- Author:
Krzysztof Cebul
- Institution:
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The article analyses contents of speeches of parliament members in Sejm of the Republic of Poland during the parliamentary discussion of February 5th, 2015 over the information for Sejm and Senat of the Republic of Poland on Poland’s participation in the works of the EU between July and December 2014. The purpose of the analysis of the parliamentary discourse was to indicate differences and similarities in opinions of the representatives of major political powers in Poland within the scope of assessment of the foreign policy of the European Union. The analysis shows mainly lack of coherence in the foreign policy of the EU and existence of clear, firm division at the level of assessment of role/ meaning of Poland in the given area of activity.
- Author:
Joanna Afek
- Author:
Dorota Krupa
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The tradition of ‘sitting the month’ derived from China is still a practiced custom to have a postpartum month after childbirth. Traditional rules applicable in a postpartum period were to help women rejuvenate their bodies after childbirth, to restore the balance of the body and ensure its future health. Today’s intensive economic development of China along with the increase in Chinese people’s savings contributes to creating a special and sophisticated offer for affluent social groups. An example of such an offer are postnatal clinics designed for wealthy Chinese women who want to have their postnatal period in accordance with traditional practices. The objective of this article is to show the business aspects of Chinese contemporary postnatal clinics and attempt to answer the question on how modern postnatal clinics combine tradition with modernity to make life easier for mothers, and to what extent they are another idea for doing business. The article addresses the major factors of the demographic and economic environment, which may have an impact on the prosperity of society and on the development of the market of postnatal clinics in the region. It also presents the essence of traditional postpartum practices in China. Offers of services to mothers and their children from fortysix clinics from Taipei in Taiwan were also analysed. It turns out that postnatal clinics are a phenomenon that could occur only within the Asian community. It is a product, which is very well inscribed in the Asian mentality and cannot be transferred to any another, such as, for instance, to the European mentality. Its future is limited to the Asian markets, or, possibly, to countries which have a Chinese diaspora on their territory. Over time, along with the spread of this traditional practice with a modern twist, the number of postnatal clinics can grow, which can translate into lower prices, a worse quality and a narrower range of services offered.
- Author:
Klemens Kaps
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Johannes Kepler Universität
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
- License:
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Economy, politics and identity: Galicia and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century in the light of a historiographical debate on the empire, nation and region
This article takes a fresh look on the status of Galicia within the Habsburg Monarchy between the late 18th and the early 20th century, presenting the obstacles and opportunities of economic growth faced by imperial policy-makers. At the same time, an analysis is presented of the impact of the imperial experience on the process of forging national identities. The emphasis has been placed on how the increasing national fragmentation in a multi-cultural region affected economic prosperity.
Hospodářství, politika a identita: Halič a Habsburská monarchie v dlouhém 19. století na pozadí historiografické debaty o impériu, národě a regionu
- Author:
Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Commerce and Services
- Author:
Siham El-Kafafi
- Institution:
Arrows Research Consultancy
- Published online:
25 September 2021
- Final submission:
13 August 2021
- Printed issue:
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- Pages:
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This research paper explores the impact of sociological perspectives on the relationship between natural resources and conflicts. From these theoretical perspectives, many fundamental sources of conflict over natural resources are identified and defined. This research takes the approach of a case study in which the researchers investigate and analyze the sources of conflict happening in the Darfur region of Sudan. This case study explores the demographic changes, economic development, and social inequality among some factors contributing to conflict over resources in this region. The research findings demonstrated that various factors play a vital role in the availability of natural resources, which is the main reason sides other reasons flaring conflict in the Darfur region in Sudan. These factors are related to climate change, destruction of ecosystems, immigration, demographic change, and political changes. Even though various factors could impact the conflict of resources in the Darfur region in Sudan, these researchers focused in this research paper on the sociological perspective only.
- Author:
Natasza Duraj
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Impact of Closed Administrative-Territorial Units on the Economic Development of Russia
The main goal of this article is to present the impact of closed administrative- territorial units on the economic development of Russia. Moreover, the paper contains information on the functioning of science cities in the Russian Federation and presents information on the financial results of the company Norylski Nikiel.
- Author:
Natasza Duraj
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Economic and Social Aspects of the Development of Ancient Russia
The article’s main goal is to present the economic and social aspects of the development of ancient Russia. The paper is devoted to the problem of the formation of the territory of Kievan Rus through the prism of the development of civilization.
- Author:
Khamees Abdulqadir Salim Mohammed
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Wrocław University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Derive the importance of foreign direct investment in the world, particularly in the developing countries. FDI is critical for the developing countries which need multinational funding and expertise to expand, give structure, and guide their will to boost manufacturing and service sectors. Due to its role in promoting the growth and development wheel, providing financial resources complementary to national savings, and contributing to the transfer of technology and skills associated with modern production methods, it has emerged as one of the most significant sources of support for development. As the deteriorating economic conditions of developing countries did not leave them with many options or other solutions, their only option was to open their economies. The research touches on multiple subjects such as: Statistical Decision Theory by using statistical data to prove some of the research points, Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, Financial Econometrics which includes the financial related remarks as GDP part of the research, etc. In this sense, the goals of this paper are to highlight the importance of FDI in achieving the development in developing countries.
- Author:
Magdalena Kubarek
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The United States and Saudi Arabia in the light of ‘Abd ar-Raḥman Munīf’s City of Salt and Dave Eggers’ Hologram for King – a question about the costs of economic progress
The article analyzes two literary works: At-Tīh (The Lost), the first part of the five-volume Mudun al-milḥ (Cities of Salt, 1984–1989) series by Saudi writer ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān Munīf, and the novel A Hologram for the King (2012) by American writer Dave Eggers. The plot of both novels is set in Saudi Arabia. Both works are interesting studies of the mechanisms behind economic expansion and the impact of technological progress on the societies of the particular regions. However, both novels are characterized by a different historical and cultural perspective. Saudi Arabia illustrated in Minīf’s novel at the beginning of the oil age appears to be a completely different political and economic formation than the modern wealthy Saudi Kingdom illustrated in Eggers’ novel. The position of American capital and industry in the world economy in the first half of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century is also different. The geopolitical situation has also changed over the past decades: a new major player – China – has emerged among the economic powers. Despite these differences the analysis of both novels shows that the mechanisms ruling economic expansion remain unchanged and its costs to societies and individuals are difficult to assess. Both works also raise questions about the extent of modernization processes and cultural transformation, as well as the persistence of values, behavior patterns and thought patterns, which reveal their presence especially where the confrontation between the Eastern and Western World takes place.
- Author:
Łukasz Gołota
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
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The article aims to explain the importance of 5G technology in pursuing power and shaping the international competition between two superpowers: the USA and China. Accordingly, the research focus of this article is to explain how and why 5G technology is being used by China and the U.S. as a key instrument in their growing geopolitical rivalry. The study is framed within the theoretical approach of offensive realism. It is based on the primary assumption that superpowers like China and the United States tend to increase their power not only by expanding their armed forces and territorial conquests but also by using every possible opportunity to do so. The article researches two questions. What is the importance of 5G technology in the rivalry between China and the U.S.? How has the development of communication technologies influenced countries and their ability to shape the international environment? 5G technology is considered more than just the next generation of wireless connectivity, as it goes beyond traditional forms of use and addresses a new category of users. It is a structure intended to facilitate a new category of goods and services: smart cities, autonomous vehicles, automated factories, digital services, and robotization of decision-making processes.
- Author:
Natasza Duraj
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Influence of the Ancient Bactria’s Legacy on the Economic and Social Development of Tajikistan
The article’s main goal is to present the influence of ancient Bactria’s legacy on the economic and social development of Tajikistan. The paper provides information about the ancient Bactria’s history – the country where early urban planning traditions and statehood foundations were formed in Central Asia. Bactria included the central, southern, and eastern parts of Tajikistan. In the 6th Century B.C. Bactria was conquered by the Persian king Cyrus and became part of his Achaemenid empire. From the 4th Century B.C. Bactria became known as Tokharistan. It was the moment when the Tajik nationality began to form.
- Author:
Natasza Duraj
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Łódzki, Polska
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The Socio-Economic System of Sogdiana and the Development of Its Economy
The paper aims at presenting the social development of Sogdiana and its economy. It discusses the capital of Sogdiana – Samarkand – and its role in the socio-economic system of Sogdiana, as well as other cities of this country. As the heart of Transoxiana, the Zeravshan Valley became the centre of Sogdiana and the first state institutions of Central Asia.
- Author:
Jakub Robel
- Institution:
University of Social Science in Warszawa
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article focuses on the role and importance of the activity of local governments in the economic development process of the Council of Europe member states, taking into account the specific role of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. In the context of contemporary economic and social challenges, the effectiveness of actions taken by local governments is analysed, taking into account the specific impact of the Congress on shaping regional policy. The article is based on case studies and an analysis of the practices of local governments from selected member states of the Council of Europe, with particular emphasis on the role of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. In the context of global trends, the article points to the importance of the Congress as a platform to exchange experiences, coordinate activities and represent the interests of local governments at the European level. It also presents tools and instruments that the Congress can use to support and stimulate the activity of local governments, such as initiating inter-sectoral dialogue, promoting international cooperation and promoting standards of good practice in local management. In addition, it analyses the challenges faced by the Congress in the context of increasing the effectiveness of its activities.
- Author:
Hans Eyong
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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The success of the Republic of Korea’s Saemaul Undong (SMU) popularly understood as the new village movement has been applauded for its transformation of traditional Korean economy. Policy makers in areas of economic development have increased interest in the movement for eradicating Korea (South), extreme poverty in a historic short time. Meanwhile valid perceptions continue to emerge on whether the Korean economic growth experience can be replicated elsewhere. Proponents of this model have recommended exportation of the community engineered ideology to underdeveloped nations and in Africa, where similar challenges Korea faced in 1970 prevails. However, enumerating difficulties faced during SMU implementation has raised fresh concerns whether the movement can replicate similar results in Africa considering the complex variations that opposed it. This study explores the importance of the Korean SMU in eradicating extreme poverty and comparatively discourse the model adaptation in Africa based on geopolitical and human capital factor. We reviewed SMU literature by analyzing two country examples; the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Republic of Rwanda, known for implementing SMU strategy. The analysis revealed that While Rwanda recorded improved outcome in SMU rural facilities, the DRC pilot-units lagged the community inclusiveness. We discussed further that, regardless of the unique development strategy, exportation requires supplementary features for case adaptability.