- Author:
Oksana Prosianyk
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Narodowy Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny im. S. Kuzneca w Charkowie (Ukraina)
- Year of publication:
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Socjalizacja i recepcja koncepcji naukowej jako czynniki jej istnienia
W artykule przedstawiony został problem socjalizacji i recepcji koncepcji naukowej jako jednej z funkcjonalnych odmian obrazu świata. Opisano proces stadium socjalizacji, czyli rozpowszechnienia koncepcji naukowej w pewnym środowisku naukowym (na przykładzie koncepcji lingwistycznej F. de Saussure’a). Recepcja koncepcji naukowej rozpatrywana jest jako proces wielowymiarowy. Autorka wskazuje na szereg czynników, które powinny być brane pod uwagę przy badaniu zjawiska recepcji.
- Author:
Mateusz Kowalski
- Institution:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
- Year of publication:
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Linguistic pictures of world and its existence
The linguistic image of the world, as a fundamental concept of contemporary cognitive linguistics, has been the subject of numerous material and theoretical studies. This resulted in a multiplicity of its definitions, which the author of this article analyzed in terms of ontological points present in them. From the point of view of kantianism and constructivism, he tries to engage in a debate with supporters of philosophical and semantic realism who perceive the linguistic image of the world as the property of an objectively existing society.
- Author:
Julia Murrmann
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Author:
Patrycja Surmaj
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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this paper focuses on the language of sports in the press, and its objectives are to analyse the specific linguistic features of the language of sports, to describe their function and to assert their possible impact on sports fans. By means of content analysis, a corpus of articles from a popular Italian sports newspaper, La Gazzetta dello Sport, was investigated in order to examine the stylistic properties typical of the language of sports. Indeed, all of the features described in this article’s review of literature on the language of sports were richly present in the corpus under scrutiny. their role consists in forming opinions, creating attitudes and arousing emotional reactions among readers.
- Author:
Barbara Grabowska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
- Author:
Łukasz Kwadrans
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
- Year of publication:
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Life in a culturally diverse environment and being a national minority member causes the socialization of young people to occur in more than one language. Language is not only a medium of culture but also a core element of identity. This article discusses the implementation of the right of national minorities to education in their languages. In Belarus, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine, there are national minorities of autochthonous character, along with schools with the language of a particular minority as the teaching language. The most developed and numerous network of schools operating in the official school system is in the Czech Republic. In Belarus and Ukraine, the legal possibility of opening and running minority schools was introduced several years ago. Not without significance is the functioning of parish schools, Saturday-Sunday schools, national or ethnic clubs. Apart from family, school is the basic place of learning the minority language, an important element of national identity. At school, learners deepen their cultural competences, within their national, majority group and European culture.
- Author:
Paweł Malendowicz
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
- Year of publication:
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Wulgaryzmy, nazywane w języku polskiego prawa słowami nieprzyzwoitymi, występują w procesie komunikowania politycznego. Polega ono na dwustronnym przepływie komunikatów politycznych pomiędzy nadawcami i odbiorcami z udziałem mediów. Wulgaryzmy są jednostkami leksykalnymi, które w przestrzeni publicznej mogą zaistnieć dzięki mediom, ale to Internet jest tym podmiotem, który je utrwala. Zweryfi kowanie tej hipotezy jest celem artykułu. Wulgaryzmy pełnią liczne funkcje w procesie komunikowania politycznego. Najważniejsze z nich to: dyskredytacyjna, eskapistyczna, katharsis, deskrypcyjna, rozrywkowa, prowokacyjna, a także – w znaczeniu symbolicznym – reprezentacji, integracyjna, delimitacyjna, mobilizująca.
- Author:
Marta Licardo
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Maribor
- Author:
Nina Volčanjk
- Institution:
University of Maribor and Elementary school Bojan Ilich
- Author:
Dragica Haramija
- Institution:
University of Maribor
- Year of publication:
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The purpose of the study was to analyse differences in speech, language and communication skills between students with mild intellectual disabilities using a narrative text written in easy-to-read text (experimental group), and students with mild intellectual disabilities using a book containing the same content but written in ordinary text (control group). The results indicate that students with mild intellectual disabilities who listen to the easy-to-read text exhibit superior communication skills in individual conversations with the teacher. Significant differences occur in all three measured variables. The research is important contribution in understanding of benefits of easy-to-read texts.
- Author:
Nino Kemertelidze
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Grigol Robakidze University
- Author:
Khatuna Kacharava
- Institution:
Grigol Robakidze University
- Year of publication:
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Communication is a means of sending and receiving information. Communication processes are used for receiving, keeping, processing and sending information. The receiver of information can be a human, any living being or a piece of material-technical equipment, for instance a computer. There are several types of communication: a) communication in the human society; b) communication among animals (birds); c) communication between technical and mechanical equipment. Besides, we can distinguish other types of communication, including: communication between humans and animals and communication between humans and technical equipment.
- Author:
Artur Laska
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Intention of this article is to test of defining attempts of the notion of discourse in the context of the interdisciplinary formulation. It appears here not only as the gathering of texts treat the connection of the statement with the definite conditions of her rise. Such approach founds the existence of interaction among the individual kinds of discoursive behaviours and the specific areas of the social life. The author tries to exchange features of discourse as one of the dimensions of the politics. He also shows the possibilities of use of the discoursive perspective in the methodology of political sciences. The analysis political discourse is correct only when it unites the proprieties of discoursive structures with the proprieties of political processes. One of the limitations the methodological mistake relates to the level of the text exclusively. These problems can be tackled on the basis of the complex analysis the title category presented in the paper.
- Author:
Rosemary J.W.B. Sage
- E-mail:
- Institution:
The UK Learning for Life Trust, College Street, UK
- Author:
Luke D. Sage
- E-mail:
- Institution:
The University of Coventry, UK
- Author:
Bożydar L.J. Kaczmarek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
WSEI University, Poland
- Year of publication:
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The study assessed children’s ability to develop narratives and express ideas. It comprised 120 children (5-10 years), and differences in relation to age, sex, and economic area were measured. To this end, we compared four schools in 2 economic areas (poor and average). We used 2 picture and 2 story re-telling tasks designed to elicit narrations reflecting the generation of ideas in response to visual and auditory stimuli. Significant differences for age and sex but not economic areas were found. Suggestions are made for balancing brain activity and developing more creative approaches in teaching and assessment.
- Author:
Zbyszko Melosik
- Institution:
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article contains a reconstruction of the struggle for linguistic dominance in global science over the centuries. In the beginning, the author presents various contexts of the role that Latin played in science in previous centuries. Then he presents the importance of French and German in this regard and the reasons for their decline. In turn, he analyzes the phenomenon of the dominance of English in contemporary global science; from its genesis through its increasing status to nearly its monopoly. What follows is the discussion of the controversies related to the primacy of the English language in scientific discourse: the accompanying epistemological and cultural invasion related to Anglo-Saxon values and the marginalization of native languages. The author also shows the distortion of content, ideas, thoughts and style when translating scientific texts from native languages into English, in order to adapt them to the assumptions of Western culture. However, there are also the views the essence of which is the conviction that publishing in English allows scientists to participate in global science and gain global visibility, as well as those that assume that modern scientific English has got rid of its imperial values and has a neutral nature, it is simply a form of international communication. In conclusion, the author expresses his belief that regardless of the language of publishing, scientists can maintain such values as passion and academic freedom.
- Author:
Izabella Bukraba-Rylska
- Institution:
Polish Academy of Sciences
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article presents a unusual take on the subject of culture not from the point of view its internal, abstract, immeasurable, yet accessible to cognition content, but from the point of view of its vehicles, or artifacts. The author of the text placed language among the most important external manifestations of culture and focused on how the relationship between language and culture works in practice. The article is divided into three parts, each focused on a different aspect of this relationship. The first one presents a series of theories on meaning and the material and immaterial manifestations of culture as discussed in the humanities. The second one is devoted to physical and corporeal meanings of language. The author presents observations in the field of semiotics which were initiated in the classical era and experimentally confirmed in twentieth-century studies. The third part of the article focuses on the issue of meaning as a biological phenomenon. The author deliberates on the meanings in language that stem from the sounds of words, articulation, and their psychological dimension.
- Author:
Diana Svobodová
- Institution:
University of Ostrava
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article deals with specific symptoms of formal adaptation of modern loanwords within various spheres of language and their usage and assessment by the contemporary Czech pupils and students. It is based on the results of long-term research and extensive questionnaire search concentrated on the written forms of selected Anglicisms.
- Author:
Daria Mishchenko
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Sumy State University
- Author:
Svitlana Baranova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Sumy State University
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The terms political correctness or PC were not used until the late 1970s. According to James Wilson (1995), a judge in Georgia, in 1973 the US Supreme Court first mentioned the term “politically correct”. Thus, the doctrine of political correctness was based on the concept of “neutral language”. It is this language, free from expressions that offend the feelings and dignity of the person, violate his human rights, must oppose hate speech (Phumsiri N., 2018). The relevance of the work is due to the interest of studying the political correctness in the modern dimension, which is explained by the growing interest in society and spread in the media. Political correctness (PC) – a term that describes the style of behavior, speech, lifestyle, preferences, but at the same time does not violate the personal boundaries of people in religious, racial, political, cultural fields (Stephen Richer, Lorna Weir, 1995). Political correctness is a kind of voluntary social code of conduct, which provides for the inadmissibility of humiliating mentions of physical or mental disabilities of third parties, about their racial, religious or national affiliation, observance of gender equality in public and private life. The term “political correctness” began to be widely used only in the 80s of the 20th centuries. It was then that conservatives from American universities began to use it to denote social movements that advocated the establishment of codes of conduct that would exclude manifestations of racism, sexism, homophobia or other unacceptable forms of behavior. Politically correct terms are a special group of neologisms that are deliberately created by native speakers to replace lexical units that, for one or another political or social reason, begin to be perceived as derogatory. A number of researchers consider political correctness as one of the manifestations of euphemism, as an integral component of its linguistic aspect (Anna Monashnenko, Svitlana Amelina, Vasyl Shynkaruk, 2021). They consider euphemisms and politically correct units as identical concepts: euphemism is one of the most effective means of expressing politically correct vocabulary.
- Author:
Bing-Yuh Lu
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Catholic St. Mary’s Medicine, Nursing and Management College, Taiwan
- Author:
Ming-Li Tung
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Tungnan University, Taiwan
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This study introduced the open educational resources (OER) aided learning in a computer aided classroom. The course materials included the OER, composed in English, and a textbook translated into Taiwan’s traditional Chinese. Furthermore, the OER improved students’ conceptual understanding of both language and professional knowledge. Finally, the conceptual color plate analysis was employed to evaluate the related factors among universities, students, and teachers. Based on the statistics of the previous OER studies, it is predictable that OER aided learning may be popular in the future. Besides, the library plays a very important role in life-long learning, and will be crucial in the future because advanced guides and indexing of digital contents and OER can give the self-learner a better tool for life-long learning.
- Author:
Gunel I. Alizade
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijan
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Paralellism with common word and non-common word in Azerbaijani proverbs and sayings
As a result of many years of observation and testing, proverbs are a collection of words that have been shaped into a certain pattern, reflecting the causes of natural and social phenomena. Proverbs and sayings, as short, laconic means of speech, reveal the origin of events and have a reminiscent feature. In Azerbaijani language, proverbs related to then national customs and beliefs explain certain truths to the younger generations and call them to the right path. The article talks about proverbs as complex syntactic whole, parallelisms with common words and non-common words in Azerbaijani proverbs. Parallel conjunctions play an important role in proverbs and sayings. Although these valuable sayings are short and concise, consisting of several sentence members, the syntactic constructions in them can be attributed to different types of syntactic parallels. These parallels are of great importance in the formation of proverbs by connecting the components of the text with each other.
- Author:
Alicja Hruzd-Matuszczyk
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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„A capital marriage” – about the potential of mixed marriages in the context of the theory of social and cultural capital
The leading subject matter of this study is the theory of social and cultural capital in the context of the functioning of mixed marriages and multicultural families that they constitute. Two parts are distinguished in my study. In the first one, the theoretical foundations are described of the introduced concepts of capital – the theories of P. Bourdieu, J. S. Coleman, R. Putnam and F. Fukuyama are referred to. In the second part, selected threads are discussed of the research into mixed marriages in relation to the theory of social and cultural capital. The study is aimed at indicating the importance of social and cultural capital rooted in the realities of family life on the example of mixed marriages and their families. The application of the theory of social capital helps to explain the phenomena occurring in social life. The presented study is an attempt to distinguish the elements that build intra-family capital, which translates into shaping intra-family relationships and influencing the external environment. Due attention was also paid to the issues of language and communication within and outside the family, as well as contacts with religion, tradition and customs in the situation of daily experience of diversity by members of multicultural marriages and families.