- Author:
Hanna Mamzer
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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W tekście prezentuję taki sposób rozumowania, zgodnie z którym rozwój zdolności komunikacyjnych w zakresie komunikacji międzykulturowej jest złożonym procesem, który przynosi najlepsze efekty, jeśli jest motywowany wewnętrznie – indywidualnymi dążeniami podmiotu. Takie motywacje pomagają, a w zasadzie tylko one umożliwiają zrozumienie Innego, w oparciu o przekraczanie własnych granic poznawczych. Wrażliwość na różnice kulturowe, świadomość tego, jakie one są i jak można je wyznaczać, podnoszą poziom empatii. Wzmacnianie kompetencji kulturowych w zakresie komunikacji międzykulturowych sprzyja rozumieniu innych, osób reprezentujących najróżniej definiowane grupy i kategorie społeczne. Sprzyja to redukowaniu zjawiska „niewidzialnych grup” – takich, które są postrzegane jako niekomfortowy partner komunikacyjny, którego się unika.
- Author:
Dragica Pešakovič
- Author:
Domen Kovačič
- Author:
Boris Aberšek
- Author:
Martin Bílek
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The quality of education is increasingly being measured less by the knowledge gained during schooling and more by the level of competence possessed by students at doing a particular job after completing their education. Target and process-planned curricula are being replaced more and more by competenceoriented curricula, especially in science and technology education, where competences, generally defined as the ability of an individual to do a job properly, are placed at the forefront. In these, skills are not understood primarily as cognitive skills (e.g. critical thinking), but mostly as skills in connection to psychomo torics. If competence is the desired criterion for educational quality, it can be easily established that suitable instruments and methods of measurement are needed for this kind of quality evaluation, which, however, are not yet available. This is why in the field of competences a special unified competences taxonomy was developed, based on different taxonomies for the cognitive and also affective and psychomotor fields. Additionally, suitable instrumentation was developed in this study. Its use was demonstrated in the example of elementary education in Slovenia in the field of science and technology education.
- Author:
Radmila Burkovičová
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This article is aimed at presenting the results from research. The aim of the research was to verify whether children organized in groups work more effectively in achieving a common goal. The research method employed was that of a social experiment under natural conditions, with the parallel groups technique. The research group consisted of 100 six-year-old children over the course of two school years from two public kindergartens in the same location of a single town. The assumption was that the frequency of collaboration would be higher at the end of the school year for children organised by teachers into groups in order to achieve a common goal compared to children for whom this opportunity is intentionally not created by their teachers. The assumption was confirmed for the methods in which collaboration was manifested: The assumption was confirmed for manifestations of cooperation: continuous, effective communication; helping a friend; praise, encouragement. The following was not confi rmed: expression of one’s own opinion/proposal; engagement in the achievement of a common goal.
- Author:
Javier Montoya-del-Corte
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Cantabria
- Author:
Gabriela María Farías-Martínez
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Technological Institute and Superior Studies of Monterrey
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the differences that exist in the field of accounting in Mexico between competences training offered by universities and demands concerning the labor market, focused on knowledge, skills and values. The results obtained in this study show a significant degree of separation between competences training received by the accountants newly graduated from the universities and the current demands of the labor market. It is important to note that other education environment variables could be taken into account to be included in future studies following this paper.
- Author:
Tomasz Huk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article describes a primary school in Kenya, where the school’s educational space was analysed in two respects: a) safety and comfort; b) knowledge and skills development, as part of ethnographic research. The research results indicate that the school needs a change in physical space, teaching aids, and greater pedagogical awareness among the teachers. The new education system introduced in Kenya requires much more funding to ensure proper learning conditions and continuing education for teachers. If this demand is met, the quality of the education process may improve.
- Author:
Genutė Gedvilienė
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
- Author:
Ugnė Supranavičienė
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This paper presents research on the requirements and impact of servant leadership competencies development for middle managers in Lithuanian Railways. The research aimed to determine the requirements for servant leadership development. The methods of use were deduced based on middle managers’ gender, location, size of the team, managerial experience and field of activity. A qualitative research design was used based on in-depth focus group discussions with middle managers (7) and senior managers (4). Creating strategic investments in human capital development and a supportive organisational culture that values servant leadership is needed.
- Author:
Metin Toprak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Istanbul University
- Author:
Armağan Erdoğan
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Turkish Council of Higher Education
- Author:
Ömer Açikgöz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
General Director of Vocational and Technical Education, Ministry of National Education
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Within the last decade the most significant development of the European Union in the education field has been the Bologna Process. The reference point of the Process is the European Qualifications Framework at the international level, and national qualifications framework at the national level. The Bologna term of “sector qualifications” is dealt with in two different meanings. The first is related to the hierarchy of the field of education from programme to broad field in the UNESCO approach. The second is sector standards determined according to the needs of economic sectors. This paper is devoted to developing the field architecture of the scientific family of program qualifications. In this work, while the field qualifications have been developed in Turkey, international standard classifications of education, occupations and industries were taken into account; and moreover, qualifications were developed from the vertically and horizontally hierarchical point of view, and chronological perspective. In this work, it is suggested that EQF-LLL and NQF can also be applied to all types of field qualifications.
- Author:
Hana Cisovská
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Author:
Jan Karaffa
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The authors deal with the research focused on the verification of school drama education in the pre-service education for primary school teachers. The research project period covered the years 1998-2003, as part of the research project of the above organisation with the title “New Opportunities in Teacher, Educator and Pupil Education for the Learning Society of the 21st century” (msm174500001 – with Assistant Professor Hana Lukášová as the Head Project Researcher). The project results can be split into the following areas: a) Verification of the drama education methods in the study subject titled Basics in professional practice b) The development of dialogue skills in drama games (role playing) and improvisations of students studying the drama education subject.