of traditions that are broadcast not only limited territories, but are able to spread to unlimited areas. Thus, regional culture penetrates into various layers of national culture, supplementing and enriching it with cultural meanings. Cultural memory is most vividly formed in the Diasporas, which is explained by the desire to preserve national identity outside the homeland. The ways of expressing identity by folk songs are outlined. National-cultural identity is defined as a sense of belonging to a national community, consideration of one’s personality through the prism of identification with its symbols, values, history and culture. The significance of folk song practices for the formation of national identity is substantiated. Cultural regional identity in modern conditions is characterized. The region covers the history of Ukrainian culture in a new perspective and contributes to the study of individual territorial centers as unique and inimitable units in not only historical, geographical and art aspects, but also is important in cultural discourse. The appeal to primary source, in particular the folk song, makes a mechanism for the preservation of national integrity, transforming through the emotional component of song performance into cultural memory, which forms the identity itself. Cultural memory combined with historical experience will result in national identity and conscious being.
- Author:
Afet Gorkhmaz Musayeva
- Institution:
Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The Problem of Hybridity, Dual Consciousness and Self-Identification in Lahiri’s Novel Namesake
The present study explores the problem of the concepts of hybridity, dual consciousness, and, accordingly, self-identification and its multidimensional manifestations in Lahiri’s work Namesake. Notably, the writer delves deeply into the cultural encounters of diasporic and colonial subjects in his movement between the binary opposite of East and West. Based on the opinions of post-colonial researchers such as Yang, Baba, and others, hybridity and dual consciousness appear to be a prototype of the consequences of the experience of displacement and social exclusion. Consequently, Gogol’s problem is characteristic of the coexistence of the Eastern diaspora and colonised peoples with other Western peoples. This article concludes that hybridity, dual consciousness and the search for identity are fundamental concepts in post-colonial literature, representing a boundary model between the Western and non-Western worlds.
- Author:
Ewa Wysocka
- Institution:
University of Silesia
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article is a short report compiled on the basis of the survey research focusing on disabled people’s conceptions of their own everyday life and of social attitudes towards impairment. The survey examined the ways of experiencing life, with regard to the following categories: self-perception; perceiving environmental attitudes towards visible disability; emotional and behavioural reactions to the patterns of behaviour displayed by the environment; assessing one’s own relations with other people; making an overall evaluation of the society’s approach to disability. The author also presents three main theoretical theses regarding shaping social attitudes towards the disabled, as well as outlines the leading strategies which people with disabilities employ in order to cope with critical situations. These are constructive and destructive strategies, related to young people’s approach to life – a positive attitude (encouraging development) and a negative one (hindering development).