- Author:
Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka
- Institution:
University of Humanities in Koszalin (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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Administration is a very important mechanism for implementing tasks of the state, which consists of various types of bodies and institutions. As a collection of mechanisms it is responsible for the practical implementation of the functions of the state. This means that the way the administration is organized, especially its functioning, affects the quality of the performed tasks and translates into the image of the state in the eyes of the citizens. Dysfunctional administrative apparatus of the state is unable to solve problems and social needs, satisfy the aspirations and can even inhibit the development of civilization and culture of entire societies. In modern democracies, the administration carries out not only those tasks that are part of the classic catalog of its functions, but also fulfills the additional responsibilities of membership in supra and international structures that shape the contemporary social order. Such various range of tasks clearly shows that the meaning of the administration existence is undertaking relevant organizational, managerial and planning actions. Administrative apparatus is to be helpful in solving social problems and to serve the public – Lat. administrare. In the context of the changes and transformations of contemporary states and societies that are taking place under the influence of various factors (globalization, regionalization, integration processes, economic crises, armed conflicts), the right to good administration begins to be an issue of a particular importance. Nowadays, it is not only a fundamental right of every citizen and the principle of European administrative law, but, above all, it becomes a condition for efficient satisfaction of still growing needs and aspirations of individuals, social groups and whole societies.
- Author:
Mariusz Popławski
- Year of publication:
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Professor Ludwik Habuda is a grand specialist in the field of broadly understood research on local and regional self-governments. The value of his studies is even greater as he tackles with issues concerning not the current legal status of such bodies, but he tries to get to the core of the problem by concentrating on a more demanding topic – the key features of a decentralized and a centralized structure.
- Author:
Akylbek L. Saliev
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
- Year of publication:
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There are considered problems of imperial administration`s intervention in legal proceedings affairs of the nomadic population of Turkestan.
- Author:
Robert Gawłowski
- E-mail:
- Institution:
WSB University in Toruń (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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Co-production of public services is an increasingly popular tool in public management, although it is still a new phenomenon in Poland. Despite the attention researchers give to co-production, some significant gaps remain. In this article, the author attempts to examine the legal possibility of implementing co-production by the Polish local government by local initiative and Solecki Fund. The article aims to examine how major Polish cities gathered in Union in Polish Metropolises used local initiatives. The next step in research is to find out how Solecki Fund is spread among rural areas according to statistical data. It is proved that only a handful of local governments in Poland are truly engaged in co-production. However, Solecki Fund can be shown as an excellent example of citizens’ engagement. It is presented a possible agenda on what can be done to make co-production more popular and used on a regular basis not only in metropolitan but also rural areas.
- Author:
Radosław Kamiński
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Instytut Nauk Społeczno-Humanistycznych
- Year of publication:
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Local self-government constitutes a part of executive power in the state, with the state’s law underlying its functioning. Local government remains under the state’s supervision, representing a form of the political system within the decentralized public administration. 2018 marks 20 years of the functioning of local self-government based on a three-tier structure. The aim of the paper is an attempt at finding the answer to the question whether or not the organizational solutions adopted by the legislator and established in practice need to undergo reforms and if so, to what extent? The question thus formulated relates directly to the argument that the organization of local government system is not sound while the criteria assumed in the territorial breakdown of the local government organization do not correspond to the conditions in which those units operate, and therefore what appears necessary is for the system to be reorganized and the number of units at individual tiers to be reduced. The paper presents selected problems of the local administration in the context of a systemic organization and suggest possible (or necessary) changes which, in the author’s view, should become a subject of discussion (and in practice are such) between local selfgovernment and government administration.
- Author:
Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Pomeranian University (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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The model transformations of Polish public administration after 1989 were the result of the necessary and inevitable consequence of events related to erosion and the collapse of the „real socialism” system. Its internal decomposition, as a result of social reality inadequacy, created a situation in which it was possible to undertake deep systemic reforms in Poland. Democratization of the government system in Poland was an extremely complex process generating numerous problems and showing the scale of adversity in all spheres of social life. All political and structural changes in Poland after 1989 were also possible due to propitious external, international conditions. Especially the collapse of the USSR brought certain possibilities for Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe to regain full sovereignty, which was later expressed in membership in NATO, the Council of Europe, and then European Union accession. As a result of the systemic and political transformation process, the administration has become an extremely important cell in the democratic legal order and the entity responsible for the implementation of a significant part of public tasks at the local, supra-local and regional levels.
- Author:
Halyna Tereshkevych (s. Diogena)
- Institution:
Independent Researcher
- Author:
Danylo Halytsky
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Lviv National Medical University
- Year of publication:
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The demographic situation in Ukraine makes public authorities think about the problem of the value and dignity of human life.
The task of bioethics is to raise ethical and moral requirements to a higher level, including the spiritual level of health care workers, and to harmonize the existing health legislation with its principles.
The proposed article is an attempt to eliminate the gap in the regulatory improvement of the health care system on the values and principles of bioethics.
Many definitions used by Ukrainian law are contingent, imperfect, and contradictory to bioethics.
The purpose of the publication is to provide a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the necessity of normative and legal improvement of the health care system on values and principles of bioethics, which will serve the interests of a person, his/her dignity and unique value.
The absence of consistency in the legislation gives rise to the pluralism of interpretations about the beginning of a person’s life, which is a significant drawback in the legal field since this point concerns the inherent human right to life. The basis of inadmissibility of discrimination in the name of the equal dignity of all human beings may concern all periods of human existence from the moment of fertilization to natural death, covering special stages: initial, suffering and dying.
Public administration bodies need to involve social institutions represented by reputable bioethics experts, scientists, doctors, public activists, with the help of which the regulatory support for health care reform will be safe and beneficial for the whole society.
- Author:
Victoriia Zagurska-Antoniuk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
- Year of publication:
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The article deals with the problem of national security in the contemporary world which is greatly influenced by the process of globalization and digitalization. The paper highlights the role of national security in modern state building. The following issue has been of great interest to many outstanding scientists worldwide especially since the beginning of the XXI century. However, the subject matter of national security in the system of public administration has not been clearly defined yet. Therefore, the paper analyzes the approaches to define national security and points out its distinctive features. Moreover, it emphasizes the fact that at the level of national, regional and global relations the concept of national security is often associated with security strategies. Thus, the article puts emphasis on the predominant characteristics that help to distinguish between these two concepts. In addition, the research clarifies the characteristic features of national security as well as state security. Security, like many other categories of social sciences, does not have a conclusive definition. What is more, the category of security has an interdisciplinary significance. Therefore, scientists define it in accordance with the subject matter and the specifics of cognition and research. Nevertheless, many outstanding scholars view security as an anthropocentric category related to man’s socialessence and value. Accordingly, security presupposes having freedom from the risk, danger and the threat of change to the worse. Most scientists agree that security is a constituent of every aspect of human life. Consequently, security issues consideration is of great significance. All in all, nowadays it is greatly important to achieve a state of security as our globalized society frequently leads to different challenges and dangers. The results of the research contribute to better understanding of the issue and make it possible to introduce effective mechanisms of public administration in the field of national security.
- Author:
Agata Barczewska-Dziobek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Rzeszów
- Year of publication:
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Partnership and social dialogue are fundamental values for relations between administrative entities, because due to the nature and importance of these, they have been coded by the rational legislator in the principles of law expressed in the Constitution. Due to the relationship between administrative law and its principles and constitutional law, the postulate of including social partners in the decision-making processes of the executive authority can be observed, which is exemplified by the functioning of entities implementing joint actions in the scope of administrative programming acts.
- Author:
Nataliia Kryzyna
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
- Author:
Olha Kovalenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Kyiv Medical University
- Year of publication:
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The health care system is an important vector of effective management in the current conditions of the Ukrainian health care system. The article deals with the analysis of the main factors influencing which is the development of effective interaction between public administration and the health care system of Ukraine. In the article we analyzed activity by a qualitative method of SWOT-analysis.
- Author:
Nataliia Kryzyna
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
- Author:
Liudmyla Radchenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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Ukraine, as a modern state governed by the rule of law, has chosen one of its priority areas of development - focus on the European Union (EU) by harmonizing modern Ukrainian legislation with European standards, adapting regulations, including solid waste (MSW).
- Author:
Igor Melnyk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of the article is to explore the basic principles of information policy formation in Ukraine in the context of hybrid information warfare; identification of features and problems of information policy and its impact on the public administration system. The results of the study show that since the beginning of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine and the widespread hybrid information war, the state’s information policy has changed its vectors and priorities. Confirmation of this was the adoption of a number of legislative documents, which identified the external enemy of the aggressor and outlined directions for the protection of national interests. It is analyzed that one of the main tasks in the information confrontation of the hybrid war is the formation of appropriate information policy and information security. It was pointed out that in the conditions of a hybrid war, a systematic approach should be devised to adequately respond to the state’s power structures to the challenges related to information confrontation. In order to minimize the spread of manipulative influences in the national information space, the formation of practical mechanisms for implementing the country’s information policy, establishing communication with civil society and raising the overall level of media literacy of society is a necessary question.
- Author:
Igor Kozymenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
National Academy of Public Administration
- Year of publication:
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The article is devoted to the state regulation of the processes of modeling of the development of the coal industry of Ukraine in the context of structural transformations of the national economy. An important task of modern science of public administration is to provide systematic methods of substantiation of public administration decisions to determine the vector of development of society as a whole and individual sectors of the national economy, which actualizes the formation of a model of justification of coal industry development strategy. It is proved that the effectiveness of the organizational mechanism of state regulation is ensured through a transparent system of control over changes in the technical and economic parameters of the coal industry of Ukraine. The author proposes the formation of an appropriate tool for programming effective change within a certain cyclical nature of the industry. Systematized information on strategies relevant to planning of the development of the coal industry and the mining sector as a whole. Analytically interpreted information of the optimal plan by the method of dynamic programming using recurrent Bellman equations is presented. The optimal plan of tactical actions at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is defined. The comparison of the optimal plan with possible alternative actions of the management staffof the coal industry is carried out. The perspective plan of tactical actions through priority use of projects of the maximum profitability at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is presented. The plan of tactical actions through priority support of projects of preservation of a current condition at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is presented. The optimal plan of tactical actions in forming the strategy of coal industry development in the cycle of mining complex with good initial state of resource potential, with probable highest level of initial state of resource potential, with unsatisfactory initial state of resource potential is presented. It is proved that the current critical state of the resource base of coal mining provokes the emergence of natural irrational behavior in Ukraine, when the crisis focuses only on economic benefits without proper management of resource potential, which emphasizes the importance of public administration in resource management in crisis development programs of the coal industry. The developed methodology provides the best solution to the two-criteria problem of public administration of the coal industry: the implementation of public administration functions, including economic, and providing conditions for sustainable efficient resource use.
- Author:
Olena Milienko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Zaporizhia National University
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of the article is to implement the characteristics of the administrative contract as a component of the system of public administration tools. It is determined that the system of tools for the implementation of functions by public administration bodies must meet the requirements of efficiency of settlement of management tasks, mobility of implementation of management decisions, accessibility of administrative procedures, and openness of regulations and administrative acts. The system of tools of public administration includes decisions, actions or omissions of public authorities and local governments, which have fundamental legal significance and consequences for individuals. It is emphasized that the implementation of the concept of «good governance» must comply with the democratic principles of building the rule of law, the achievement of which requires the use of the system of tools defined by current legislation. The components of the system of public administration tools include bylaws (actually identifying them with regulations), administrative acts, administrative agreements, administrative acts and acts-plans. The normative-legal character of the administrative agreement is determined, which to some extent identifies it with the normative acts of the subjects of power, emphasizing the bilateral and multilateral nature of such relations. It is substantiated that administrative contracts have similar features that are similar to other instruments of public administration, in particular, the need to conclude them in accordance with the established procedure, aimed at satisfying subjective public rights, and so on. It is established that the distinctive features of an administrative agreement are its voluntary nature of adoption, bilateral and multilateral nature of the regulation of public relations, and one of the parties to the agreement is always the subject of power. It is concluded that in the implementation of administrative- contractual relations there is a situation of legal equality of its parties, so the mechanism for ensuring its implementation is specific. It is concluded that an administrative agreement is a public accession agreement, the content of which is the implementation of management functions related to the provision of public services, ensuring the efficient use of public property between the subject of power at the initiative of a non-governmental entity. It is substantiated that in the current conditions in order to ensure the availability of legislation, as well as to avoid the situation of emergency accumulation of an array of regulations, it is proposed to supplement the draft Law of Ukraine «On Administrative Procedure» with the following provisions: «administrative contract implementation of management functions related to the provision of public services, ensuring the efficient use of public property, concluded between the subject of power at the initiative of a non-governmental entity.
- Author:
Tamara Lozynska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
- Author:
Oleksandr Ivanina
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uzhhorod National University
- Year of publication:
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In the context of democratic discourse, civil society is given a decisive role in the formation of power and influence on power. However, between the authorities (state and self-governing) and public organizations, as representatives of the interests of civil society, mostly subject-object relations are established, where the subject is the government. The article is devoted to finding an answer to the question: can the model of subject-subject relations between the government and civil society, where both social institutions are equal participants in the political process, have practical application? Analysis of social changes in Western Europe and Ukraine gives grounds to support the point of view of those scholars who consider civil society the basis of the state, a factor that gives a specific character to each state formation, regardless of the generality of democratic processes. At the same time, attention is drawn to the heterogeneity of civil society, which is a barrier to its consolidation and strengthening of subjectivity. There is a noticeable increase in competition between the state and civil society in terms of influencing society, as well as the manipulation of public movements by public authorities to achieve political goals. However, a fairly high level of public confidence in public organizations and the potential for their advocacy allow the use of public influence to activate the population and strengthen the position of civil society in relations with the authorities.
- Author:
Polina Vedmid
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- Year of publication:
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The article conducts a comprehensive study of public information and communication space in Ukraine, analyzes its current state considering regulatory and organizational features, identifies key challenges for quality development and modernization of the industry, and identifies key dysfunctional problems that prevent high performance in domestic development of information and communication technologies. It is argued that an important role in the constructive formation of the public information and communication sector is played by the state information policy, which should be based on such principles as openness, system, equality of interests, priority of domestic producers, social orientation. It turns out that the formation of a quality public information space contributes to the development of civil society, information society and information democracy. Comprehensive digitalization of public communication will promote openness, transparency and accessibility of public information, the formation of partnerships between the public, business, and civil sectors. Three basic stages of formation of information and communication space have been identified: strategic, organizational and control ones.
- Author:
Monika Wojakowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej w Warszawie
- Year of publication:
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Constitutional right of an individual to the protection of freedom and human rights and shaping individual safety – interdisciplinary approach to the problem
The obligations of the state towards people and citizens are included in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, those concerning security in Art. 5. However, this document does not clearly define the essence of this concept. The aim of the article is to show the need to include it in the basic law. The analysis of legal acts, literature in the field of security, state and law, and own research shows that society needs an unambiguous definition of terms. Of course, it was emphasized that the clarification of the definition of security in the Polish Constitution is not a simple challenge, as it cannot be formulated in absolute terms. However, an attempt can be made to analyze the subjective and objective approach to the problem. The need to look at individual security through the prism of development and the use of individual opportunities in the light of the common good protected by law has been demonstrated.
- Author:
Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
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The political transformation in Poland, initiated in the first half of 1989, was the beginning of deep, systemic changes in all mechanisms of collective life and public authority. The transformations were characterized as complex and multifaceted, which generated new conflicts and socially perceptible costs. However, such deep changes were necessary because they opened the way for Poland and Polish society towards European standards of organization and activity of all entities of public life. The most important principles on the basis of which the new constitutional model of the state was built were deconcentrating the authority mechanism and decentralizing its powers. This meant that the administration alsobecame a very important area of transformational changes. In this regard, a special role was played by actions aimed at reconstructinglocal government which was to become an integral part of the new public authority system and to carry out a significant part of public tasks.
- Author:
Tomasz Hoffmann
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Academy of Finance and Business in Warsaw
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article discusses administrative fines imposed in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. The form and rules of their imposition allow us to assume that the pragmatics of their imposition was flawed from the very beginning of the pandemic. This is confirmed by the judgments of administrative courts which question the financial penalties in question.
- Author:
Valentina Nezhevelo
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Sumy National Agrarian University
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Current Issues of Public Administration in the Field of Land within The Framework of Functioning of the Agricultural Land Market (Current Problems and Ways of Improvement)
The qualitative development of a democratic society and the improvement of the functions of the rule of law in our country are closely connected with the understanding of human rights, including in the field of land relations. After all, the land, its subsoil and other natural resources located on the territory of Ukraine, in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, are the objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people exclusively, and are a national treasure. Today, Ukraine is undergoing a complex process of reforming land relations and adapting them to modern political, economic and social needs, especially in an open market for agricultural land. With an extremely strong agro-industrial potential, Ukraine has a significant role to play in overcoming the global food crisis. However, in the current system there is no competent and balanced state policy, and appropriate mechanisms for its implementation, on the integrated development of land relations and adaptation of land reform in Ukraine. As never before, there is a need for quality and effective public administration in the field of land use within the functioning of the agricultural land market in Ukraine. With the beginning of land status in Ukraine, new questions arose about the directions and mechanisms of improving land relations, the formation of the land market, the solution of which involves scientific and practical clarification of a wide range of problems in its infrastructure. Due to the introduction of a new wave of land reform in Ukraine, public administration in the field of land use of state and communal property should acquire a modern character. Along with the introduction of a transparent market for agricultural land, the reform also aims at transparent and efficient land management. One of the mandatory components of this goal is the introduction of an effective system of public administration in the field of land use of state and communal property. Thus, the formation of effective public administration in the field of land use within the functioning of the agricultural land market in Ukraine, including taking into account international experience, would ensure quality and rational use and protection of land in Ukraine, guarantee the rights of land owners and users and effective governance, which requires a systematic and scientific approach to addressing issues.