- Author:
Olena Ionova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kharkiv H. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University
- Author:
Oksana Gres
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kharkiv H. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University
- Author:
Wiktoriia Partola
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kharkiv H. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University
- Author:
Svitlana Luparenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kharkiv H. S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University
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With the aim of determination of the influence of Waldorf approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process on the quality of education of Ukrainian junior schoolchildren, the presented experimental research was carried out over the period 2014 – 2016. Third grade schoolchildren of general educational institutions were involved in the experimental research. The organizational forms and methods of Waldorf school were implemented. They were: rhythmic organization of the pedagogical process, artistic teaching, limited use of standard textbooks and schoolchildren’s work on drawing up their own work notebooks, involvement of art elements in the study of all subjects, differentiated exercises for children with different types of temperament, use of active-practical projects, active exercises and games. The positive influence of Waldorf approaches on the quality of schoolchildren’s knowledge (fullness of knowledge and level of their assimilation) and development of their personal- motivational sphere (junior schoolchildren’s attitude to learning, levels of their cognitive activity) was detected. An increase in the level of schoolchildren’s activity and autonomy in educational-cognitive activity was found. The obtained data makes it possible to disseminate Waldorf educational experience for improving the quality of education of junior schoolchildren.
- Author:
Olga V. Bezpalko
- Author:
Nataliia A. Klishevych
- Author:
Tetiana L. Liakh
- Author:
Roman O. Pavliuk
- Year of publication:
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The article is devoted to evaluation of criteria and indicators of the measuring of university education quality. On the basis of an expert interview of the teaching/academic staff of the Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, three main criteria were identified (resourses of educational activities, organization of educational activities, the results of specialist training) and their indicators (the level of teaching/academic staff, students as subjects of education, material base, information and methodological support, technologies of training and education, presentation of educational achievements, competitiveness of graduates at the job market, professional achievements of graduates). The proposed criteria and indicators of the quality of education measuring made it possible to evaluate a methodology of measuring/monitoring of university education quality, which is the innovation of our research. A wheel model, whose rung is a criterion indicator, was included in the basis of the methodology of measuring/monitoring of the quality of education. Each rung is also a separate indicator measuring scale and it is divided into ten conditional labels.
- Author:
Dragica Pešakovič
- Author:
Domen Kovačič
- Author:
Boris Aberšek
- Author:
Martin Bílek
- Year of publication:
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The quality of education is increasingly being measured less by the knowledge gained during schooling and more by the level of competence possessed by students at doing a particular job after completing their education. Target and process-planned curricula are being replaced more and more by competenceoriented curricula, especially in science and technology education, where competences, generally defined as the ability of an individual to do a job properly, are placed at the forefront. In these, skills are not understood primarily as cognitive skills (e.g. critical thinking), but mostly as skills in connection to psychomo torics. If competence is the desired criterion for educational quality, it can be easily established that suitable instruments and methods of measurement are needed for this kind of quality evaluation, which, however, are not yet available. This is why in the field of competences a special unified competences taxonomy was developed, based on different taxonomies for the cognitive and also affective and psychomotor fields. Additionally, suitable instrumentation was developed in this study. Its use was demonstrated in the example of elementary education in Slovenia in the field of science and technology education.
- Author:
Sabina Ratajczak
- Year of publication:
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Tutoring as a teaching method is associated with the most prestigious European universities. More and more Polish universities decide to implement tutoring recognizing it as a way to create the image of an institution whose objective is to treat students subjectively and care about the quality of education. It is also a great method of improving talents and developing students’ and teachers’ academic potential. On one hand it is a method representing the elite personalized education; however, on the other hand, by means of providing the appropriate organizational conditions, it would also supplement the current educational process, which is typical for the mass education. The article presents the specific nature of the academic tutoring in terms of benefits that it would bring to the university, teachers and students. On the basis of the qualitative data collected during interviews with 15 participating in the program students from four Polish higher educational institutions, the program specificity and elements that, in students’ opinion, influence the program effectiveness were presented. The elements are as follows: relational nature of tutoring, tutor’s personality and classes in the form of individual meetings. Quoted comments indicate the effectiveness of this method, both in the context of students’ ability to be familiarized with the appropriate knowledge but also in the context of developing students’ communicative competence, ability to learn as well as increasing their motivation for learning. For teachers, tutoring is an opportunity to develop their didactic competence, to get rid of the academic routine, a chance to teach on the basis of constructing a good relationship with a student. For the university, tutoring is an opportunity to improve the quality of education and to implement methods of personalized education, which is associated with elite education and the best foreign universities.
- Author:
Marek Jeziński
- Year of publication:
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The paper concerns on advantages and disadvantages of survey researches used as tools in the process of evaluation of education quality in contemporary Poland. Education quality is usually surveyed by using questionnaires accessible in electronic internet form as a part of the USOS system. It is implied that survey, as a research method, is an effective means applicable to measure opinions, attitudes and expectations of the students. Moreover, the internet form of survey takes the most of advantages of the traditional forms of research, which makes it an efficient tool in the process of evaluation in the higher education. This way of research prevail at Polish universities.
- Author:
Gabriela Czapiewska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
- Year of publication:
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Changes in the quality of academic education in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
Through the first period of the coronavirus pandemic, and in the need to teach remotely the education system in Poland underwent the accelerated process of implementation of distance learning solutions. The task that universities set themselves in the era of the prevailing pandemic was to maintain the quality of education at the existing level, while ensuring the safety of students and lecturers. The main aim of the study is to illustrate the changes in the academic education process that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article highlights the specific features of distance learning, pointing to its positive and negative sides. To achieve the assumed goal, a query of domestic and foreign literature in the field of the presented research issues was used, as well as an analysis of secondary sources of information, mainly reports on remote education research during the pandemic. The analyzes show that the forced transfer of education to virtual platforms brought some benefits, but also resulted in a number of unfavorable changes. The educational experience so far during the pandemic has shown that the transfer of this form of verification of learning outcomes to cyberspace posed serious problems - not so much for students, but for teachers. Remote education offers hope for matching teaching techniques to the needs of students, as well as for forcing lecturers to improve the quality of their classes, also in terms of content. Distance learning techniques are therefore becoming an integral part of the education process. The issues discussed in the article may constitute a starting point for further in-depth research.
- Author:
Beata Krystyna Detyna
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- Institution:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
- Year of publication:
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Academic education in conditions of the COVID-19 epidemic threat – the perspective of students and lecturers
Understanding the opinions of students and lecturers of Polish universities on the quality of academic education during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as their recommended activities for improvement of learning processes in the event of a constant epidemic threat was the main goal of the conducted research. The main tool in the adopted research model were proprietary questionnaire forms based on the Servqual methodology. The research results presented in the publication illustrate the gaps (differences) between the expectations of students and lecturers and the aspects assessed by them, which make up the quality of academic education. 145 students, representing 12 Polish universities participated in the research. They represented both a practical and general academic profile of studies, full-time and part-time studies. In the case of lecturers, the research sample was 81 academic staff representing 20 Polish universities. According to the position held, the most numerous group of lecturers were: assistant professors, senior lecturers, university professors, lecturers and assistants. The publication presents the problems most frequently indicated by students and lecturers related to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of distance learning. Methods of improving the organization of didactic classes in the context of the epidemic threat were also presented.
- Author:
Наталія Сидорова
- E-mail:
sidorovanataliya@ ukr.net
- Institution:
Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
- Author:
Юлія Доценко
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- Institution:
Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
- Year of publication:
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Analysis and Evaluation by Teachers of the Experience of Distance Learning in the Study of Graphic Disciplines
The article presents the results of a study that was conducted to analyze and evaluate the new pedagogical experience of teachers obtained in distance learning in the context of a global pandemic. According to the results of the survey, most teachers assess this period as more difficult than the period of traditional education, but they consider the experience gained as positive and useful for the future. The teachers noted the need to master modern digital tools suitable for distance learning (video conferencing and communication services, recording audio and video lectures, etc.), design and transform their lecture courses, methodological materials and all auxiliary materials for successful online learning. Teaching graphic disciplines, as well as a new look at the possibilities of social networks, instant messengers and the e-learning system of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. At present, an urgent task is to comprehend this experience in order to understand its essence, identify positive and negative factors, determine the most effective technologies in terms of teaching disciplines by teachers and assimilation of material by students, predicting possible options for the development of the education system within the framework of not anti-pandemic measures, but during hostilities and after the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. This experience was very useful for the teachers of our country, because, despite today’s conditions, the educational cycle continues in some regions of the country. Teachers were asked questions about their psychological state in the initial period of online learning, when they had not yet gained some experience in this area, and questions about the experience, quality and achievements of the students and teachers themselves during distance learning. The opinions of teachers differed in assessing the degree of assimilation of educational material by students in the context of online learning. Most teachers believe that students have mastered the material at the same level as in full-time study, or even better; some teachers noted a decrease in this level. The need to ensure the appropriate quality of education requires finding ways to solve problems that arise in the process of distance learning in modern military and post-war conditions in Ukraine.
- Author:
Юлія Соловей
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького
- Year of publication:
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The Ability of The Future Director of a Preschool Education Institution to Carry out Internal Monitoring at the Present Stage of Development of Higher Education
At the present stage of changes in the management of preschool education, the issue of conducting a perfect system of control actions aimed at the activities of preschool education is becoming increasingly important. It is quite difficult for a modern director of a preschool institution to achieve a high level of educational activity without carrying out certain control actions. Control over the management of a preschool institution requires an examination of the educational environment, the educational process and the results of the educational process. Accordingly, an inexperienced director needs additional knowledge and skills that he can acquire within higher education. The purpose of the article is to characterize and analyze the peculiarities of forming the ability of the future director of preschool education to carry out internal monitoring at the present stage of development of higher education in Ukraine. The article analyzes the issue of control in the management of preschool education and finds that the formation of a perfect system of internal quality assurance of preschool education directly depends on internal control through which you can monitor the level of educational services in preschool education and prepare for external control; types of control in the theory and practice of preschool education management are characterized; the author’s definition of the term «ability of the future director of the preschool institution to carry out internal monitoring» is given; educational and methodological support was analyzed, namely several special courses that help increase the level of ability of directors of preschool education institutions to carry out internal monitoring; It was clarified that the future director of a preschool institution should be knowledgeable both in the field of management and in various specific areas and be able to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in practice; the interpretation of the definition of “monitoring” is generalized and defined as a system of measures, which includes: control, observation, forecasting, collection, processing, storage and dissemination of information on the educational process of preschool education. It is established that for effective management the future director of preschool education must be able to organize the teaching staff, parents and children, be able to conduct internal control, perfectly select the latest, specific information, be able to creatively, quickly and thoughtfully make non-standard management decisions. management activities, the ability to encourage the teaching staff, etc. During the analysis of information sources it was found that the priority of the director is the formation of the internal quality assurance system of preschool education and stated that internal inspections are no less important than external, and study the level of training of teachers, analysis of internal violations and their elimination is a prerequisite for preparation for external control.
- Author:
Dagmara Smalley
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Slovak Supplementary School, England
- Author:
Milena Lipnická
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Matej Bel University, Slovak Republic
- Year of publication:
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The study aims to present the need to improve education at Slovak educational centres in Great Britain based on respondents’ opinions. The research sample consisted of 56 members of the teaching staff, 81 parents and 37 children from 13 centres. Data were gathered by an electronic questionnaire modified for each respondent group. Data were processed in the program Štatistika, evaluated by descriptive statistics and hypotheses by inference statistics. Research results indicated the need to increase the quality of instruction, mainly in the innovation of methods, provision of didactic aids, support for teachers and appropriateness of instruction to children’s language skills.
- Author:
Михайло Альохін
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Приватний заклад освіти «КМДШ»
- Year of publication:
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Transformation of Secondary Education in Ukraine: in Search of a New Philosophy, Form and Formula
The author outlines the main challenges and problems faced by modern secondary education system in Ukraine: transfer of philosophy and school education formula from industrial to information age; discrepancy of competence approach in learning and knowledge (factual) approach in assessment its outcomes in the form of external independent test; lack of efficient procedures and mechanisms for individualization of educational trajectory of students with special educational needs, stigmatization of students who cannot master program material in the allotted study time. The author analyzes the results of the external independent test for 2019–2021 in terms of pedagogical and economic efficiency of Ukrainian schools. In particular, the dynamics of the number of school leavers who did not get the minimum threshold score in the main academic subjects, and the estimated cost of their tuition are considered. Special attention is paid to the discussion on the effectiveness of classroom system, it’s capacity to take into account students’ individual pace of learning and educational needs. The author suggests reconsidering the concepts of formation of secondary education institutions, in particular, through use of a matrix of components of a new modern school formula, consisting of the following components: academic autonomy, period of study, curriculum, organizational system, concept of the educational institution. The author predicts that private schools can become the driving force for resetting secondary education in Ukraine, since they are currently employing best teachers and, having wider academic autonomy, develop more efficient teaching methods and tools, that can be shared with public schools.